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straight-cut tobacco

  • 1 straight-cut

    (tobacco) = en tranches coupées dans le sens de la longueur des feuilles

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > straight-cut

  • 2 ♦ straight

    ♦ straight /streɪt/
    A a.
    1 diritto; dritto; ritto; eretto; retto; corretto; giusto; onesto; perbene: a straight road, una strada diritta; straight legs, gambe diritte; a straight back, una schiena dritta, eretta; (geom.) straight line, linea retta; a straight player, un giocatore corretto; a straight man, un uomo retto; Is my tie straight?, ho la cravatta dritta?; straight thinking, modo di pensare retto, giusto; straight dealings, affari onesti
    2 diretto: straight course, itinerario diretto
    3 franco; diretto; leale; schietto; perbene; bravo: straight speaking, parlar franco e leale; He is well-known for his straight manner, è noto a tutti per il suo leale modo di fare; a straight answer, una risposta franca, schietta; to be straight with sb., comportarsi lealmente con q.; ( anche) essere franco con q.; DIALOGO → - Business trip 1- I just wish they'd been straight with us in the first place, avrei preferito che fossero stati franchi con noi da subito
    4 assettato; ordinato; in ordine; a posto; in sesto: The accounts are straight, i conti sono in ordine; Get your bedroom straight, metti in ordine la tua camera!
    5 (fam.) di fonte sicura; sicuro; attendibile; giusto; vero: a straight tip, un'informazione attendibile; un suggerimento sicuro ( circa un cavallo vincente, un investimento, ecc.)
    6 puro; schietto; liscio: straight whisky, whisky schietto (o liscio)
    7 (autom., mecc.) in linea: a straight-six ( engine), un motore a sei cilindri in linea
    8 ( del viso) serio: to keep a straight face, fare la faccia seria; rimanere serio, impassibile; riuscire a trattenere il riso
    9 ( anche teatr.) serio; convenzionale
    10 consecutivo; di fila, di seguito: four straight wins, quattro vittorie di fila
    12 (fam.) che non devia dalla norma; «sano» ( eterosessuale, o che non si droga); (spreg.) convenzionale
    13 ( boxe) diretto: a straight left, un diretto sinistro; a straight right, un diretto destro
    14 ( cricket) ( del braccio) teso: straight-arm bowling, lanci a braccio teso ( la posizione normale)
    16 (equit., ecc.) a piombo; verticale: a straight obstacle (o a straight jump) un ostacolo verticale
    17 ( ginnastica) teso; disteso: straight legs, gambe distese
    18 (fig.) consecutivo; in fila: After five straight wins they finally lost to us, dopo cinque vittorie consecutive, alla fine con noi persero
    B n.
    1 l'esser dritto; l'essere a piombo
    2 rettifilo; rettilineo; ( sport) dirittura (d'arrivo): They were even as they reached the straight, in dirittura d'arrivo si sono ritrovati appaiati
    4 ( poker) scala; sequenza: highest [lowest] straight, scala massima [minima]
    5 (fam.) chi non devia dalla norma; eterosessuale; persona «sana» ( che non si droga, ecc.); (spreg.) tipo convenzionale
    7 ( slang: di un drogato) «viaggio» ben riuscito ( senza allucinazioni)
    C avv.
    1 diritto; in linea retta; direttamente; dritto: to go straight on, andar sempre diritto; tirar diritto; This hat comes straight from Paris, questo cappellino viene direttamente da Parigi; ( calcio) A goal cannot be scored straight from a throw-in, non si può fare gol direttamente su rimessa laterale
    2 dritto; ritto; in posizione eretta: to stand (up) straight, star ritto; stare eretto
    3 correttamente; bene: The old man cannot see straight, il vecchio non ci vede bene
    4 correttamente; lealmente
    5 schiettamente; francamente; esplicitamente; chiaro e tondo: I told him straight ( out), glielo dissi chiaro e tondo
    ● (fam.) the straight and narrow, la retta via; la vita onesta: to keep to (o on) the straight and narrow, vivere rettamente; seguire la retta via □ (geom.) a straight angle, un angolo piatto □ (archit.) straight arch, piattabanda □ ( sport) straight-arm, (agg.) a braccio teso; (sost.) ( football americano, rugby) respinta ( di un avversario) a braccio teso □ ( rugby) straight-arm tackle, placcaggio a braccio teso □ (fam. USA) straight arrow, persona onesta, perbene; ( anche) persona che si attiene alle convenzioni □ as straight as a die, diritto come un fuso; (fig.) fidatissimo, onestissimo □ straight away, subito; senz'indugio; difilato; lì per lì; su due piedi: DIALOGO → - Complaining about the food- I'll change it straight away, lo cambio subito; I cannot tell you straight away, non posso dirtelo su due piedi □ ( boxe) a straight blow, un colpo che va dritto al segno; un diretto □ (fin.) straight bond, obbligazione ordinaria □ a straight choice, una scelta obbligata □ ( poker, USA) straight color, scala reale (cfr. ingl. straight flush, sotto flush /4/) □ straight-cut, tagliato per il lungo; ( del tabacco) trinciato; (fig.) onesto, fidato, serio □ straight-cut tobacco, trinciato (sost.) □ (mecc.) straight-eight ( engine), (motore a) otto cilindri in linea □ (fig.) straight-faced, impassibile; serio; solenne □ a straight fight, una lotta accanita; (polit.) una competizione diretta ( fra due candidati) □ ( poker) straight flush, scala reale □ straight from, (direttamente) da: He came home straight from the office, è venuto a casa direttamente dall'ufficio; to learn st. straight from the horse's mouth, apprendere qc. direttamente dalla fonte; to drink straight from the bottle, bere dalla bottiglia; bere a collo □ ( sport) straight from the shoulder, ( di un lancio, ecc.) (effettuato) dalla spalla; ( boxe: di un pugno) portato con la spalla; (fig. fam.) senza circonlocuzioni, chiaro e tondo: I'll give it to you straight from the shoulder, te lo dirò chiaro e tondo □ ( slang USA) straight goods (o straight dope), la verità: I want the straight goods, voglio sapere la verità □ straight hair, capelli lisci □ straight-jacketstraitjacket □ (aeron.) straight jet, aereo a reazione senz'elica □ straight-laced = strait-laced ► strait (1) □ (ass.) straight life annuity, vitalizio; assegno vitalizio □ (ass.) straight life insurance, assicurazione vita intera □ straight-line, (geom.) in linea retta, rettilineo; (rag.) a quote costanti: straight-line depreciation, ammortamento a quote costanti □ straight-line rate, tariffa fissa ( dell'elettricità, ecc.) □ straight-lined, rettilineo □ (teatr.) straight man, spalla □ straight off, sùbito; immediatamente; su due piedi; lì per lì □ straight out, in modo chiaro (o esplicito); chiaro e tondo (fam.) □ (fin.) straight paper, titolo di credito firmato (o girato) da una persona sola □ ( sci) straight plough, discesa a spazzaneve □ straight poker, poker con una sola distribuzione di carte ( ora in disuso, salvo fra professionisti e con poste elevate) □ (equit.) straight post and rail, dritto; barriera □ ( sport) a straight race, una corsa «tirata» □ (chim.) straight run, distillato primario (o vergine) □ ( nelle corse) straight stretch, dirittura; rettilineo; rettifilo □ (polit., USA) straight ticket, lista completa di candidati di un partito □ straight through, da cima a fondo: to read a novel straight through, leggere un romanzo da cima a fondo (o tutto d'un fiato) □ ( scherma) straight thrust, stoccata diritta □ straight time, orario lavorativo normale ( esclusi gli straordinari, ecc.) □ (fam. USA) (agg.) straight-up, onesto, retto, perbene; ( di whisky, ecc.) liscio; ( di uovo) (cotto) all'occhio di bue: I like my eggs straight-up, le uova mi piacciono all'occhio di bue; (avv., ingl.) sul serio, davvero, proprio così □ to come straight to the point, venir subito al punto, al dunque; entrare subito in argomento □ (fam.) to get straight, rimettere (rimettersi) in sesto; raddrizzare ( un'azienda, ecc.); raddrizzarsi □ (fam.) to get st. straight, capire bene qc. to go straight, andare (sempre) diritto; (fig. fam.) comportarsi onestamente, rigare diritto □ to have a straight eye, avere «occhio»; saper distinguere una deviazione dalla linea retta □ to hit straight from the shoulder, ( boxe) portare i colpi dalla spalla; colpire di diritto □ (mecc., edil.) out of the straight, storto; fuori squadra □ (fam.) to play it straight, mettere giudizio; rigare dritto □ to put sb. straight, chiarire le idee a q.; dire a q. come stanno le cose □ to put st. straight, raddrizzare qc. to put one's hair straight, rassettarsi, rimettersi a posto i capelli □ to put the record straight, dire (o per dire) le cose come stanno; (per) mettere tutto in chiaro □ to put things straight, metter le cose a posto; sistemare le cose □ to ride straight, cavalcare in linea retta ( saltando siepi, steccati, ecc.) □ to set sb. straight about it, chiarire la cosa a q.; accertarsi che q. abbia capito bene □ to set the record straight = to put the record straight ► sopra □ to shoot straight, sparar diritto; sparare bene; avere la mira buona □ (polit., USA) to vote the straight ticket, votare l'intera lista dei candidati, senza fare aggiunte o modifiche □ Keep straight on!, andate sempre dritto!
    FALSI AMICI: straight non significa stretto. NOTA D'USO: - straight o strait?-

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ straight

  • 3 cut

    cut [kʌt]
    couper1 (a)-(f), 1 (h), 1 (j), 1 (o), 1 (q), 1 (t), 2 (a), 2 (d)-(g) découper1 (b) tondre1 (c) interrompre1 (f) arrêter1 (g) réduire1 (i), 1 (j) blesser1 (k) manquer1 (m) percer1 (n) graver1 (p) monter1 (r) se couper2 (b) faire mal2 (c) coupure3 (a), 3 (b), 3 (f) coup3 (c), 3 (g) morceau3 (d) réduction3 (e) coupe3 (h), 3 (k) part3 (i) coupé4 (a), 4 (c) réduit4 (b)
    (pt & pp cut, cont cutting)
    (a) (incise, slash, sever) couper;
    cut the box open with the knife ouvrez la boîte avec le couteau;
    he fell and cut his knee (open) il s'est ouvert le genou en tombant;
    she cut her hand elle s'est coupé la main ou à la main;
    he cut his wrists il s'est ouvert ou taillé les veines;
    to cut one's throat se trancher la gorge;
    they cut his throat ils lui ont coupé ou tranché la gorge, ils l'ont égorgé;
    they cut the prisoners free or loose ils ont détaché les prisonniers;
    figurative to cut oneself loose from sth se libérer de qch;
    they cut our supply line ils nous ont coupé notre approvisionnement;
    figurative the fog's so thick you could cut it with a knife il y a un brouillard à couper au couteau;
    the atmosphere was so tense, you could cut it with a knife l'atmosphère était extrêmement tendue;
    you're cutting your own throat c'est du suicide
    (b) (divide into parts) couper, découper; (meat) découper; (slice) découper en tranches;
    she cut articles from the paper elle découpait des articles dans le journal;
    cut the cake in half/in three pieces coupez le gâteau en deux/en trois;
    to cut sth to shreds or to ribbons mettre qch en pièces;
    figurative the enemy cut the army to pieces l'ennemi a taillé l'armée en pièces;
    figurative the critics cut the play to pieces les critiques ont esquinté la pièce
    (c) (trim → grass, lawn) tondre; (→ bush, tree) tailler; (reap → crop) couper, faucher;
    I'll have to cut the grass this weekend il faudra que je tonde la pelouse ce week-end;
    I cut my nails/my hair je me suis coupé les ongles/les cheveux;
    you've had your hair cut vous vous êtes fait couper les cheveux
    (d) (shape → dress, suit) couper; (→ diamond, glass, key) tailler; (→ screw) fileter; (dig → channel, tunnel) creuser, percer; (engrave) graver; (sculpt) sculpter;
    steps had been cut in the rock on avait taillé des marches dans le rocher;
    we cut our way through the crowd nous nous sommes frayé ou ouvert un chemin à travers la foule;
    the advance cut a swath through the enemy's defences l'avance des troupes ouvrit une brèche dans la défense ennemie;
    proverb cut your coat according to your cloth = il ne faut pas vivre au-dessus de ses moyens
    (e) (cross, traverse) couper, croiser; Mathematics couper;
    where the path cuts the road à l'endroit où le chemin coupe la route
    (f) (interrupt) interrompre, couper;
    to cut sb short couper la parole à qn;
    we had to cut our visit short nous avons dû écourter notre visite;
    his career was tragically cut short by illness sa carrière a été tragiquement interrompue par la maladie;
    to cut a long story short, I left bref ou en deux mots, je suis parti
    (g) (stop) arrêter, cesser;
    he cut working weekends il a arrêté de travailler le weekend;
    cut the very familiar crap or vulgar shit! arrête tes conneries!
    (h) (switch off) couper;
    cut the lights! coupez la lumière!, éteignez!;
    he cut the engine il a coupé ou arrêté le moteur
    (i) (reduce → numbers, spending) réduire; (→ production) diminuer; (→ speech) abréger, raccourcir;
    we cut our costs by half nous avons réduit nos frais de moitié;
    they cut taxes in the run-up to the election ils ont réduit les impôts juste avant les élections;
    to cut prices casser les prix;
    the athlete cut five seconds off the world record or cut the world record by five seconds l'athlète a amélioré le record mondial de cinq secondes
    (j) Cinema & Television (edit out) faire des coupures dans, réduire; (drop) couper;
    the censors cut all scenes of violence la censure a coupé ou supprimé toutes les scènes de violence;
    the film was cut to 100 minutes le film a été ramené à 100 minutes
    (k) (hurt feelings of) blesser profondément;
    her remark cut me deeply sa remarque m'a profondément blessé
    (l) familiar (ignore, snub)
    they cut me (dead) in the street dans la rue ils ont fait comme s'ils ne me voyaient pas ;
    he cut me dead for days after our argument il m'a battu froid pendant des jours après notre dispute
    (m) familiar (absent oneself from → meeting, appointment etc) manquer (volontairement), sauter ;
    I had to cut lunch in order to get there on time j'ai dû me passer de déjeuner pour arriver à l'heure;
    the students cut class les étudiants ont séché le cours;
    to cut school sécher les cours
    (n) (tooth) percer;
    the baby is cutting his first tooth le bébé perce sa première dent;
    familiar figurative a pianist who cut her teeth on Bach une pianiste qui s'est fait la main sur du Bach
    (o) (dilute) couper
    (p) (record, track) graver, faire
    to cut the cards couper
    (r) Cinema (edit → film) monter
    (t) Sport (ball) couper
    to cut the ground from under sb's feet couper l'herbe sous le pied de qn;
    her promotion cut the ground from under his feet sa promotion lui a coupé l'herbe sous le pied;
    familiar he couldn't cut it, he couldn't cut the mustard il n'était pas à la hauteur ;
    to cut sth fine compter un peu juste, ne pas se laisser de marge;
    you're cutting it a bit fine vous comptez un peu juste;
    an hour is cutting it too fine une heure, ce n'est pas suffisant;
    familiar that argument cuts no ice with me cet argument ne m'impressionne pas ;
    to cut a fine figure avoir fière allure;
    to cut one's losses sauver les meubles;
    we decided to cut our losses nous avons décidé de sauver les meubles;
    to cut a caper or capers (skip) faire des cabrioles, gambader; (fool around) faire l'idiot;
    Cars to cut a corner prendre un virage à la corde, couper un virage; figurative sauter des étapes;
    figurative to cut corners (economize excessively) faire des économies exagérées; (not follow rules) contourner les règlements;
    if you cut corners now you'll just have more work to do later on si tu fais les choses trop vite maintenant, tu auras plus à faire plus tard;
    figurative she doesn't believe in cutting corners elle fait toujours les choses à fond;
    figurative they cut corners to finish on time ils ont brûlé les étapes pour finir à temps;
    old-fashioned to cut a rug danser
    (a) (incise, slash) couper, trancher;
    this knife doesn't cut ce couteau ne coupe pas bien;
    cut around the edge découpez ou coupez en suivant le bord;
    she cut into the bread elle a entamé le pain;
    the rope cut into my wrists la corde m'a coupé ou cisaillé les poignets;
    the string is cutting into me le cordon me coupe la chair;
    figurative he cut through all the red tape il s'est dispensé de toutes les formalités administratives;
    figurative the whip cut through the air le fouet fendit l'air;
    figurative the yacht cut through the waves le yacht fendait les vagues;
    Nautical the boat cut loose le bateau a rompu les amarres;
    figurative to cut loose se libérer;
    to cut and run se sauver, filer;
    that argument cuts both or two ways c'est un argument à double tranchant
    (b) (cloth, paper) se couper;
    this meat cuts easily cette viande se coupe facilement;
    the cake will cut into six pieces ce gâteau peut se couper en six
    (c) (hurtfully) faire mal
    (d) (take shorter route) couper, passer;
    cut through the back way and you'll get there first coupez par derrière et vous arriverez (là-bas) les premiers;
    we cut across the fields nous avons coupé par les champs
    (e) (cross) traverser, couper; Mathematics (lines) se couper;
    this path cuts across or through the swamp ce sentier traverse ou coupe à travers le marécage
    (f) (in cards) couper;
    they cut for the deal ils ont coupé avant de donner
    the film cuts straight from the love scene to the funeral l'image passe directement de la scène d'amour à l'enterrement;
    cut! coupez!
    3 noun
    (a) (slit) coupure f; (deeper) entaille f; (wound) balafre f; Medicine incision f;
    a cut on the arm une coupure ou une entaille au bras;
    she had a nasty cut on her leg from the fall elle s'était fait une vilaine entaille à la jambe en tombant;
    to be a cut above (the rest) être nettement mieux que les autres ou le reste;
    that film is a cut above the others ce film est nettement mieux que les autres
    (b) (act of cutting) coupure f, entaille f;
    to make a cut in sth (with knife, scissors etc) faire une entaille dans qch
    (c) (blow, stroke) coup m;
    a knife/sword cut un coup de couteau/d'épée;
    a saw cut un trait de scie;
    figurative his treachery was the unkindest cut of all sa trahison était le coup le plus perfide
    (d) (meat → piece) morceau m; (→ slice) tranche f;
    a cut off the joint un morceau de rôti;
    prime cut morceau m de (premier) choix;
    cheap cuts bas morceaux mpl
    (e) (reduction → in price, taxes) réduction f, diminution f; (→ in staff) compression f;
    a cut in government spending une réduction ou diminution des dépenses publiques;
    the cuts in the Health Service la réduction ou diminution du budget de la santé;
    she took a cut in pay elle a subi une diminution ou réduction de salaire;
    Finance the cuts les compressions fpl budgétaires;
    power or electricity cut coupure f de courant
    (f) (deletion) coupure f;
    they made several cuts in the film ils ont fait plusieurs coupures dans le film
    (g) (gibe, nasty remark) trait m, coup m
    (h) (shape, style → of clothes, hair) coupe f; (→ of jewel) taille f;
    the cut of a suit la coupe d'un costume
    (i) familiar (portion, share) part f;
    what's his cut (of the profits)? à combien s'élève sa part?
    (k) Cards coupe f
    (l) familiar (on record) plage f
    (m) Cinema & Television coupe f;
    the cut from the love scene to the funeral le changement de séquence de la scène d'amour à l'enterrement
    (n) Sport (in tennis → backspin) effet m; (in cricket) coup m tranchant
    (p) British (body of water) étendue f d'eau; (canal) canal m
    I prefer a finer/coarser cut of tobacco je préfère le tabac plus fin/grossier
    the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate les joutes oratoires des débats parlementaires;
    the cut and thrust of the business world la concurrence féroce qui règne dans le monde des affaires;
    it's cut and thrust la lutte est acharnée
    (a) (hand, flowers) coupé; (tobacco) découpé
    (b) (reduced) réduit; (shortened) raccourci;
    to sell sth at cut prices vendre qch au rabais;
    the cut version of the film la version raccourcie du film
    (c) (shaped → clothing) coupé; (faceted → gem) taillé;
    a well-cut suit un costume bien coupé ou de bonne coupe
    (d) British familiar (drunk) soûl, plein
    ►► cut glass cristal m taillé;
    Computing cut sheet feed dispositif m d'alimentation feuille à feuille; (act) alimentation f feuille à feuille;
    Computing cut sheet feeder dispositif m d'alimentation feuille à feuille
    (a) (cross, traverse) traverser, couper à travers;
    it's quicker if you cut across the fields c'est plus rapide si tu coupes à travers (les) champs;
    they cut across country ils ont coupé à travers champs
    (b) (go beyond) surpasser, transcender;
    the issue cuts across party lines la question transcende le clivage des partis
    (c) (contradict) contredire, aller à l'encontre de;
    it cuts across all my principles ça va à l'encontre de tous mes principes
    (remove) enlever ou ôter (en coupant); (branch) élaguer, émonder;
    they had to cut away the wreckage to reach the victim ils ont dû découper l'épave pour atteindre la victime
    (a) (return) rebrousser chemin, revenir sur ses pas;
    we cut back to the car nous sommes revenus à la voiture
    (b) Cinema & Television revenir en arrière
    (c) (financially) économiser, réduire les dépenses
    (a) (reduce) réduire, diminuer;
    arms spending has been cut right back les dépenses d'armement ont été nettement réduites
    (b) (prune, trim) tailler; (shrub, tree) élaguer, tailler
    (financially) économiser sur; (time) réduire;
    the factory cut back on production la fabrique a réduit la production
    (a) (tree) couper, abattre; (person → in battle) abattre;
    figurative he was cut down by malaria (killed) il est mort de la malaria; (incapacitated) il était terrassé par la malaria;
    literary to be cut down in one's prime être fauché à la fleur de l'âge
    (b) (make smaller → article, speech) abréger; (→ clothing) rendre plus petit;
    to cut sth down to about 150,000 words réduire qch à environ 150 000 mots;
    she cuts down her dresses for her daughter elle ajuste ses robes pour sa fille;
    to cut sb down to size remettre qn à sa place
    (c) (curtail) réduire, diminuer; (expenses) réduire, rogner;
    we've been asked to cut down the amount of time we devote to sports on nous a demandé de consacrer moins de temps au sport;
    he cut his smoking down to ten a day il ne fume plus que dix cigarettes par jour
    (expenditure) réduire;
    I'm going to cut down on drinking/smoking je vais boire/fumer moins;
    they have cut down on eating out in restaurants ils vont moins souvent au restaurant;
    to cut down on the amount of time spent doing sth passer moins de temps à faire qch
    cut in
    (a) (interrupt) interrompre;
    she cut in on their conversation elle est intervenue dans leur conversation;
    he cut in on me to ask a question il m'a coupé la parole pour poser une question;
    figurative the new store is cutting in on our business le nouveau magasin nous fait perdre de la clientèle
    (b) Cars faire une queue de poisson;
    the taxi cut in on them le taxi leur a fait une queue de poisson
    mind if I cut in? vous permettez que je vous emprunte votre partenaire?
    (include) we should cut him in on the deal nous devrions l'intéresser à l'affaire
    to cut into a conversation intervenir dans ou interrompre brusquement la conversation
    to cut into one's savings entamer ses économies;
    this work cuts into my free time ce travail empiète sur mes heures de loisir
    (a) (hair, piece of meat, bread) couper; (arm, leg) amputer, couper;
    they cut off the king's head ils ont décapité le roi;
    he was cut off in his prime il a été emporté à la fleur de l'âge;
    she cut off her nose to spite her face elle s'est fait du tort en voulant se venger
    (b) (interrupt → speaker) interrompre, couper;
    he was cut off in mid sentence il a été interrompu au milieu de sa phrase
    (c) (disconnect, discontinue) couper;
    Telecommunications he's been cut off (during conversation) il a été coupé; (disconnected) on lui a coupé le téléphone;
    they cut off the electricity or power ils ont coupé le courant;
    they cut off his allowance ils lui ont coupé les vivres;
    her family cut her off without a penny sa famille l'a déshéritée;
    it cut off the supply of blood to the brain cela a empêché l'irrigation du cerveau
    (d) (separate, isolate) isoler;
    the house was cut off by snow drifts la maison était isolée par des congères;
    he cut himself off from his family il a rompu avec sa famille;
    housewives often feel cut off les femmes au foyer se sentent souvent isolées
    (e) (bar passage of) couper la route à;
    the police cut off the thief la police a barré le passage au voleur;
    the battalion cut off the enemy's retreat le bataillon a coupé la retraite à l'ennemi
    cut out
    (a) (make by cutting → coat, dress) couper, tailler; (→ statue) sculpter, tailler;
    a valley cut out by the river une vallée creusée par le fleuve;
    figurative to be cut out for sth être fait pour qch, avoir des dispositions pour qch;
    I'm not cut out for living abroad je ne suis pas fait pour vivre à l'étranger;
    he's not cut out to be a politician il n'a pas l'étoffe d'un homme politique;
    you have your work cut out for you vous avez du pain sur la planche ou de quoi vous occuper;
    she'll have her work cut out to finish the report on time elle va avoir du mal à finir le rapport à temps
    (b) (remove by cutting → article, picture) découper; Medicine (→ tumour etc) enlever;
    advertisements cut out from or of the paper des annonces découpées dans le journal
    (c) (eliminate) supprimer; (stop) arrêter;
    unnecessary expense must be cut out il faut éliminer ou supprimer les frais superflus;
    they cut out all references to the president ils ont supprimé toute référence au président;
    try and cut out all unnecessary details essayez de supprimer tous les détails superflus;
    he cut out smoking il a arrêté de fumer;
    cut out the screaming! arrête de crier!, assez crié!;
    familiar cut it out! ça suffit!, ça va comme ça!
    (d) familiar (rival) supplanter
    (e) (deprive) priver;
    his father cut him out of his will son père l'a rayé de son testament;
    they cut him out of his share ils lui ont escroqué sa part
    (f) Photography & Typography détourer
    (a) (machine, engine → stop operating) caler; (→ switch off) s'éteindre
    (b) American familiar (leave) mettre les bouts, calter
    cut up
    (a) (food, wood) couper; (meat → carve) découper; (→ chop up) hacher; (body) couper en morceaux
    (b) (usu passive) familiar (affect deeply) she's really cut up about her dog's death la mort de son chien a été un coup pour elle ;
    he's very cut up about it ça l'a beaucoup affecté
    that really cut me up! ça m'a fait rire!
    (d) British Cars faire une queue de poisson de
    (a) American (fool around) faire le pitre
    to cut up rough se mettre en rogne ou en boule

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > cut

  • 4 trinciato

    trinciato agg. cut up; ( di carne) carved
    s.m. cut tobacco*, pipe tobacco*.
    * * *
    [trin'tʃato] 1. 2.
    aggettivo cut (up); [ carne] carved
    sostantivo maschile (tabacco) shag, straight-cut tobacco*
    * * *
     →  trinciare
     cut (up); [ carne] carved
    III sostantivo m.
      (tabacco) shag, straight-cut tobacco*.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > trinciato

  • 5 машина

    engine, frame текст., machine
    * * *
    маши́на ж.
    1. machine
    2. ( двигатель) engine
    3. ( автомобиль) car; truck; vehicle
    агломерацио́нная маши́на — sintering machine
    агломерацио́нная маши́на для пе́рвой ста́дии о́бжига — first-pass sintering machine
    агломерацио́нная маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия — continuous sinter machine
    агрега́тная маши́на — integrated machine
    адресова́льная маши́на полигр.addressing machine
    алфави́тная маши́на полигр.alphabet cutting and printing machine
    аппретиро́вочная маши́на кож. — finishing [seasoning, sizing] machine
    аппретиро́вочная, щё́точная маши́на кож.brushing machine
    аппрету́рная маши́на текст.finishing machine
    армату́рно-намо́точная маши́на — wire-winding machine
    ба́герно-элева́торная маши́на — dredging-and-hoisting machine
    балансиро́вочная маши́на — balancing machine
    балластиро́вочная маши́на — ballasting machine, ballast router
    банда́жно-ги́бочная маши́на — tyre-bending machine
    бандеро́льная маши́на — banderoling machine
    банкоукла́дочная маши́на — can packing machine
    бё́рдочная маши́на текст.reed-making machine
    бетони́рующая маши́на — concreting machine
    бетоноотде́лочная маши́на — concrete-finishing machine
    бетонораспредели́тельная маши́на — concrete-distributing [concrete-spreading] machine
    бетоноукла́дочная маши́на — concrete-placing machine
    бетоноукла́дочная маши́на с уплотня́ющим вибробру́сом — concrete vibratory machine, vibratory concrete placer
    бигова́льная маши́на полигр.bending machine
    билетопеча́тающая маши́на — ticket printing machine
    бинторе́зальная маши́на текст.cloth-slitting machine
    бланширо́вочная маши́на — blanching machine, blancher
    бланширо́вочно-очисти́тельная маши́на — peeling scalder, scalder-peeler
    бобине́товая маши́на текст.curtain-lace machine
    бобине́товая, двухря́дная маши́на текст.double-tier net machine
    бобиноре́зальная маши́на и перемо́точная маши́на полигр.slitting-and-rewinding machine
    борторе́зательная маши́на рез. — bead cutter, debeading machine
    ботвоубо́рочная маши́на — haulm gatherer, top-gathering machine
    ботвоудаля́ющая маши́на — haulm removing machine
    бочкоразли́вочная маши́на — cask racking machine, cask racker
    бракера́жная маши́на ( для бутылок) — quality-control machine
    брако́вочно-нака́тная маши́на текст.cloth rolling-and-inspection machine
    брикетиро́вочная маши́на с.-х. — tableting machine; ( для сена) wafering machine, hay cuber
    бронзирова́льная маши́на полигр.bronzing machine
    брошюро́вочная маши́на — bookbinding machine
    буквонабо́рная маши́на — typesetter
    буквофотографи́рующая маши́на — photocomposing machine, photosetter
    бумагоде́лательная маши́на — paper-making machine
    бумагообмо́точная маши́на — paper-lapping machine
    бумагоре́зальная маши́на — paper-curting machine, (paper) cutter
    бунтовяза́льная маши́на прок.wiring machine
    бури́льная маши́на
    1. rock drill, drilling machine, stoper, drifter
    бури́льная, враща́тельная маши́на — rotative drill, rotative drilling machine
    бури́льная, коло́нковая маши́на — air-leg rock drill, air drifter
    бури́льная, молотко́вая маши́на — hammer drill, hammer drilling machine
    бури́льная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — compressed-air drill, compressed-air drilling machine
    бури́льная, ручна́я маши́на — hand-held [jack hammer] drill, hand-held drilling machine
    бури́льная, телескопи́ческая маши́на — air-feed [telescopic] drill, air-feed stoper, telescope drilling machine
    бури́льная, уда́рно-враща́тельная маши́на — rotative-percussive drill, rotative-percussive drilling machine
    бури́льная, уда́рно-поворо́тная маши́на — percussive drill, percussive drilling machine
    бури́льная, электри́ческая маши́на — electric drill, electric drilling machine
    буросбо́ечная маши́на — hole drilling machine
    бутылкомо́ечная маши́на — bottle washing machine
    бухга́лтерская маши́на — accounting machine
    ва́куум-зака́точная маши́на — vacuum seaming machine
    ва́куум-меси́льная маши́на — vacuum kneading machine
    ва́куум-разли́вочная маши́на — vacuum filling machine, vacuum filler
    ва́куум-укупо́рочная маши́на — vacuum capping [vacuum closing] machine
    ва́куум-упако́вочная маши́на — vacuum packing machine, vacuum packer
    ва́куум-формо́вочная маши́на — vacuum-forming machine
    ва́личная маши́на кож.striking-out machine
    ва́личная, разводна́я маши́на кож.scouring roller
    ва́лочная маши́на лес.felling machine
    валя́льная маши́на — planking machine
    валя́льная, цилиндри́ческая маши́на — rotary milling machine
    валя́льно-во́йлочная маши́на — bumping machine
    ва́фельная маши́на — wafer machine
    ве́ечная маши́на — winnowing machine, winnower
    вероя́тностная маши́на киб.probabilistic machine
    вертика́льно-ко́вочная маши́на — vertical forging machine
    взбива́льная маши́на пищ. — beater, beating [wrip(ping), whisk(ing) ] machine
    вибрацио́нная маши́на — vibration machine
    вибрацио́нная, безуда́рная маши́на — shock-free vibration machine
    вибрацио́нная, резона́нсная маши́на — resonant vibration machine
    виброукла́дочная маши́на пищ.vibropacker
    воздуходу́вная маши́на — air blower
    волокноотдели́тельная маши́на — fibre-extracting machine
    волососго́нная маши́на — unhairing machine
    волочи́льная маши́на — drawing machine
    ворсова́льная маши́на — carding [raising, nepping] machine
    ворсова́льная маши́на двойно́го де́йствия — double-acting raising machine
    ворсова́льная, ши́шечная маши́на — gig(ging) [raising (teasel)] machine
    ворсова́льная, щё́точная маши́на — brushing machine
    ворсоре́зная ди́сковая маши́на — circular knife fustian machine
    вру́бовая маши́на — coal cutter
    вру́бовая, ба́шенная маши́на — turret coal cutter
    вру́бовая, ди́сковая маши́на — disk coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на для ве́рхней подру́бки — overcut coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на для дугово́го вру́ба — arcwaller, arcwall cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на для ни́жней зару́бки — undercut coal cutter
    вру́бовая, короткозабо́йная цепна́я маши́на — chain breast coal cutter
    вру́бовая, многоба́ровая маши́на — multijib coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на на гу́сеничном ходу́ — crawler-mounted coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на на ре́льсовом ходу́ — track-mounted coal cutter
    вру́бовая, уда́рная маши́на — percussive coal cutter
    вру́бовая, универса́льная маши́на
    1. long wall — short wall coal cutter
    2. universal coal cutter
    вру́бовая маши́на, устано́вленная на конве́йере — conveyer-mounted coal cutter
    вру́бовая, электри́ческая маши́на — electric coal cutter
    вру́бо(во)-нава́лочная маши́на — cutting-loading machine
    вру́бо(во)-отбо́йная маши́на — cutting-winning machine
    вста́вочная маши́на полигр.inserter
    вста́вочно-шве́йная маши́на полигр.inserter-stitcher
    встря́хивающая маши́на литейн.jarring machine
    выбивна́я маши́на — shake-out machine
    вы́бойная маши́на пищ. — (flour) packing machine, (flour) packer
    вы́мольная маши́на — bran finisher
    высадкопоса́дочная маши́на — planter
    вы́садочная маши́на метал. — upsetting [beading] machine
    высека́льная маши́на полигр.die-cutting machine
    вычисли́тельная маши́на [ВМ] — computing machine, computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на рабо́тает в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — a computer operates in real time
    настра́ивать вычисли́тельную маши́ну на реше́ние зада́чи — set up a computer for a (given) problem
    осуществля́ть обще́ние (челове́ка) с вычисли́тельной маши́ной — interact with a computer, carry out a dialogue with a computer
    применя́ть вычисли́тельную маши́ну для автоматиза́ции прое́ктных рабо́т — use a computer as a design tool [as an aid to design]
    рабо́тать на вычисли́тельной маши́не — run a computer
    вычисли́тельная, автокорреляцио́нная маши́на — autocorrelation computer
    вычисли́тельная, ана́логовая маши́на [АВМ] — analog computer
    ана́логовая вычисли́тельная маши́на не произво́дит дискре́тного счё́та — an analog computer does not operate on digital numbers
    вычисли́тельная, ана́логовая пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic analog computer
    вычисли́тельная, ана́лого-цифрова́я маши́на — analog-digital [hybrid] computer
    вычисли́тельная, асинхро́нная маши́на — asynchronous computer
    вычисли́тельная, беза́дресная маши́на — no-address [zero-address] computer
    вычисли́тельная, биони́ческая маши́на — bionic computer
    вычисли́тельная, быстроде́йствующая маши́на — high-speed computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на второ́го поколе́ния — second-generation computer
    вычисли́тельная, гибри́дная маши́на — hybrid [analog-digital] computer
    вычисли́тельная, двои́чная маши́на — binary [radix two] computer
    вычисли́тельная, двуха́дресная маши́на — two-address computer
    вычисли́тельная, десяти́чная маши́на — decimal computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для автомати́ческого [маши́нного] перево́да — translation machine
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для аэрокосми́ческих иссле́дований — aerospace computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для комме́рческих расчё́тов — business computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для нау́чных расчё́тов — scientific computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для обрабо́тки да́нных — data-processing computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для обрабо́тки результа́тов пе́реписи — census computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для регистра́ции предвари́тельных зака́зов на биле́ты — reservation computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для реше́ния экономи́ческих или комме́рческих зада́ч — business computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на для управле́ния произво́дственными проце́ссами — process control computer
    вычисли́тельная, игрова́я маши́на — game(-playing) machine
    вычисли́тельная, информацио́нно-логи́ческая маши́на — information-logical machine
    вычисли́тельная, информацио́нно-статисти́ческая маши́на — fife computer
    вычисли́тельная, кла́вишная маши́на — keyboard computer
    вычисли́тельная, координа́тная маши́на — point-to-point computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на косми́ческого корабля́ — spaceborne computer
    вычисли́тельная, ла́мповая маши́на — electron(ic) tube computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на ма́лого быстроде́йствия — low-speed computer
    вычисли́тельная, многоа́дресная маши́на — multiaddress computer
    вычисли́тельная, навигацио́нная маши́на — navigation computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на микроминиатю́рных бло́ках — microcircuit computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на мо́дулях — modular(ized) computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на перфока́ртах — punch(ed)-card computer
    вычисли́тельная, насто́льная маши́на — desk(-top) computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на стру́йных элеме́нтах — fluid [fluidics] computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на твё́рдых элеме́нтах — solid-state computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на на транзи́сторах — transistor(ized) computer
    вычисли́тельная, обуча́ющая маши́на — teaching machine
    вычисли́тельная, одноа́дресная маши́на — single-address computer
    вычисли́тельная, опти́ческая маши́на — optical computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на паралле́льного де́йствия — parallel computer
    вычисли́тельная, перифери́ческая маши́на — peripheral computer
    вычисли́тельная, перфорацио́нная маши́на — ( на картах) punched-card computer; ( на лентах) punched-tape computer
    вычисли́тельная, полупроводнико́вая маши́на — solid-state [transistor] computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на последова́тельного де́йствия — serial computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на потенциа́льного ти́па — direct-current computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на, рабо́тающая в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — real-time computer
    вычисли́тельная, реле́йная маши́на — relay computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с автомати́ческой после́довательностью опера́ций — automatic sequence computer
    вычисли́тельная, самоорганизу́ющаяся маши́на — self-organizing computer
    вычисли́тельная, самопрограмми́рующая маши́на — self-programming computer
    вычисли́тельная, сверхма́лая маши́на — minicomputer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с вне́шним программи́рованием — externally program computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с жё́сткой програ́ммой — fixed-program computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с запомина́емой програ́ммой — stored-program computer
    вычисли́тельная, синхро́нная маши́на — synchronous computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с набо́рной програ́ммой — wired program computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с набо́рными ди́сками — dialing set computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с переме́нной длино́й сло́ва — variable word length computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с периодиза́цией реше́ния — repetitive computer
    вычисли́тельная, специализи́рованная маши́на — special purpose computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с пла́вающей запято́й — floating-point computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с програ́ммным управле́нием — program-controlled computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с програ́ммным управле́нием от перфока́рт — card-programmed computer
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с совмеще́нием опера́ций — simultaneous computer
    вычисли́тельная, статисти́ческая маши́на — statistical machine
    вычисли́тельная маши́на с фикси́рованной запято́й — fixed-point computer
    вычисли́тельная, универса́льная маши́на — general-purpose [universal, all-purpose] computer
    вычисли́тельная, управля́ющая маши́на — control computer
    вычисли́тельная, центра́льная маши́на — central computer
    вычисли́тельная, цифрова́я маши́на [ЦВМ] — digital computer
    вычисли́тельная, цифрова́я интегри́рующая маши́на — incremental computer
    вычисли́тельная, электромехани́ческая маши́на — electromechanical machine
    вычисли́тельная, электро́нная маши́на — electronic computer
    вышива́льная маши́на — embroidery machine
    вяза́льная маши́на
    1. текст. knitting machine
    2. с.-х. tying [bale tie] machine
    вяза́льная маши́на ворсово́го переплете́ния — burl-knitting machine
    вяза́льная, ла́стичная пло́ская маши́на — flat rib knitting machine
    вяза́льная маши́на ни́зкого кла́сса — coarse-gauge machine
    вяза́льная, ова́льная маши́на — oval knitting machine
    вяза́льная, шту́чная маши́на — body-length machine
    газоопа́ливающая маши́на текст. — gassing [gas-singeing] machine
    газоре́зательная маши́на — gas-cutting [flame-cutting] machine
    газоре́зательная, ацетиле́но-кислоро́дная маши́на — oxyacetylene-cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, двухконсо́льная маши́на — double-cantilever cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, копирова́льная маши́на — flame-profiling machine
    газоре́зательная, многопла́менная маши́на — multiple-blowpipe [multiple-burner] machine
    газоре́зательная, поля́рно-координа́тная маши́на — radial articulated-arm cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, порта́льная маши́на — gantry cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, порта́льная маши́на для ре́зки двух листо́в — double portal cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, прямоуго́льно-координа́тная маши́на — cross carriage cutting machine
    газоре́зательная, тру́бная маши́на — pipe cutting machine
    газосва́рочная маши́на — gas welding machine, gas welder
    галто́вочная маши́на — tumbling machine
    гарди́нно-тю́левая маши́на — bobbinnet machine
    гвоздезабивна́я маши́на — nailing machine, nailer
    гвозди́льная маши́на — wire-nail machine
    ги́бочная маши́на — bending [forming] machine, bender
    ги́бочная, валко́вая маши́на — roller-bending machine
    ги́бочная, полосова́я маши́на — bar-bending machine
    гидравли́ческая маши́на — hydraulic machine
    гилпавли́ческая, диагона́льная маши́на — mixed-flow machine
    гидравли́ческая, клепа́льная маши́на — hydraulic rivet(t)ing machine
    гидравли́ческая, лопа́точная маши́на — impeller machine
    гидравли́ческая, объё́мная маши́на — positive-displacement machine
    гидравли́ческая, одноколё́сная маши́на — single-impeller machine
    гидравли́ческая, осева́я маши́на — axial-flow machine
    гидроочистна́я маши́на — hydroblasting machine
    глади́льная маши́на — ironing machine, ironer
    глазиро́вочная маши́на — glazing [coating, covering, icing] machine, enrober
    глянцева́льная маши́на кфт.glazing machine
    го́рная маши́на — mining machine
    горячевы́садочная маши́на — hot upsetting machine
    маши́на горя́чей полиро́вки кож.burnishing machine
    гофриро́вочная маши́на
    1. текст. crimping [pleating] machine
    2. метал. corrugator
    гравирова́льная маши́на полигр. — engraving machine, engraver
    гребнечеса́льная маши́на — comb(er), combing machine, nip comb(er)
    гребнечеса́льная, двупо́льная маши́на — double-action comber
    гребнечеса́льная, двусторо́нняя маши́на — two-sided rectilinear comber
    гребнечеса́льная маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия — square motion comber
    гребнечеса́льная, одина́рная маши́на — single-nip comber
    гребнечеса́льная, односторо́нняя маши́на — one-sided rectilinear comber
    гребнечеса́льная, прямолине́йная маши́на — continental comber
    гребнечеса́льная маши́на с кру́глыми гре́бнями — circular [round] comber
    грузова́я маши́на см. грузовой автомобиль
    грузоподъё́мные маши́ны ( собирательный термин) — hoisting apparatus, hoisting machinery
    грунтова́льная маши́на текст.coating machine
    грунтосмеси́тельная маши́на — soil-mixing machine, soil [ground] mixer
    гузоубо́рочная маши́на с.-х.cotton stalk cutter
    двои́льная маши́на кож. — splitting machine, (band-knife) splitter
    деаэрацио́нная маши́на — deairing machine
    декортикацио́нная маши́на — decorticator, stripping machine
    делинтеро́вочная маши́на с.-х.delinting machine
    дели́тельная маши́на
    1. опт. ruling machine
    2. метал. dividing machine
    детермини́рованная маши́на киб.determinate machine
    диагона́льно-закро́йная маши́на — bias-cutting machine
    маши́на для бесшве́йного скрепле́ния бло́ков полигр.perfect binder
    маши́на для брикети́рования кормо́в — foragizer, forage cuber, forage waferer
    маши́на для буре́ния кро́вли — roof drilling machine
    маши́на для внесе́ния аммиака́тов — ammonia solution applicator
    маши́на для внесе́ния гербици́дов — herbicide applicator
    маши́на для внесе́ния минера́льных удобре́ний и ядохимика́тов — chemical applicator
    маши́на для внесе́ния удобре́ний — fertilizer placer
    маши́на для возведе́ния кре́пи — support-setting machine
    маши́на для волокна́-сырца́, отбе́ливающая — raw stock bleaching machine
    маши́на для вскры́тия лё́тки — tapping drill
    маши́на для встря́хивания консе́рвных ба́нок — can shaker
    маши́на для выкола́чивания мешко́в — sack beating [sack cleaning] machine, sack cleaner
    маши́на для выра́внивания дета́лей о́буви — leveller
    маши́на для вы́резки образцо́в текст.cloth-pinking machine
    маши́на для выстила́ния та́ры — lining machine
    маши́на для гидропескостру́йной очи́стки — sand-water cleaner
    маши́на для горя́чей штампо́вки — rot die-forging machine
    маши́на для драже́, глянцо́вочная — dragee polishing machine
    маши́на для жакка́рдовых карт, копирова́льная — card-repeating machine
    маши́на для зака́тки борто́в метал.closing machine
    маши́на для зачи́стки метал.deseamer
    маши́на для земляны́х рабо́т — earth-moving machine
    маши́на для караме́льной ма́ссы, промина́льная — sugar mass kneading machine, sugar mass kneader
    маши́на для кислоро́дной ре́зки — oxygencutting machine
    маши́на для литья́ под давле́нием, литьева́я пласт.injection moulding machine
    маши́на для мерсериза́ции пря́жи в мотка́х — hank-mercerizing machine
    маши́на для мо́крой декатиро́вки, декатиро́вочная — wet decatizing machine
    маши́на для мы́ла, пили́рная — soap milling machine
    маши́на для намо́тки кишо́к — casing skeming machine
    маши́на для наре́зки маре́н — embossing [pebbling, printing] machine
    маши́на для наре́зки ниш горн.stable hole machine
    маши́на для объё́мной штампо́вки — die-forging machine
    маши́на для овоще́й, пучковяза́льная — vegetable tier, vegetable buncher
    маши́на для очи́стки отли́вок — casting cleaning machine
    маши́на для паке́тов, ва́куум-заде́лочная — vacuum bag closing [vacuum bag sealing] machine
    маши́на для перемо́тки с мотко́в на ко́нусные боби́ны, бобина́жная — cone winding [coning] machine
    маши́на для пода́чи карто́нной та́ры — carton feeding machine
    маши́на для подмета́ния у́лиц — streetsweeper
    маши́на для подпо́чвенного внесе́ния удобре́ний — subsurface applicator
    маши́на для подре́зки живо́й и́згороди — ledgecutter
    маши́на для подры́вки кро́вли горн.roof ripping machine
    маши́на для подры́вки по́чвы горн.floor ripping machine
    маши́на для поли́вочного кра́шения кож.curtain coating machine
    маши́на для прове́рки гермети́чности консе́рвных ба́нок — can testing machine, can tester
    маши́на для разли́вки мета́лла, карусе́льная — casting wheel
    маши́на для разли́вки мета́лла, ле́нточная — straight-line casting machine
    маши́на для раска́тки труб — expanding [reeling] machine
    маши́на для расшлихто́вки текст.desizing machine
    маши́на для ре́зки армату́рных сте́ржней — bar cutter, bar cropper
    маши́на для ре́зки корнепло́дов — root vegetable cutter
    маши́на для ре́зки труб — tube-cutting machine
    маши́на для ре́зки черенко́в — graft cutter
    маши́на для ро́злива в буты́лки — bottle filler
    маши́на для ро́злива молока́ во фля́ги — churn filling machine
    маши́на для ро́спуска руло́нов полигр.roll slitting machine
    маши́на для ры́бы, головоотсека́ющая — fish beheading machine
    маши́на для сбо́рки карто́нной та́ры — carton erecting machine
    маши́на для сня́тия заусе́нцев — (de)burring machine
    маши́на для спека́ния руд — ore sintering machine
    маши́на для стекле́ния кож.grater
    маши́на для стри́жки кру́пного рога́того скота́ — cattle clipper
    маши́на для сухо́го протра́вливания семя́н — seed-dusting machine
    маши́на для сухо́й очи́стки яи́ц — egg buffer
    маши́на для сшива́ния кишо́к — casing sewing machine
    маши́на для твё́рдой па́йки — brazing machine
    маши́на для тендериза́ции мя́са — meat renderizing machine, meat tenderizer
    маши́на для термофикса́ции тка́ни — fabric-baking machine
    маши́на для тка́ни, контро́льно-упако́вочная — cloth-inspection [cloth-looking, examining] machine
    маши́на для удале́ния метё́лок кукуру́зы — detasseling machine
    маши́на для удале́ния сердцеви́ны плодо́в — coring machine, corer
    маши́на для удале́ния щети́ны со свины́х туш — hog dehairing machine
    маши́на для упако́вки в бо́чки — barrel packing machine
    маши́на для упако́вки в карто́нную та́ру — carton packing machine, carton packer
    маши́на для упако́вки в я́щики — casing [case packing] machine, case packer
    маши́на для устано́вки столбо́в — pole setter
    маши́на для устано́вки шта́нговой кре́пи — roof bolting machine
    маши́на для чи́стки ламе́лей текст.drop-wire cleaning machine
    маши́на для чи́стки лица́ кож. — scudding [slating] machine
    маши́на для шитья́ внаки́дку полигр.saddle stitch machine
    маши́на для шитья́ вта́чку полигр.side stitch machine
    маши́на для штампо́вки ма́триц полигр.die-making machine
    маши́на для штенгелё́вки колб — bulb tubulating machine
    маши́на для электролити́ческого луже́ния — electrolytic tinning machine
    маши́на для электроэрозио́нной обрабо́тки — electrical discharge machine
    маши́на для эмульсио́нного травле́ния полигр.powderless etcher
    добы́чная маши́на горн. — winning [getting] machine
    дово́дочная маши́на — lapping machine
    дождева́льная маши́на — sprinkling machine, sprinkler
    дождева́льная, дальнестру́йная маши́на — long-range sprinkling machine
    дождева́льная, консо́льная маши́на — boom(-type) sprinkling machine
    дождева́льная, короткостру́йная маши́на — short-range sprinkling machine
    дождева́льная, самохо́дная маши́на — self-propelled rainer
    дождева́льная, среднестру́йная маши́на — medium-range sprinkling machine
    дои́льная маши́на — milking machine, milker
    дои́льная маши́на с вё́драми — bucker milking machine
    доро́жно-строи́тельная маши́на — road-building machine
    древотё́рочная маши́на полигр.pulpwood log grinder
    дрена́жная маши́на — drainage machine
    дрена́жно-крото́вая маши́на — mole ditcher
    дреноукла́дочная маши́на — drain-installing machine, drainlayer
    дробестру́йная маши́на — shot blasting machine
    дробестру́йная маши́на для очи́стки прока́та от ока́лины — blast descaler
    дроби́льная маши́на лес.hogging machine
    дрожжеформо́вочная маши́на — yeast extruding machine
    дублиро́вочная маши́на — doubling machine, plying-up equipment
    жакка́рдовая маши́на — jacquard loom, jacquard machine
    жакка́рдовая, двухподъё́мная маши́на с полуоткры́тым зе́вом — open shed jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая, двухпри́зменная маши́на — two-cylinder jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая, одноподъё́мная маши́на — single-lift jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая, одноподъё́мная однореми́зная маши́на — single-lift single-cylinder jacquard loom
    жакка́рдовая маши́на с па́дающими крючка́ми — dropper jacquard loom
    жгутоотжи́мная маши́на текст.rope squeezer
    жгутопромы́вная маши́на текст. — dolly [rope-washing] machine
    жестепеча́тная маши́на полигр.tin printing press
    зава́лочная маши́на — charging machine, charger
    зава́лочная маши́на для концентра́та — concentrate charging machine
    зава́лочная маши́на для ло́ма — scrap charger
    зава́лочная маши́на для сли́тков — ingot charger
    зава́лочная маши́на кра́нового ти́па — overhead(-type) charging machine
    зава́лочная, лотко́вая маши́на — Calderon scrap charger
    зава́лочная, напо́льная маши́на — low-ground (type) charging machine
    зава́лочная, передвижна́я маши́на — mobile box charger
    зава́лочная, поворо́тная маши́на — rotary charger
    зава́лочная, подвесна́я маши́на — overhead(-type) charging machine
    зава́рочная маши́на свз.sealing-in machine
    завё́рточная маши́на — wrapping machine, wrapper
    заги́бочная маши́на — collaring machine
    загру́зочная маши́на — charging machine, charger
    зака́лочная маши́на — quenching [hardening] machine
    зака́точная маши́на
    1. метал. beading machine
    2. ( для консервных банок) (can-)sealing [seaming, edge-curling] machine, seamer
    зака́точная маши́на для сига́р — cigar rolling machine, cigar roller
    закла́дочная маши́на горн. — packing [stowing] machine, stower
    закла́дочная, мета́тельная маши́на — gob stower
    закла́дочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — blast stower
    закла́дочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на ни́зкого давле́ния — low pressure air stower
    закле́ивающая маши́на пищ. — glu(e)ing [gumming] machine
    заклё́почно-обка́тная маши́на — rivet spinner
    закре́почная маши́на кож.bar tacking machine
    закро́йная маши́на — cloth-cutting machine
    зама́сливающая маши́на текст.oil padding machine
    запа́ечная маши́на ( для запайки концов жестяных консервных банок) — end soldering machine
    запра́вочная маши́на метал.fettling machine
    затяжна́я маши́на кож. — lasting machine, laster
    зацентро́вочная маши́на ( для трубных заготовок) — centring machine
    зачи́стная маши́на для огнево́й зачи́стки кислоро́дно-ацетиле́новым пла́менем — oxy-acetylene scarfing machine
    зачи́стная маши́на для сли́тков — pecling machine
    зачи́стная маши́на для шпал — tie spot machine
    зачи́стная, фре́зерная маши́на — milling machine
    заши́вочная маши́на ( для мешкотары) — (bag-)closing machine
    землеро́йная маши́на — earth-moving machine
    землеро́йно-фре́зерная маши́на — excavating milling machine
    зерни́льная маши́на полигр. — grainer, graining machine
    зерноочисти́тельная маши́на — grain-cleaning machine, grain cleaner
    зерноочисти́тельная, ветрорешё́тная маши́на — air-and-screen cleaner
    зерносортиро́вочная маши́на — grain grader
    золотопромы́вочная маши́на — gold washer
    зубозака́лочная маши́на — tooth-quenching machine
    известегаси́льная маши́на — lime-slaking machine
    измельчи́тельная маши́на пищ. — mincer, mincing [reducing] machine, shredder
    измери́тельная маши́на кож.leather-measuring machine
    инерцио́нно-уда́рная маши́на — impact power tool
    информацио́нная маши́на — data-processing [information] machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на — testing machine, tester
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на абрази́вное изна́шивание — abrasive tester
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на растяже́ние — сжа́тие — direct stress machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на скру́чивание — torsion testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на твё́рдость — hardness testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на уста́лость — fatigue [endurance] testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния на уста́лость при изги́бе — rotating beam-type machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для испыта́ния при знакопереме́нной динами́ческой нагру́зке — alternating impact machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для материа́лов — (materials) testing machine
    испыта́тельная маши́на для рессо́р — spring testing machine, spring testing rig
    испыта́тельная маши́на для труб — pipe-testing machine
    испыта́тельная, разры́вная маши́на — tensile-testing machine
    кабелеразмо́точная маши́на — paying-out machine
    калибро́вочная маши́на
    1. прок. gauging machine
    2. пищ. size-grading [sizing] machine, size grader, sizer
    камнебури́льная маши́на — rock-boring [rock-drilling] machine
    камнеотбо́рочная маши́на пищ. — stoning machine, stoner
    камнере́зная маши́на — rock-cutting [stone-cutting] machine
    камнеубо́рочная маши́на — stone-picking machine, stone [rock] picker
    канатокрути́льная маши́на — rope-twisting machine
    канто́вочная маши́на полигр.flat-and-back stripping machine
    капта́льно-окле́ечная маши́на полигр.head-banding machine
    карбонизацио́нная маши́на текст.carbonizing machine
    кардовяза́льная маши́на — card-binding [card-lacing] machine
    кардочеса́льная маши́на — card, carder, carding machine
    картоноде́лательная маши́на — cardboard machine
    картонораскро́йная маши́на — case making machine
    картоноре́зальная маши́на — cardboard cutter
    картоносека́тельная маши́на текст. — card-cutting [card-punching, card-stamping] machine
    кетлё́вочная маши́на — binding-off [looping, linking] machine
    ке́ттельная маши́на — binding-off [looping, linking] machine
    клеема́зальная маши́на полигр.gluer
    клеема́зальная и окле́ечная маши́на полигр.back glueing-and-stripping machine
    клеенама́зывающая маши́на пищ. — glu(e)ing [gumming] machine
    клеепрома́зочная маши́на пласт., кож.spreader
    клейми́льная маши́на кож. — stamping machine, marker
    клеймо́вочная маши́на маш. — stamping [marking] machine
    клепа́льная маши́на — rivet(t)ing machine, rivet(t)er
    клепа́льная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic riveting machine
    клепа́льная, уда́рная маши́на — percussion riveting machine
    книговста́вочная маши́на полигр.casing-in machine
    ко́вочная маши́на — forging machine; ( в производстве ковкого вольфрама) swager
    ко́вочная, горизонта́льная маши́на — horizontal forging machine
    ко́вочная, оса́дочная маши́на — upsetting machine
    ко́вочная, ротацио́нная маши́на — swaging machine
    ко́кильная маши́на — chill casting machine
    коконокалибро́вочная маши́на — cocoonriddling machine
    кокономота́льная маши́на — cocoon winding machine
    коконорастря́сочная маши́на — coccoon beating [beetling] machine
    колле́кторная маши́на эл.commutator machine
    колоти́льная маши́на кож.beetle
    кондиро́вочная маши́на — syrup crystallizing machine
    конфетоотса́дочная маши́на — candy deposing machine
    концерва́льная маши́на текст.pulling machine
    координа́тно-измери́тельная маши́на астр.plate-measuring engine
    копирова́льно-мно́жительная маши́на полигр.step-and-repeat (printing down) machine
    кормоприготови́тельная маши́на — food preparing machine
    корморазда́точная маши́на — feed distributor
    корнова́льная маши́на полигр. — grainer, graining machine
    корпусообразу́ющая маши́на ( для консервных банок) — body-making machine
    корпусоотли́вочная маши́на ( для драже) — core depositing machine, core depositor
    корчева́льная маши́на — root extractor, brush plough; stamper
    косточковыбивна́я маши́на — pitting [stoning] machine, pitter
    краси́льная маши́на — dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на для пря́жи в мотка́х — hank-dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на для пря́жи на пако́вках — cop-dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на конве́йерного ти́па — conveyer piece dyeing machine
    краси́льная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle dyeing machine
    краси́льная, рециркуляцио́нная маши́на — circulating dyeing machine
    краси́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на — jig dyeing machine
    краси́льная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary dyeing machine
    краси́льная маши́на с вибра́тором — pulsator dyeing machine
    кремовзбива́льная маши́на — cream beating machine, creamer
    кромкозаги́бочная маши́на
    1. edging machine
    кругли́льно-каширова́льная маши́на полигр.rounder-and-backer
    кругловяза́льная маши́на — circular knitter, circular knitting machine, round knitting frame
    кругловяза́льная маши́на ворсово́го переплете́ния — circular fleece knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная, корса́жная маши́на — circular bodice machine
    кругловяза́льная, однофонту́рная маши́на — circular knitting machine with one set of needle
    кругловяза́льная маши́на с крючко́выми и́глами — circular beard-needle [spring-needle] knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная маши́на с язычко́выми и́глами — circular latch-needle knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная, уто́чная маши́на — circular weft-knitting machine
    кругловяза́льная, шту́чная маши́на — body-size circular knitting machine
    круглочуло́чная маши́на — circular footwear machine, circular hose knitter
    крупосорти́ровочная маши́на — groats grader
    крупошлифова́льная маши́на — pearl mill, pearler
    крути́льная маши́на текст.twisting frame
    крути́льная маши́на двойно́го круче́ния — double-twist twisting machine
    крути́льная, двухъя́русная маши́на — two-decker machine
    крути́льная, реверси́вная маши́на мех.reversed torsion machine
    кры́твенная маши́на полигр.covering machine
    крышкоде́лательная маши́на полигр. — case-making machine, case maker
    крышкосбо́рочная маши́на полигр.case assembling machine
    куделеприготови́тельная маши́на — flax tow preparing machine, tow cleaner, tow scutcher
    куколеотбо́рочная маши́на — cockle separator, cockler
    кули́рная маши́на — loop-forming sinker web machine
    куракоубо́рочная маши́на — cotton-scraping machine
    лакирова́льная маши́на полигр.varnishing machine
    ламе́льно-пробо́рная маши́на текст.dropper pinning machine
    ла́стичная маши́на текст.cotton rib top frame
    легкова́я маши́на см. легковой автомобиль
    лентоотли́вочная маши́на — sheet-forming machine
    лентосва́рочная маши́на — strip-welding machine
    лентосоедини́тельная маши́на текст.sliver lap machine
    ле́нточная маши́на текст.drawing frame
    лесова́лочная маши́на — tree breaker, tree dozer
    лесопогру́зочная маши́на — timber loader
    лесопоса́дочная маши́на — tree planting machine, tree planter
    линова́льная ди́сковая маши́на полигр.disc ruling machine
    ли́нтерная маши́на — delinter
    листоги́бочная маши́на — plate-bending [sheet-bending] machine, sheet bender
    листоги́бочная, валко́вая маши́на — roller sheet-metal bending machine
    листообразу́ющая маши́на пласт.sheet-forming machine
    листоподбо́рочная маши́на полигр. — collating(-and-gathering) machine, collator
    листоправи́льная маши́на — sheet-straightening [plate-levelling] machine, sheet straightener, sheet leveller
    листоправи́льная маши́на без регули́рования проги́ба валко́в — non-pressure regulating roller leveller
    листоправи́льная, многовалко́вая маши́на — backed-up roller leveller
    листоре́зальная маши́на полигр.sheeting machine
    листосва́рочная (стыкова́я) маши́на — straight-line seam welder
    листосортиро́вочная маши́на — sheet classifier
    лите́йная маши́на — casting [foundry] machine
    лите́йная маши́на для литья́ в постоя́нные фо́рмы — permanent-mould casting machine
    лите́йная маши́на для литья́ под давле́нием — die casting machine
    лите́йная маши́на для центробе́жного литья́ — centrifugal casting machine
    литеронабо́рная маши́на — letter-setting machine
    литогра́фская маши́на — lithographic press
    логи́ческая маши́на — logic(al) machine
    ломтере́зальная маши́на — slicing machine, slicer
    лощи́льная маши́на кож.glazing machine
    луди́льная маши́на — tinning machine
    лущи́льная маши́на — hulling machine, huller
    льнорассти́лочная маши́на — flax spreading machine
    льнотрепа́льная маши́на — flax scutching machine, flax scutcher
    магнитоэлектри́ческая маши́на — permanent-magnet machine
    малоформа́тная вкла́дочная маши́на полигр.stuffer
    маркирова́льная маши́на ( для почты) — franker
    маркиро́вочная маши́на — labelling [marking] machine
    маркиро́вочная, краскопеча́тная маши́на — ink marker
    математи́ческая маши́на — mathematical machine
    ма́трично-гравирова́льная маши́на — matrix-engraving machine
    мездри́льная маши́на кож.pelt fleshing machine
    мере́йная маши́на кож.boarding machine
    мери́льная маши́на текст.measuring machine
    мери́льно-нака́тная маши́на текст.cloth winding-and-measuring machine
    мери́льно-склада́льная маши́на текст.cloth measuring-and-lapping machine
    мерсеризацио́нная маши́на — mercerizing machine
    меси́льная маши́на (напр. тестомесительная машина) — kneading machine, kneader (e. g., dough-kneader machine, dough-kneader)
    мно́жительная маши́на — duplicating machine, duplicator
    мно́жительная, офсе́тная маши́на — offset duplicator
    мо́ечная маши́на — washing machine, washer
    мо́ечная, бараба́нная маши́на — drum-type washer
    мо́ечная, бесщё́точная маши́на — brushless washer
    мо́ечная, вентиля́торная маши́на — ventilator washer
    мо́ечная, вибрацио́нная маши́на — shaker washer
    мо́ечная, карусе́льная маши́на — wheel washer
    мо́ечная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle-type [flapper] washer
    мо́ечная, противото́чная маши́на — counter-current washer
    мо́ечная, прямото́чная маши́на — straight-through [straightway(-type) ] washer
    мо́ечная, ро́торно-элева́торная маши́на — squirrel cage washer
    мо́ечная, тунне́льная маши́на — tunnel washer
    мо́ечная, цепна́я маши́на — chain-type washer
    мо́ечная, шне́ковая маши́на — screw-type washing machine
    мо́ечная, шпри́цевая маши́на — spray washer
    мо́ечная, щё́точная маши́на — brush washer
    мо́ечная, элева́торная маши́на — elevator washing machine, elevator washer
    маши́на мо́крого шлифова́ния кож.wet-buffing machine
    монпансе́йная маши́на — drop roller machine
    мота́льная маши́на текст. — winding machine, winder
    мота́льная, веретё́нная маши́на — spindle winding machine
    мота́льная, горизонта́льная маши́на — drum winding machine, winding frame with horizontal spindles
    мота́льная, двусторо́нняя маши́на — double-faced [double-sided] winding machine
    мота́льная, клубо́чная маши́на — balling [ball-winding] machine
    мота́льная, паралле́льная маши́на — cheese-winding machine
    мота́льная, перего́нная маши́на — redrawing [rewinding] machine
    мота́льная, поча́точная маши́на — cop-winding machine
    мота́льная маши́на с кана́вчатыми бараба́нчиками — drum winding machine, split drum winder
    мота́льная маши́на с разрезны́ми бараба́нчиками — slit-drum winding machine
    мягчи́льная маши́на текст.cloth mellowing machine
    мя́льная маши́на текст.breaking machine
    мя́льно-трепа́льная маши́на — scutching-and-braking machine, breaker and scutcher
    набивна́я маши́на пищ. — stuffing machine, stuffer
    набивна́я, поршнева́я маши́на — piston-type stuffer
    набо́рная маши́на — typesetting [composing] machine, typesetter
    набо́рная, буквоотливна́я маши́на — typecasting machine
    набо́рная, буквоотливна́я крупноке́гельная маши́на — display type-casting machine
    набо́рная маши́на для отли́вки стереоти́пов — stereotype plate casting machine
    набо́рная, пробе́льно-лине́ечная маши́на — material maker
    набо́рная, строкоотливна́я маши́на — slug-casting machine
    набо́рная, строкоотливна́я крупноке́гельная маши́на — display type linecaster
    набо́рная, строкопеча́тающая маши́на — composition-by-typing system
    набо́рная, строкопроеци́рующая маши́на — photographic type composition machine
    набо́рно-пи́шущая маши́на — typewriter
    набо́рно-фотографи́рующая маши́на — phototypesetting machine
    маши́на на железнодоро́жном ходу́, бурова́я — rail-riding drilling machine
    нака́тная маши́на
    1. метал. knurling machine
    2. текст. rolling(-up) [batching] machine
    намо́точная маши́на — winding machine
    наполни́тельная маши́на пищ. — filler, filling machine
    наполни́тельная и заде́лочная маши́на ( для тары) — filling-and-sealing machine
    наполни́тельная, многопатро́нная маши́на — multihead filler
    насти́лочная маши́на текст.cloth-laying machine
    маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия — continuous(-type) machine
    маши́на непреры́вного де́йствия, отва́рочная — continuous boil-off machine
    маши́на непреры́вной разли́вки — continuous casting machine
    ниткошве́йная маши́на полигр. — book sewing machine, book sewer
    носо́чная маши́на — half-hose machine
    нумерацио́нная маши́на кфт.numbering machine
    обва́лочная маши́на — boning machine
    обвя́зочная маши́на — banding machine
    обвя́зочная маши́на для руло́нов прок.coil banding machine
    обвя́зочная маши́на для таба́чных ли́стьев — tobacco looper
    обди́рочная маши́на — shucking machine, shucker; stripping machine
    обезрепе́ивающая маши́на — burring machine
    обё́рточная маши́на — covering [overwrapping] machine, wrapper
    обё́рточная маши́на для карто́нной та́ры — carton wrapping machine, carton wrapper
    обё́рточная маши́на для плё́нки — film overwrapping machine, film wrapper
    обжа́рочная маши́на — roasting machine, roaster
    обо́ечная маши́на — hulling machine, huller; scouring machine, scourer
    обо́ечная, нажда́чная маши́на — emery scouring machine, emery scourer
    обо́ечно-шелуши́льная маши́на — scouring-and-peeling machine
    обрезна́я маши́на — corner-cutting machine
    обрезна́я маши́на для кни́жных бло́ков — book trimming machine
    обручеоса́дочная маши́на — claw trussing machine
    обтяжна́я маши́на кож.pulling-over machine
    обуча́ющая маши́на — teaching machine
    овсюгоотбо́рочная маши́на — oat separator
    маши́на огнево́й зачи́стки метал. — scarfing machine, (flame) scarfer
    маши́на огнево́й фасо́нной ре́зки — flame-shape cutting machine
    оканто́вочная маши́на полигр.flat-and-back stripping machine
    окле́ечно-капта́льная маши́на полигр. — back-lining [lining-and-head-banding] machine, backliner
    око́рочная маши́на — barking machine
    опа́ливающая, пли́тная маши́на — plate singeing machine
    опа́ливающая, цилиндри́ческая маши́на — cylinder [rotary] singeing machine
    опа́лочная маши́на ( для свиных туш) — singeing machine
    оплё́точная маши́на текст.braiding machine
    опола́скивающая маши́на — rinsing machine, rinser
    опры́скивающая маши́на — spraying machine, sprayer
    маши́на опти́ческой печа́ти — optical printing machine, optical printer
    осмо́лочная маши́на — pitching machine
    основовяза́льная маши́на — warp-knitting machine, warp loom
    основовяза́льная, двойна́я маши́на — double-tricot machine
    основовяза́льная, двухфонту́рная маши́на — double-warp machine
    основовяза́льная, кру́глая маши́на — circular warp-knitting machine
    основовяза́льная, трикота́жная маши́на — raschel machine
    основовяза́льная, филе́йная маши́на — fillet machine
    остри́льная маши́на метал.bar pointer
    остри́льная, ручна́я маши́на — hand pointer
    остри́льная маши́на с электропри́водом — electric-power pointer
    отбрако́вочная маши́на — quality-control machine
    отбрако́вочная маши́на для консе́рвных ба́нок — can rejecting machine
    отде́лочная маши́на — finishing machine, finisher
    отде́лочная маши́на для листово́го мета́лла — plate-working machine
    отде́лочная, нажда́чная маши́на текст.emerizing machine
    отде́лочная, противоуса́дочная маши́на текст.compressive shrinking machine
    отжи́мная маши́на
    1. кож. wringing machine, leather wringer, samming machine
    2. текст. extracting machine
    отжи́мно-обезжи́ривающая маши́на ( для черёв) — casing stripping-and-fatting machine
    отса́дочная маши́на ( в процессе обогащения) метал. — jigging machine, jig(ger)
    отса́дочная, беспоршнева́я маши́на — air-driven pulsating jig
    отса́дочная, быстрохо́дная маши́на — fast jig washer
    отса́дочная, вибрацио́нная маши́на — pulsator jig
    отса́дочная, вибрацио́нно-поршнева́я маши́на — vibro-piston [vibro-pneumatic] jig
    отса́дочная, диафра́гмовая маши́на — diaphragm jig
    отса́дочная, дово́дочная маши́на — finishing jig
    отса́дочная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle jig
    отса́дочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — air-pulsated [pneumatic] jig
    отса́дочная, поршнева́я маши́на — piston [plunger] jig
    отса́дочная маши́на с механи́ческой отмы́вкой — vanning jig
    отса́дочная маши́на с неподви́жным решето́м — fixed-sieve jig
    отса́дочная маши́на с подви́жным решето́м — buddle [movable sieve] jig
    отса́дочно-формо́вочная маши́на пищ.depositing machine
    оцинко́вочная маши́на — galvanizing machine
    очисти́тельная маши́на
    1. cleaning machine, cleaner
    очисти́тельная, абрази́вная маши́на — abrasive peeler
    очисти́тельная, возду́шно-решё́тная маши́на — air-and-screen cleaner
    очисти́тельная маши́на для дрена́жных труб — drain cleaner
    очисти́тельная маши́на для форм — mould cleaning machine
    очисти́тельная, решё́тная маши́на — screen cleaner
    очисти́тельная, щё́точная маши́на — brush cleaner, brusher
    очи́стная, галто́вочная маши́на — cleaning tumbler, tumbling machine
    очи́стная маши́на для труб — pipe-swabbing machine
    очи́стная, дробемё́тная маши́на — shot-throwing machine
    очи́стная, дробестру́йная маши́на — shot-blasting machine
    па́голечная котто́нная маши́на — cotton legging machine
    па́ечная маши́на — soldering machine
    па́ечная маши́на для жестяны́х консе́рвных ба́нок — can soldering machine
    пакетиро́вочная маши́на ( для бунтов) — capstan
    пакетиро́вочная, шестишта́нговая маши́на ( для бунтов) — six pronged capstan
    пакетоде́лательная маши́на — bag making machine, bag maker
    пакетоформиру́ющая маши́на — bag forming machine, bag former
    пакова́льная маши́на полигр.bundling machine
    паниро́вочная маши́на — breading machine, breader
    паркетоотде́лочная маши́на — floor-polisher machine
    паркетостро́гальная маши́на — floor dresser
    парова́я маши́на — steam engine
    парова́я маши́на компа́унд — compound steam engine
    парова́я, прямото́чная маши́на — uniflow steam engine
    парова́я маши́на с противодавле́нием — back-pressure steam engine
    парова́я маши́на танде́м — tandem steam engine
    пемзова́льная маши́на кож.rasping machine
    пемзова́льная маши́на для отде́лки тка́ни под за́мшу — cloth pumicing machine
    пензело́вочная маши́на пищ.casing farting machine
    пенькотрепа́льная маши́на — hemp-scutching machine
    перего́нная маши́на текст. — taping [warp rebeaming] machine
    переплё́тная маши́на — bookbinding machine
    маши́на периоди́ческого де́йствия — batch(-type) machine
    пероощи́пывающая маши́на — defeathering [plucking] machine, plucker
    пескостру́йная маши́на — sandblast machine
    петлеобмё́точная маши́на — button-hole machine
    печа́тная маши́на — printing machine, (printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на балко́нного ти́па — balcony-type (printing) press
    печа́тная, ва́личная маши́на текст.roller printing machine
    печа́тная маши́на высо́кой печа́ти — letter (printing) press, relief printing press
    печа́тная маши́на глубо́кой печа́ти — intaglio (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухкра́сочная маши́на — two-color (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухоборо́тная маши́на — two-revolution (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухсекцио́нная маши́на — two-unit (printing) press
    печа́тная, двухъя́русная маши́на — two-decker (printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на для акциде́нтной проду́кции — job press, jobber
    печа́тная маши́на для двусторо́нней печа́ти — perfecting machine, perfecting press, perfector
    печа́тная маши́на для печа́ти с ги́бких форм — wrap-around (printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на для печа́ти спо́собом сухо́го офсе́та — dry offset press
    печа́тная маши́на для термографи́ческой печа́ти — thermographic machine
    печа́тная маши́на для трафаре́тной печа́ти — screen (process printing) press
    печа́тная маши́на для шёлкотрафаре́тной печа́ти — silk-screen press
    печа́тная, листова́я маши́на — sheet-fed machine, sheet-fed (printing) press
    печа́тная, одноя́русная маши́на — floor level (printing) press
    печа́тная, одноя́русная многосекцио́нная маши́на — tandem-type press
    печа́тная, офсе́тная маши́на — offset press
    печа́тная, офсе́тная маши́на для двусторо́нней печа́ти — offset perfector
    печа́тная, офсе́тная маши́на для пло́ской печа́ти — flat-bed offset press
    печа́тная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary press
    печа́тная, руло́нная маши́на — web(-fed) press
    печа́тная маши́на с набо́рными шабло́нами текст.block printing machine
    печа́тная, стоп-цили́ндровая маши́на — stopcylinder (printing) press
    печа́тная, термографи́ческая маши́на — thermographic (printing) machine
    печа́тная, ти́гельная маши́на — platen (printing) press
    печа́тная, трёхсекцио́нная маши́на двойно́й ширины́ — sextuple (printing) press
    печа́тная, универса́льная маши́на — multipurpose press
    печа́тная, фототи́пная маши́на — phototype (printing) press
    печа́тная, цилиндри́ческая маши́на текст.cylinder printing machine
    печа́тно-высека́льная маши́на — printing and die-cutting machine
    письмосортиро́вочная маши́на — letter-sorting machine
    пластифици́рующая маши́на ( для масла) — plasticizing machine
    плиссиро́вочная маши́на — pleating machine
    плосковяза́льная маши́на — flat knitting machine
    плоскопеча́тная маши́на
    1. полигр. flat-bed printing machine
    2. текст. copper-plate printing machine
    плющи́льная маши́на — upsetting machine, upsetter
    подбо́рочно-скле́ечная маши́на — glueing collector
    подбо́рочно-шве́йная маши́на — gatherer-stitcher
    подъё́мная маши́на — hoist engine
    подъё́мная маши́на на копре́ — tower winder, tower hoist
    подъё́мная маши́на слепо́го ствола́ горн.aple-shaft hoist
    подъё́мная, ша́хтная маши́на — mine winder, mine hoist
    подъё́мная, электри́ческая маши́на — electric winder, electric hoist
    пожа́рная маши́на — fire engine
    поливна́я маши́на — irrigating machine
    полиро́вочная маши́на — polishing machine
    помадовзбива́льная маши́на — fondant boiling and creaming [fondant cream beating] machine
    попере́чно-ре́зальная маши́на полигр.rotary cross cutter
    попере́чно-стрига́льная маши́на текст. — cross-cutting [cross-shearing] machine
    породопогру́зочная маши́на — rock loader, mucker
    породоубо́рочная маши́на — mucker
    породоубо́рочная, стволова́я маши́на — shaft mucker
    породоубо́рочная, стволова́я гре́йферная маши́на — grab-bucket shaft mucker
    поса́дочная маши́на — planting machine, plant setter, transplanted, mechanical planter
    посудомо́ечная маши́на — dish washing machine
    почвообраба́тывающая маши́на — tilling [cultivating] machine
    почвообраба́тывающая, фре́зерная маши́на — rotary cultivator, rotary tiller
    прави́льная маши́на — straightening [gag-straightening, flattening] machine, leveller
    прави́льная маши́на для ба́лок — beam straightener
    прави́льная маши́на для кру́глой ста́ли — round straigntener
    прави́льная маши́на для то́лстых листо́в — plate-levelling [plate-straightening] machine
    прави́льная маши́на для труб и кру́глых штанг — bar-and-tube straightening machine
    прави́льная маши́на для угловы́х про́филей — angle straightening machine
    прави́льная, многовалко́вая маши́на — multiroll straightener
    прави́льная, многоро́ликовая маши́на — multiroll straightening machine
    прави́льная маши́на плу́нжерного ти́па — plunger-type leveling machine
    прави́льная, прецизио́нная маши́на — precision leveller
    прави́льная, прутко́во-тру́бная маши́на — bar-and-tube straightening machine
    прави́льная, растя́жная маши́на — stretching machine, stretcher leveller
    прави́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на — roller-type straightening machine, roll straightener
    прави́льная, ротацио́нная маши́на с косы́ми ро́ликами — cross-roll straightener
    прави́льная маши́на с геликоида́льными ро́ликами — concave roll straightener
    прави́льная маши́на с двумя́ ряда́ми ро́ликов — two-high roller leveller
    прави́льная маши́на с опо́рными ро́ликами — backed-up type roller leveller
    прави́льная маши́на с регули́рованием проги́ба валко́в — pressure regulating
    прави́льная маши́на с четырёхря́дным расположе́нием ро́ликов — four-high roller leveller
    прави́льно-растяжна́я, гидравли́ческая маши́на — hydraulic stretcher
    прессовыдувна́я маши́на — press-and-blow machine
    приви́вочная маши́на — grafting machine
    припра́вочная маши́на полигр.make-ready machine
    пробкоукупо́рочная маши́на — corking machine, corker
    проволокообвя́зывающая маши́на — wire-tying [wiring] machine
    проволокошве́йная маши́на полигр. — wire stitcher, stapler
    проволокошве́йная, коро́бочная маши́на — wire-stitching box-making machine
    проволокошве́йная, одноаппара́тная маши́на — single-bead wire stitcher
    проволокосшивна́я маши́на пищ. — wire stitching machine, wire stitcher
    прома́зочная маши́на пласт. — spreading [coating] machine
    прома́сливающая маши́на — oiling machine
    прома́сливающая, ро́ликовая маши́на — oil roll machine
    промывна́я маши́на текст. — scouring machine, scourer
    промывна́я маши́на для кусково́го това́ра — piece-scouring machine
    промывна́я маши́на для пря́жи в мотка́х — hank-scouring machine
    промывна́я маши́на для тка́ни враспра́вку — broad-washing [full-width scouring] machine
    промывна́я, многоба́рочная маши́на — multitube scouring machine
    промывна́я, одноба́рочная маши́на — onetube scouring machine
    промывна́я маши́на с отжимны́ми вала́ми — roller washing [rollex] machine
    промывна́я маши́на с эллипти́ческими бараба́нчиками — elliptical wince washing machine
    пропи́точная маши́на — impregnating machine
    пропи́точная, краси́льная маши́на — penetrating-type dyeing machine
    просе́ивающая маши́на — sifting [screening, bolting] machine, bolter, bolting mill
    просе́ивающая, щё́точная маши́на — brush sifting machine, brush sifter
    проти́рочная маши́на
    1. пищ. pulping machine, pulper
    2. с.-х. triturator
    проти́рочная, центробе́жная маши́на — centrifugal pulping machine
    профилеги́бочная маши́на — profile-iron bending machine
    прохо́дческая маши́на — beading [bead-road, tunneling] machine, head-roader
    прохо́дческая, погру́зочная маши́на — tunneling loading machine; headroad loader
    прошивна́я маши́на кож. — Blake [sewing] machine
    проя́вочная маши́на — processing [developing] machine
    проя́вочная, стру́йная маши́на — spray developing machine
    пряди́льная маши́на — spinning frame
    пряди́льная, боби́нная маши́на — bobbin spinning machine
    пряди́льная, камво́льная маши́на — worsted spinning machine
    пряди́льная, односторо́нняя маши́на — single-sided spinning machine
    пряди́льная маши́на периоди́ческого де́йствия — mule
    пряди́льная, центрифуга́льная маши́на — centrifugal spinning machine
    пу́говичная маши́на — button machine
    пульпоотделя́ющая маши́на — depulping machine
    путеочисти́тельная маши́на ( для откаточных путей) — haulageway cleaner
    путерихто́вочная маши́на ж.-д. — track-lining machine, track liner
    пятновыводна́я маши́на — cleansing-and-spotting machine
    рабо́чие маши́ны — (собирательный термин: технологические) material-working machinery; ( транспортные) materials-handling machinery
    разби́вочная маши́на кож.staker
    разводна́я маши́на кож. — putting-out [setting-out] machine
    разгру́зочная маши́на — discharging machine
    разли́вочная маши́на
    1. метал. casting machine
    2. пищ. (liquid) filling machine, filler
    разли́вочная, гравитацио́нная маши́на — gravity filling machine
    разли́вочная маши́на для буты́лок — bottle filling machine, bottle filler
    разли́вочная, изобари́ческая маши́на — pressure-type filling machine
    разли́вочная, поршнева́я маши́на — piston filling machine
    разли́вочная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary filling machine, rotary filler
    разли́вочная маши́на с противодавле́нием — counter-pressure racker
    разли́вочно-укупо́рочная маши́на — filling-and-capping machine
    разме́точная маши́на прок.measuring machine
    размоле́вочная маши́на ( устройство для роспуска пучков брёвен) — unbundling machine
    размо́льная маши́на — milling [grinding] machine
    разрывна́я маши́на полигр.tearing machine
    рантовшивна́я маши́на — welt-sewing machine
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на ( для перфокарт) вчт.collator
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на выполня́ет объедине́ние двух масси́вов перфока́рт, располо́женных в поря́дке возраста́ния или убыва́ния при́знаков, в оди́н масси́в с таки́м же поря́дком при́знаков — a collator merges two decks of cards in a ascending or descending order into a single deck of the same order
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на осуществля́ет отбо́р карт с па́рными при́знаками в двух масси́вах карт — a collator selects pairs of cards having exactly matching keys from two decks
    раскла́дочно-подбо́рочная маши́на отбира́ет и объединя́ет масси́вы карт — a collator carries out a match-merge operations
    распако́вочная маши́на — unpacking machine, unpacker
    распило́вочная маши́на кож.splitting machine
    распыли́тельная маши́на — pulverizing machine, pulverizer
    рассадопоса́дочная маши́на — seedling [vegetable] planter, planting machine
    растяжна́я маши́на — stretching machine
    расфасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на — weighing-and-packing machine
    расфасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на в карто́нную та́ру — carton-filling-and-sealing machine
    расфасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на в паке́ты или мешки́ — bag-filling-and-closing machine
    ре́зальная маши́на — cutting machine, cutter
    ре́зальная маши́на гильоти́нного ти́па — guillotine-type cutting machine, guillotine-type cutter
    ре́зальная, двухножева́я маши́на полигр. — double-knife cutting machine, duple cutter
    ре́зальная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary cutting machine, rotary cutter
    ре́зальная маши́на с враща́ющимися лопастя́ми — rotary blade cutting machine, rotary blade cutter
    ре́зально-упако́вочная маши́на — cut-wrap machine
    ре́зательная маши́на кфт.film-slitting machine
    ре́зательная маши́на для про́фильной ре́зки метал.profile cutting machine
    рельсоги́бочная маши́на — rail-cambering machine
    рельсоправи́льная маши́на — rail straightener
    рельсосверли́льная маши́на — rail drilling machine, bonding drill
    ремизолачи́льная маши́на — varnishing machine
    рилева́льная маши́на полигр.creasing machine
    рисообди́рочная маши́на — rice-milling machine, rice scourer, rice mill
    рихтова́льная маши́на — flattener
    ро́вничная маши́на текст.roving frame
    ро́вничная, перего́нная маши́на — intermediate roving frame
    ро́вничная, та́зовая маши́на — slubbing frame
    ро́ликовая, зака́лочно-рихто́вочная маши́на — rolling-quench machine
    ро́ликовая, листоги́бочная маши́на — roll-bending [roll-forming] machine
    роликоги́бочная, непреры́вная маши́на — continuous roll-forming machine
    росткоотбо́йная маши́на — germ separating machine, germ separator, degerminating machine, degerminator
    ротацио́нно-обжи́мная маши́на — rotary-swaging machine
    руби́льная маши́на — chipping machine, wood cripper
    рулева́я маши́на — steering engine
    рулева́я, ло́пастная маши́на — vane-type steering engine
    рыборазде́лочная маши́на — fish dressing machine, fish dresser
    рыборе́зальная маши́на — fish cutting machine, fish cutter
    рыборе́зальная, ди́сковая маши́на — disk fish cutting machine
    рыбоупако́вочная маши́на — fish packing machine
    са́дочная маши́на — charging machine, charger
    сажа́льная маши́на — plant setter, planter
    самообуча́ющаяся маши́на — learning machine
    сба́вочная маши́на текст.narrowing knitter
    маши́на с безреду́кторным при́водом — direct-driven machine
    сваебо́йная маши́на — ram, pile driver
    сва́рочная маши́на — welding machine, welder
    сва́рочная маши́на для металли́ческих се́ток — wire-mesh welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для релье́фной сва́рки — projection welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для ро́ликовой сва́рки — seam-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для ро́ликовой сва́рки встык — butt-seam welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для ро́ликовой сва́рки с ле́нточными накла́дками — foil butt-seam welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для стыково́й конта́ктной сва́рки — resistance [upset] butt-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для стыково́й сва́рки — butt welding machine, butt welder
    сва́рочная маши́на для стыково́й сва́рки оплавле́нием — flash butt welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для то́чечной сва́рки — spot-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для уда́рной сва́рки — percussion-welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на для шо́вно-стыково́й сва́рки — butt-seam welding machine
    сва́рочная, и́мпульсная маши́на — shot welding machine
    сва́рочная, конденса́торная маши́на — storage-battery welding machine, electrostatic welder
    сва́рочная, конта́ктная маши́на — spot-welding [resistance welding] machine
    сва́рочная, лине́йно-ро́ликовая маши́на — seam-welding machine
    сва́рочная, многодугова́я маши́на — multiple-arc welding machine
    сва́рочная, многото́чечная маши́на — multiple-spot welding machine
    сва́рочная, однопостова́я маши́на — single-operator welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на с педа́льным при́водом — foot-operated welding machine
    сва́рочная маши́на с ручны́м при́водом — hand-operated welding machine
    сва́рочная, стыкова́я маши́на — butt welding machine
    сва́рочная, то́чечная маши́на — spot-welding machine
    сва́рочная, то́чечная двусторо́нняя маши́на — duplex spot welding machine
    сва́рочная, то́чечная односторо́нняя маши́на — single-spot welder
    сва́рочная, то́чечно-ро́ликовая маши́на — stitch welding machine
    сва́рочная, электри́ческая маши́на — electric welding machine
    свеклоре́зальная маши́на — beet slicing machine, beet slicer
    светокопирова́льная маши́на — blueprinting machine
    свива́льная маши́на текст.closing machine
    сдва́ивающе-нака́тная маши́на текст.cloth winder-and-doubler machine
    семеочисти́тельная маши́на — seed separator, seed dresser, seed-cleaning machine, seed cleaner, seed sorter
    семепротра́вочная маши́на — seed-treating machine
    сеноубо́рочная маши́на — hay-making machine, grass harvester
    сигаре́тная маши́на — cigarette making machine
    сигаретоупако́вочная маши́на — cigarette packing machine
    сироподозиро́вочная маши́на — syruper(-filler)
    сиропоразли́вочная маши́на — syrup filling [syruping] machine
    ситове́ечная маши́на — sieve purifier
    ситцепеча́тная маши́на — cotton printing machine
    склада́льная маши́на текст. — fabric-packaging machine; cloth-piling machine
    следова́я чуло́чно-носо́чная маши́на — footer
    сливковзбива́льная маши́на — creaming [cream beating] machine, creamer
    смесова́я маши́на текст.blending machine
    сме́шивающая маши́на — blending [mixing] machine, blender, mixer
    снегова́льная маши́на — snow making machine
    снегоубо́рочная маши́на — snow removal machine
    снова́льная маши́на — beaming [chain beaming, warping] machine, warping mill
    снова́льная маши́на для жгу́товой осно́вы — warp-linking machine
    снова́льная, ле́нточная маши́на — cylinder [direct] warping machine
    снова́льная, партио́нная маши́на — beam [ordinary] warping machine
    снова́льная, партио́нная маши́на для сно́вки с кату́шек — cheese-warping machine
    снова́льная, партио́нная маши́на для сно́вки с ко́нусных боби́н — cone warping machine
    снова́льная, секцио́нная маши́на — section(al) warping machine
    снова́льная, секцио́нная маши́на для сно́вки с клубко́в — ball warp beaming machine
    снова́льная, секцио́нная маши́на с перего́нным механи́змом — sectional warping-and-beaming machine
    снова́льная маши́на с ко́нусным бараба́ном — cone warping machine
    сокоотжи́мная маши́на — juicing machine
    сортирова́льная маши́на
    1. ( для перфокарт) (card) sorter
    сортирова́льная маши́на группиру́ет перфока́рты по при́знаковым проби́вкам — a (card) sorter arranges (a deck of input) cards in sequence by a common key, a (card) sorter arranges [separates] (punched) cards according to a common key [a set of keys]
    2. с.-х. sizer, sorting machine, sorter, grading machine, grader
    сортирова́льная, ремё́нная маши́на с.-х.belt sorter
    сортирова́льная, решё́тная маши́на с.-х. — screen grader, screen sizer
    сортирова́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на с.-х.roller sizer
    сортирова́льно-подбо́рочная маши́на вчт.collator
    сортиро́вочная маши́на
    1. пищ. sorting machine, sorter, grading machine, grader
    2. прок. classifier
    сортиро́вочная, листова́я маши́на — sheet classifier
    сортоправи́льная маши́на прок. — section [shape, bar] straightener
    сортоправи́льная, многоро́ликовая маши́на — multiroll bar-straightening machine
    сортоправи́льная, ро́ликовая маши́на — roller section-straightening [roller shape-straightening] machine
    маши́на с отпа́ривающим столо́м, щё́точная — brushing-and-steaming machine
    спека́тельная маши́на метал.sintering machine
    спло́точная маши́на ( для сплотки лесоматериалов) — bundling machine
    маши́на с поворо́тным рабо́чим о́рганом горн.ranging arm machine
    маши́на с ремё́нным при́водом — belt-driven machine
    ста́лкивательная маши́на полигр.paper sheet jogger
    стеклоду́вная маши́на ( в производстве ламп) — bulb-blowing machine
    стеклоформу́ющая маши́на — glass-forming machine
    стержнева́я маши́на литейн.core(-making) machine
    стержнева́я, поворо́тная маши́на литейн.core roll-over machine
    стира́льная маши́на — washing machine, washer
    стрига́льная маши́на — shearing machine, shearer, blade-shearing machine
    стрига́льная, бараба́нная маши́на — cylinder shearing machine
    стрига́льная, двухцили́ндровая маши́на — double-cutter shearing machine
    стрига́льная маши́на с ва́куумным при́водом — vacuum-operated clipper
    стри́пперная маши́на метал. — stripping [stripper] machine
    стро́гальная маши́на
    1. пищ. chipping machine, chipper
    2. кож. shaving machine, shaver
    струноре́зальная маши́на пищ.wire cut machine
    стыкова́я листосва́рочная маши́на — straight line seam welder
    сучкоре́зная маши́на лес. — lopping [pruning] machine
    маши́на с цепны́м стежко́м, вымё́тывающая текст.chain-stitch basting machine
    счё́тная маши́на — calculating [adding] machine, calculator
    счё́тная, автомати́ческая маши́на — automatic calculator
    счё́тная, насто́льная маши́на — desk calculator
    счё́тная, портати́вная маши́на — hand-held calculator
    счё́тная, ручна́я маши́на — manual calculator
    счё́тная маши́на с вы́бором после́довательности де́йствий — selective-sequence calculator
    счё́тная, сдво́енная маши́на — duplex calculating machine
    счё́тная, электро́нная маши́на — electronic calculator
    счё́тно-аналити́ческая маши́на — punched-card installation, punched-card machine
    счё́тно-перфорацио́нная маши́на — punched-card installation, punched-card machine
    счё́тно-сортиро́вочная маши́на — counting-and-sorting machine
    сшивна́я маши́на прок.stitcher
    табакоувлажни́тельная маши́на — tobacco humidifying machine
    таблетиро́вочная маши́на — tablet compressing [powder tabletting] machine
    таблетиро́вочная, одношта́мповая маши́на — single-punch tablet machine
    теленабо́рная маши́на — teletypesetter
    темпери́рующая маши́на — tempering machine
    теплова́я маши́на — heat engine
    тё́рочная маши́на — grating [rubbing] machine, grater
    тестовальцо́вочная маши́на — dough rolling machine, dough sheeter dough sheeting roller
    тестодели́тельная маши́на — dough dividing machine, dough divider
    тестозака́точная маши́на — dough forming machine
    тестомеси́льная маши́на — doughing [dough-making, dough kneading, dough mixing] machine, dough mixer, dough kneader
    тестомеси́льная, ви́лочная маши́на — fork-type blade dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная маши́на с враща́ющимся меси́тельным о́рганом — revolving arm dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная маши́на с двумя́ меси́льными о́рганами Z-обра́зной фо́рмы — double-Z-arm dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная, скоростна́я автомати́ческая маши́на — automatic high-speed dough mixer
    тестомеси́льная маши́на со стациона́рной дежо́й — stationary bowl dough mixer
    тестоокругли́тельная маши́на — dough rounding machine, dough rounder, dough baller
    тестоотса́дочная маши́на — dough depositing machine, dough depositor
    тесторазде́лочная маши́на — dough make-up unit
    тестоформо́вочная маши́на — dough moulding [dough forming] machine, dough shaper
    трави́льная маши́на
    1. полигр. etching machine, etcher
    2. метал. pickling machine
    трави́льная, вертика́льная маши́на полигр.vertical spray etcher
    трави́льная, однопроце́ссная маши́на полигр.powderless etcher
    трави́льная маши́на периоди́ческого де́йствия метал.rocker-type pickling machine
    трави́льная маши́на с коромы́слом метал.arm pickling machine
    трамбо́вочная маши́на ( коксовой батареи) — ramming machine
    трелё́вочная маши́на — skidding machine
    трепа́льная маши́на — spreading machine, scutcher
    трепа́льная, бараба́нная маши́на — turbine scutcher
    трепа́льная, ва́тная маши́на — batting machine
    трепа́льная маши́на для табака́ — tobacco ripping machine
    трепа́льная, одноби́льная маши́на — single-scutcher [swingling] machine
    трепа́льная, отде́лочная маши́на — finisher scutcher
    трости́льная маши́на текст.slubbing frame
    трубоги́бочная маши́на — pipe-bending [tube-bending] machine
    трубонаполни́тельная и уку́порочная маши́на — tube filling-and-closing machine
    трубоправи́льная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary tube straightener
    труборе́зательная маши́на — pipe-cutting [tube-cutting] machine
    трубосва́рочная маши́на — pipe-welding [tube-welding] machine, pipe welder
    трубоформо́вочная маши́на — pipe-moulding machine
    маши́на трю́ковой опти́ческой печа́ти кфт.special-effects optical printer
    маши́на Тью́ринга киб.Turing('s) machine
    тяну́льная маши́на кож. — staking machine, staker
    тяну́льная маши́на для караме́льной ма́ссы — candy pulling machine
    убо́рочная маши́на с.-х. — harvester; ( для корнеплодов) digger; ( для плодов кустовых культур) picker
    убо́рочная, бу́нкерная маши́на — tanker harvester
    убо́рочная, ва́куумная маши́на — vacuum harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на для вы́борочной убо́рки — selective harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на для двухфа́зной убо́рки — indirect [two-phase] harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на для са́харного тростника́ — cane cutter
    убо́рочная, навесна́я маши́на — linkage-mounted harvester
    убо́рочная, одноря́дная маши́на — single-row harvester
    убо́рочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — suction harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с боковы́м выгрузны́м элева́тором — side-elevator harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с измельча́ющим аппара́том — chopper harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с рассти́лочным аппара́том — mat harvester
    убо́рочная маши́на с цеповы́м измельча́ющим аппара́том — flail-type harvester
    убо́рочная, узкозахва́тная маши́на — narrow-cut harvester
    увлажни́тельная маши́на
    1. пищ. humidifying machine, humidifier
    2. текст. damping [dewing] machine
    угароочища́ющая маши́на — waste cleaning machine, waste cleaner
    углепогру́зочная маши́на — coal loader
    уда́рно-вибрацио́нная маши́на — shock-and-vibration machine
    узловяза́льная маши́на — knotting machine
    уку́порочная маши́на — capping machine, capper; ( для укупорки корковой пробкой) corking machine
    уку́порочная, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary capping machine, rotary capper
    упако́вочная маши́на — packing machine, packer
    упако́вочная, универса́льная маши́на — multipacking machine
    упако́вочно-вяза́льная маши́на полигр. — package-tying [bundle-tying] machine
    уплотня́ющая вибрацио́нная маши́на — vibrotampering machine
    уто́чно-мота́льная маши́на — cop(-winding) [weft-winding] machine
    уто́чно-мота́льная, ди́сковая, универса́льная маши́на — universal winding-and-quilling machine
    уто́чно-мота́льная маши́на с воро́нками — cop-winding machine with guiding cones
    уто́чно-насти́лочная маши́на — cop(-winding) [weft-winding] machine
    факту́рная маши́на — accounting machine
    фальцева́льная маши́на полигр. — folding machine, folder
    фальцева́льная маши́на для бума́жных листо́в полигр.paper-folding machine
    фальцева́льная, кассе́тная маши́на полигр.buckle section folder
    фальцева́льная, многосекцио́нная маши́на полигр.section folding machine
    фальцева́льная, ножева́я маши́на полигр. — blade [knife-type] folding machine, knife folder
    фальцева́льная, ножева́я, двухтетра́дная маши́на полигр.duplex folder
    фальцева́льно-шве́йная маши́на полигр.section folding-and-stitching machine
    фальцо́вочная маши́на
    1. дер.-об. rabbeting machine
    2. метал. seaming machine
    фасо́вочная маши́на — weighing-and-filling machine
    фасо́вочно-упако́вочная маши́на — weighing-and-packing machine
    филетиро́вочная маши́на — (fish) filleting machine
    фланжиро́вочная маши́на — flanger
    флотацио́нная маши́на — floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, комбини́рованная маши́на — composite floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, механи́ческая маши́на — mechanical floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, многока́мерная маши́на — multicompartment floatation machine
    флотацио́нная, пе́нная маши́на с переме́шиванием — agitation-froth machine
    флотацио́нная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic floatation machine
    флотацио́нная маши́на с меша́лкой — agitator machine
    фольгозавё́рточная маши́на — foiling machine
    фольгозавё́рточная и этикетиро́вочная маши́на — foiling-and-banding machine
    форзацприкле́ечная маши́на — end-and-front sheet pasting machine
    формиру́ющая маши́на дер.-об.forming machine
    формо́вочная маши́на
    1. метал. moulding machine, moulder
    2. пищ. moulding [forming] machine, moulder
    3. кож. squeezer
    формо́вочная, встря́хивающая маши́на — jolt moulding machine
    формо́вочная маши́на для по́чвенных горшо́чков — soil-block machine
    формо́вочная маши́на для торфоперегно́йных горшо́чков — peat-soil block press, peat-soil block machine
    формо́вочная, пескоду́вная маши́на — mould blower
    формо́вочная, пневмати́ческая маши́на — pneumatic moulding machine
    формо́вочная, пре́ссовая маши́на — squeeze moulding machine
    формо́вочная маши́на с поворо́тным столо́м пищ.rotary table moulding machine
    фотокопирова́льная маши́на — photocopying machine
    фотонабо́рная маши́на — photocomposing machine, photosetter
    фотосбо́рочная маши́на — step-and-repeat machine
    франкирова́льная маши́на — franker
    хлопкоубо́рочная маши́на — cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, бараба́нная шпи́ндельная маши́на — drum-type spindle picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, двухря́дная маши́на — two-row cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, цепна́я маши́на — chain (belt) cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, шпи́ндельная маши́на — spindle cotton picker
    хлопкоубо́рочная, щё́точная маши́на — brush-type cotton harvester
    хмелеубо́рочная маши́на — hop picker
    холоди́льная маши́на — refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, абсорбцио́нная маши́на — absorption refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, абсорбцио́нная водоаммиа́чная маши́на — ammonia-water absorption refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, абсорбцио́нно-компрессио́нная маши́на — absorption-compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, агрегати́рованная маши́на — packaged refrigerating unit
    холоди́льная, аммиа́чная маши́на — ammonia refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, аммиа́чно-компрессио́нная маши́на — ammonia-compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, ва́куумная маши́на — vacuum refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, возду́шная маши́на — (cold-)air refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, компрессио́нная маши́на — compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, низкотемперату́рная маши́на — low-temperature refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, парова́я маши́на — vapour refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, пароводяна́я маши́на — water vapour refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, парокомпрессио́нная маши́на — vapour compression refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, пароэже́кторная маши́на — steam-jet ejector refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, фрео́новая маши́на — freon refrigerating machine
    холоди́льная, центробе́жная маши́на — centrifugal refrigerating machine
    холодновы́садочная маши́на — cold-upsetting machine
    холстовытяжна́я маши́на — ribbon lap(ping) machine
    цветодели́тельная маши́на — colour scanner
    цементоупако́вочная маши́на — cement bag packer
    циклё́вочная маши́на — floor grinder
    чаеглазиро́вочная маши́на — tea glazing machine, tea glazer
    чаезавя́лочная маши́на — tea leaf withering machine
    чаеподре́зочная маши́на — tea pruner
    чаеполирова́льная маши́на — tea polishing machine, tea polisher
    чаесбо́рочная маши́на го́рного ти́па — hill-side tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная, гребе́нчатая маши́на — comb-type tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная, мотови́льная маши́на — reel-type tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная маши́на равни́нного ти́па — level-land tea-leaf harvester
    чаесбо́рочная, самохо́дная маши́на — self-propelled tea-leaf harvester
    чаескру́чивающая маши́на — tea-leaf roller
    чаесортирова́льная маши́на — tea-leaf sorter
    чаесуши́льная маши́на — tea firing machine
    чаеупако́вочная маши́на — tea packing machine, tea packer, tea packet forming-and-filling machine
    чаеутру́сочная маши́на — tea shaker, tea packer
    чаеформо́вочная маши́на — tea moulding machine
    чертё́жная маши́на — drawing machine
    чеса́льная маши́на
    1. с.-х. hackle
    2. текст. card(er), carding machine
    чеса́льная, ва́личная маши́на — roller card
    чеса́льная, ва́лично-шля́почная маши́на — roller top [mixed, union] card
    чеса́льная, ва́тная маши́на — wadding card
    чеса́льная, во́йлочная маши́на — felt card
    чеса́льная, иго́льчатая маши́на — wire card
    чеса́льная, камво́льная маши́на — worsted card
    чеса́льная, приготови́тельная маши́на — breaker card
    чеса́льная, приготови́тельная однобараба́нная маши́на — single-cylinder breaker card
    чеса́льная маши́на с двумя́ съё́мными бараба́нами — double-doffer card
    чеса́льная, ро́вничная маши́на с ремешко́вым дели́телем — condenser card (with tape divider)
    чеса́льная, то́нкая маши́на — finisher card
    чи́стильная маши́на
    1. кфт. film-cleaning machine
    2. ( для жести) branning machine
    чи́стильная, щё́точная маши́на текст. — cloth brushing machine; brushing machine
    чи́стильно-мо́ечная маши́на прок.scrubbing machine
    чи́стильно-реставрацио́нная маши́на кфт.film-renovating machine
    чулочновяза́льная маши́на — hosiery [stocking] knitter
    чулочнокраси́льная маши́на — hosiery dyeing machine
    шве́йная маши́на
    1. stitch(ing) machine, stitcher
    2. кож. seamer
    шве́йная маши́на с цепны́м стежко́м — chain-stitch machine
    шелуши́льная маши́на — hulling machine, huller, dehuller, scouring machine, scourer, sheller, shucker
    шерстомо́йная маши́на — wool-scouring [wool-washing, fleece-washing, desuinting] machine
    шерстомо́йная, ло́пастная маши́на — paddle wool-washing machine
    шерстосго́нная маши́на — unhairing machine
    шинкова́льная маши́на — chopping machine
    шинкова́льная маши́на для капу́сты — cabbage shredder
    шкуросъё́мная маши́на
    1. skinning machine, skinner
    2. hide pulling machine, dehider
    шле́ечная маши́на текст. — thread extractor, thread picker
    шлифова́льная маши́на
    1. пищ. polishing machine, polisher, glazing machine, glazer
    2. кож. buffing machine
    шлифова́льная, проходна́я маши́на кож.through-out buffing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на текст.sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная, бараба́нная маши́на текст.cylinder sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на для пря́жи текст.yarn sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная, жгу́товая маши́на текст. — tape [ball] sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на с возду́шной суши́лкой — hot air sizing machine
    шлихтова́льная маши́на со щё́точным прибо́ром — dressing machine
    шлямо́вочная маши́на пищ.sliming machine
    шлямодроби́льная маши́на пищ. — slime crushing machine, slime crusher
    шнекобурова́я маши́на — augering machine, auger
    шнурова́льная маши́на для загото́вок ве́рха кож.upper-lacing machine
    шнурова́льная маши́на для табака́ — tobacco stringing machine, tobacco stringer
    шнуро́чная маши́на — banding machine
    шпулеочисти́тельная маши́на — bobbin-stripping machine
    шпунто́вочная маши́на дер.-об.grooving machine
    шрифтолите́йная маши́на — typecasting machine
    штабелеразбо́рочная маши́на ( для разгрузки с поддонов) — depalletizing machine, depalletizer
    штампо́вочно-ко́вочная маши́на — forging-and-stamping machine
    штамповысека́льная маши́на полигр.die-cutting machine
    штанцева́льная маши́на полигр.punching machine
    штемпелева́льная маши́на ( для писем) — stamping machine
    щетиноскру́чивающая маши́на — hair curling machine
    щипа́льная маши́на текст.willowing machine
    электри́ческая маши́на см. соответствующие термины под рубриками электри́ческий генера́тор и электродви́гатель
    электри́ческая, вольтодоба́вочная маши́на — positive booster
    электри́ческая, вольтопонижа́ющая маши́на — negative booster
    электрографи́ческая маши́на полигр.electrographic machine
    электрографи́ческая, ротацио́нная маши́на — rotary electrographic [rotary electrographic copy-making] machine
    электро́нно-вычисли́тельная маши́на — electronic computer (см. тж. ЭВМ)
    электросва́рочная маши́на — electric welding machine, electric welder
    электрострига́льная маши́на — electric clipper
    электрофо́рная маши́на — electrostatic [induction] machine
    эмульсио́нная маши́на — emulsifying machine
    энергети́ческие маши́ны (собирательный термин, общетеоретическое понятие) — energy-converting machinery
    эпилиро́вочная маши́на — fur-cutting machine
    этикетиро́вочная маши́на — labelling machine, labeller

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > машина

  • 6 pasar

    1 to pass.
    ¿me pasas la sal? would you pass me the salt?
    Pasaron dos horas Two hours went by.
    Yo paso a María I pass Mary (I overtake Mary)
    Un carro pasa A car goes by
    Me pasó una cuchara He=she passed me a spoon (She passed a spoon to me)
    Por fin pasé! I passed at last!
    2 to cross.
    pasar la calle to cross the road
    pasé el río a nado I swam across the river
    3 to go through.
    pasar un semáforo en rojo to go through a red light
    4 to pass, to go.
    pasó por mi lado he passed by my side
    el autobús pasa por mi casa the bus goes past o passes in front of my house
    el Manzanares pasa por Madrid the Manzanares goes o passes through Madrid
    he pasado por tu calle I went down your street
    pasar de… a… to go o pass from… to…
    pasar de largo to go by
    5 to go/come in.
    pasen por aquí, por favor come this way, please
    ¡pase! come in!
    6 to go.
    por ahí no pasa it won't go through there
    7 to go by.
    pasaron tres meses three months went by
    8 to go through, to experience.
    pasar frío/miedo to be cold/scared
    pasarlo bien to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
    pasarlo mal to have a hard time of it
    Pasé un gran susto I experienced a great scare.
    9 to show in (llevar adentro).
    el criado nos pasó al salón the butler showed us into the living room
    10 to show (Cine).
    11 to spend (time).
    pasó dos años en Roma he spent two years in Rome
    ¿dónde vas a pasar las vacaciones? where are you going on holiday?, where are you going to spend your holidays?
    Yo paso las horas cantando I pass the hours away singing (spend the time...)
    12 to pop in (ir un momento).
    pasaré por mi oficina/por tu casa I'll pop into my office/round to your place
    13 to happen.
    ¿qué pasa aquí? what's going on here?
    ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?
    ¿qué le pasa? what's wrong with him?, what's the matter with him?
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may
    Algo pasó Something happened=came to pass.
    14 to be over.
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over now
    pasó la Navidad Christmas is over
    Pasé muy feliz en la fiesta I was very happy at the party.
    15 to be all right, to be usable.
    puede pasar it'll do
    16 to go away.
    Pasó el mal tiempo the bad weather went away.
    17 to come in, to step in.
    El policía pasó The policeman came in.
    18 to happen to, to occur to.
    Me pasó algo cómico Something funny happened to me..
    19 to keep on, to keep, to carry on.
    Ella pasa bailando todo el tiempo She keeps on dancing all the time.
    20 to skip, to pass.
    Pase ese capítulo Skip that chapter,.
    21 to blow over, to blow itself out, to calm down.
    La tormenta pasó The storm blew over.
    * * *
    1 (ir) to pass, pass by, go
    2 (tiempo) to pass, go by
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly!
    3 (entrar) to come in, go in
    pasa, está abierto come in, it's not locked
    4 (cesar) to pass, cease
    si no se te pasa el dolor, llámame if the pain doesn't go away, call me
    tranquila, que ya ha pasado todo don't worry, it's all over now
    5 (límite) to exceed (de, -)
    6 (ocurrir) to happen
    7 (sufrir) to suffer
    1 (trasladar) to move, transfer
    2 (comunicar, dar) to give
    3 (cruzar) to cross
    4 (alcanzar) to pass, reach
    pásame la sal, por favor pass me the salt, please
    5 (aventajar) to surpass, be better than
    6 (adelantar) to overtake
    7 (deslizar) to run
    8 (tolerar) to overlook
    esta vez te la paso, pero que no se repita I'll overlook it this time, but don't let it happen again
    9 (aprobar) to pass
    10 (proyectar) to show
    11 (tiempo - estar) to spend; (- disfrutar, padecer) to have
    1 (desertar) to pass over (a, to)
    2 (pudrirse) to go off
    3 (olvidarse) to forget
    4 (ir) to go by ( por, -), call in ( por, at)
    5 familiar (excederse) to overdo it; (ir demasiado lejos) to go too far (de, -)
    pasar de algo familiar not to be bothered about something
    pasa de todo he couldn't care less about anything, he doesn't give a damn about anything
    pasar de largo to go past
    pasar la página to turn the page
    pasar por to pass for
    pasar por alto to ignore
    pasar por encima de alguien to go over somebody's head
    pasarlo bien to have a good time
    ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?, what's wrong?
    pasar sin to do without
    pasarse de la raya to go too far, overstep the mark
    * * *
    2) pass
    3) come in, enter
    6) give
    7) undergo, suffer
    8) omit
    - pasar por alto
    - pasarlo bien
    - pasarlo mal
    - pasarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones pasar lista, pasar de moda, pasar desapercibido, pasarse de rosca etc, ver la otra entrada
    1) (=ocurrir)
    a) [suceso] to happen

    ¿qué pasó? — what happened?

    ¿pasa algo? — is anything up?, is anything wrong?, is anything the matter?

    siempre pasa igual {o} lo mismo — it's always the same

    ¿qué pasa? — what's happening?, what's going on?, what's up?; [como saludo] how's things? *

    ¿qué pasa que no entra? — why doesn't she come in?

    ¿qué pasa contigo? — what's up with you?; [como saludo] * how's it going? *

    ¿qué ha pasado con ella? — what's become of her?

    [lo que] pasa es que... — well, you see..., the thing is that...

    pase lo que pase — whatever happens, come what may


    pasarle a algn: nunca me pasa nada — nothing ever happens to me

    siempre me pasa lo mismo, lo pierdo todo — it's always the same, I keep losing things

    tuvo un accidente, pero por suerte no le pasó nada — he had an accident, but fortunately he wasn't hurt

    esto te pasa por no hacerme caso — this is what comes of not listening to me, this wouldn't have happened (to you) if you'd listened to me

    ¿qué te pasa? — what's the matter?

    ¿qué le pasa a ese? — what's the matter with him?

    2) (=cambiar de lugar)
    a) [objeto]

    la foto fue pasando de mano en [mano] — the photo was passed around

    b) [persona] to go
    3) (=entrar)

    ¡pase! — come in!; [cediendo el paso] after you!

    no se puede pasar — you can't go through, you can't go in

    [hacer] pasar a algn — to show sb in

    4) (=transitar)

    ¿a qué hora pasa el cartero? — what time does the postman come?

    ya ha pasado el tren de las cinco(=sin hacer parada) the five o'clock train has already gone by; (=haciendo parada) the five o'clock train has already been and gone

    ¿ha pasado ya el camión de la basura? — have the dustmen been?

    pasar [de largo] — to go {o} pass by

    pasar [por], el autobús pasa por delante de nuestra casa — the bus goes past our house

    5) (=acercarse a)

    tengo que pasar [por] el banco — I've got to go to the bank

    pasaré por la tienda mañana — I'll go {o} pop into the shop tomorrow

    pasar a ({+ infin})
    6) (=cambiar de situación) to go

    pasar a [ser] — to become

    7) (=transcurrir) [tiempo] to pass, go by

    han pasado cuatro años — four years have passed {o} gone by

    el tiempo pasa deprisa — time passes {o} goes so quickly

    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! — how time flies!

    8) (=acabar) [problema, situación] to be over; [efectos] to wear off
    9) (=aceptarse)

    puede pasar — it's passable, it's OK

    que me llames carroza, pase, pero fascista, no — you can call me an old fuddy-duddy if you like, but not a fascist

    a) (=atravesar, caber) to go through

    el río pasa por la ciudad — the river flows {o} goes through the city

    b) (=depender de) to depend on

    el futuro de la empresa pasa por este acuerdo — the company's future depends on {o} hangs on this agreement

    c) (=ser considerado) to pass as

    [hacerse] pasar por — to pass o.s. off as

    11) [otras formas preposicionales]
    pasar a ({+ infin}) (=empezar) pasar de (=exceder)

    no pasan de 60 los que lo tienen — those who have it do not number more than 60, fewer than 60 people have it

    yo de [ahí] no paso — that's as far as I'm prepared to go

    de [ésta] no pasa — this is the very last time

    de [hoy] no pasa que le escriba — I'll write to him this very day

    pasar sin

    tendrá que pasar sin coche — he'll have to get by {o} manage without a car

    12) (Naipes) to pass
    13) esp Esp
    * (=mostrarse indiferente)

    pasar [de] algo/algn, yo paso de política — I'm not into politics

    paso de ti, chaval — I couldn't care less about you, pal

    1) (=dar, entregar) [gen] to pass; [en una serie] to pass on

    ¿me pasas la sal, por favor? — could you pass (me) the salt, please?

    le pasó el sobre — he handed {o} passed her the envelope

    2) (=traspasar) [+ río, frontera] to cross; [+ límite] to go beyond
    3) (=llevar)
    4) (=hacer atravesar)
    5) (=colar) to strain
    6) (=introducir) [+ moneda falsa] to pass (off); [+ contrabando] to smuggle
    7) (=hacer deslizar)

    pasar la aspiradora por la alfombra — to vacuum the carpet, run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet

    8) (=deslizar) to slip

    le pasó el brazo por los hombros/la cintura — she slipped {o} put her arm around his shoulders/waist

    9) (=contagiar) to give
    10) (=volver) [+ página] to turn
    11) (=escribir)

    pasar algo a [limpio] — to make a neat {o} fair {o} clean copy of sth

    pasar algo a [máquina] — to type sth up

    12) (=tragar) (lit) to swallow; (fig) to bear, stand

    no puedo pasar esta pastilla — I can't swallow this pill, I can't get this pill down

    no puedo pasar a ese hombre — I can't bear {o} stand that man

    13) (=tolerar)
    14) (=aprobar) [+ examen] to pass
    15) (=proyectar) [+ película, programa] to show, screen
    16) (=poner en contacto)

    te paso con Pedro[al mismo teléfono] I'll put you on to Pedro; [a distinto teléfono] I'll put you through to Pedro

    17) (=realizar)

    pasa [consulta] {o} [visita] a unas 700 personas diarias — he sees 700 patients a day

    revista 3)
    18) (=superar)
    19) (Aut) to pass, overtake
    20) (=omitir)

    pasar algo por [alto] — to overlook sth

    21) [+ tiempo] to spend
    pasarlo ({+ adv})

    ¡que lo pases bien! — have a good time!, enjoy yourself!

    22) (=dejar atrás)

    hemos pasado el aniversario — the anniversary has passed, the anniversary is behind us

    ya hemos pasado lo peor — we're over the worst now, the worst is behind us now

    23) (=sufrir)
    24) Cono Sur * (=engañar) to cheat, swindle
    PASAR En expresiones temporales Se traduce por spend cuando pasar tiene un uso transitivo y queremos indicar un período de tiempo concreto, seguido de la actividad que en ese tiempo se desarrolla, o del lugar: Me pasé la tarde escribiendo cartas I spent the evening writing letters Ha pasado toda su vida en el campo He has spent his whole life in the country ► En cambio, cuando se describe la forma en que se pasa el tiempo mediante un adjetivo, se debe emplear en inglés la construcción have + (a) + ((adjetivo)) + ((sustantivo)): Pasamos una tarde entretenida We had a lovely afternoon Pasamos un rato estupendo jugando al squash We had a fantastic time playing squash la expresión pasar el rato se traduce por pass the time: No sé qué hacer para pasar el rato I don't know what to do to pass the time ► Cuando el uso es intransitivo, pasar se traduce por pass {o} go by. A medida que pasaba el tiempo se deprimía cada vez más As time passed o went by, he became more and more depressed Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past

    no ha pasado ni un taxi — not one taxi has come/gone past

    ¿a qué hora pasa el lechero? — what time does the milkman come?

    pasar de largoto go right o straight past

    es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami — it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami

    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? — does this bus go past the museum?

    ¿el 45 pasa por aquí? — does the number 45 come this way?

    pasaba por aquí y... — I was just passing by o I was in the area and...

    ni me pasó por la imaginación — it didn't even occur to me, it didn't even cross my mind

    pasar POR algo: ¿podríamos pasar por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?; pase usted por caja please go over to the cashier; pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?; pasar A + INF: puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow; pasaremos a verlos — we'll call in o drop in and see them

    c) ( atravesar) to cross

    pasar de un lado a otroto go o cross from one side to the other

    d) (caber, entrar)
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) corona/título to pass

    una tradición que pasa de padres a hijosa tradition that is handed o passed down from generation to generation

    b) ( comunicar)

    te paso con Javier — ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier; ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier

    pase, por favor — please, do come in

    que pase el siguiente! — next, please!

    no pasarán! — (fr hecha) they shall not pass!

    ¿puedo pasar al baño? — may I use the bathroom please?

    ¿quién quiere pasar al pizarrón? — (AmL) who's going to come up to the blackboard?

    a) (cambiar de estado, actividad, tema)

    pasó del quinto al séptimo lugarshe went o dropped from fifth to seventh place

    ahora pasa a tercera — (Auto) now change into third

    pasando a otra cosa... — anyway, to change the subject...

    pasamos a informar de otras noticias — now, the rest of the news

    b) (Educ) to pass

    ¿pasaste? — did you pass?

    pasar de cursoto get through o pass one's end-of-year exams

    no está perfecto, pero puede pasar — it's not perfect, but it'll do

    pasar DE algo: no pases de 100 don't go over 100; no pasó de un desacuerdo it was nothing more than a disagreement; está muy grave, no creo que pase de hoy he's very ill, I don't think he'll last another day; no pasa de los 30 he's not more than 30; no pasamos de nueve empleados — they're only nine of us working there/here

    pasa por tonto, pero no lo es — he might look stupid, but he isn't

    b) (Esp) ( implicar)
    7) ( transcurrir) tiempo to pass

    pasaban las horas y no llegabathe hours went by o passed and still he didn't come

    8) ( cesar) crisis/mal momento to be over; efecto to wear off; dolor to go away
    9) ( arreglárselas) to manage, get by

    sin electricidad podemos pasarwe can manage o get by without electricity

    10) ( suceder) to happen

    lo que pasa es que... — the thing o the problem is...

    pase lo que pase — whatever happens, come what may

    ¿qué pasó con lo del reloj? — what happened about the watch?

    ...y aquí no ha pasado nada —...and let's just forget the whole thing

    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo — it's always the same

    ¿pasa algo? — is something the matter?

    ¿qué pasa? — what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq)

    hola, Carlos! ¿qué pasa? — (fam) hi, Carlos! how's things o how's it going? (colloq)

    son cosas que pasan — these things happen; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿qué te pasa? — what's the matter with you?

    ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? — what happened to your eye?

    ¿qué le pasa a la tele? — what's wrong with the TV?

    por suerte a él no le pasó nada — fortunately, nothing happened to him

    pasar POR algopor crisis/mala racha to go through something

    a) (en naipes, juegos) to pass
    b) (fam) ( rechazando algo)

    ¿vas a tomar postre? - no, yo paso — are you going to have a dessert? - no, I think I'll give it a miss

    paso de salir, estoy muy cansada — I don't feel like going out, I'm very tired (colloq)

    que se las arreglen, yo paso — they can sort it out themselves, it's not my problem

    paso de él — (esp Esp) I don't give a damn o I couldn't care less what he does (colloq)

    pasar vt
    b) ( por la aduana -legalmente) to take through; (- ilegalmente) to smuggle
    2) (exhibir, mostrar) <película/anuncio> to show
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) < frontera> to cross; <pueblo/ciudad> to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) <edificio/calle> to go past
    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake

    pasar A algo — to overtake something, to get past something

    está altísimo, ya pasa a su padre — he's really tall, he's already overtaken his father

    4) <examen/prueba> to pass
    5) <página/hoja> to turn
    6) (fam) ( tolerar)

    a ese tipo no lo pasoI can't stand o take that guy (colloq)

    pasar por alto<falta/error> to overlook, forget about; tema/punto to leave out, omit

    tendré que pasar la cartaI'll have to write o copy the letter out again

    ¿me pasas esto a máquina? — could you type this for me?

    8) (entregar, hacer llegar)

    ¿me pasas el martillo? — can you pass me the hammer?

    9) <gripe/resfriado> to give

    me lo pasó a mí — he gave it to me, he passed it on to me

    a) < tiempo> to spend
    a) (sufrir, padecer) penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer

    pasé mucho miedo/frío — I was very frightened/cold


    pasarlo or pasarla bien — to have a good time

    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? — did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?

    1) pasarse v pron
    2) ( cambiarse)

    nos pasamos, el banco está más arriba — we've gone too far, the bank isn't as far down as this

    b) (fam) ( excederse) to go too far
    c) (CS fam) ( lucirse)
    a) peras/tomates to go bad, get overripe; carne/pescado to go off, go bad; leche to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse): arroz/pasta to get overcooked
    a) ( desaparecer) efecto to wear off; dolor to go away; (+ me/te/le etc)

    el año se ha pasado muy rápido — this year has gone very quickly; (+ me/te/le etc)

    6) (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse)
    7) (enf) ( estar)

    se pasó el domingo durmiendo — he spent the whole of Sunday evening sleeping; ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1b y 2b

    8) (enf) (fam) (ir)

    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? — could you go down to the market?

    9) (refl)
    * * *
    = hand (over), pass, pass by, pass on, transfer, transmit, turn over + page, hand on, spend, transpire, pass out, turn over, slide over, pass along, get through, can't/couldn't be bothered, go + past, pass down, roll on, pass out, blow over, make + the cut, wear off, hand down.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
    Ex. The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
    Ex. If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.
    Ex. Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.
    Ex. The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex. Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
    Ex. Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
    Ex. Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
    Ex. The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.
    Ex. At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
    Ex. Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
    Ex. He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
    Ex. If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
    Ex. I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
    Ex. Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
    Ex. Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
    Ex. The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
    Ex. But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    Ex. Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
    Ex. During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
    Ex. Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.
    Ex. We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
    Ex. A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time goes by, as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
    * cada día que pasa = each passing day.
    * conforme + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * conforme + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * desde..., pasando por..., hasta... = from..., through..., to....
    * día que pasa = passing day.
    * esa época ya pasó hace tiempo = that time is long past.
    * haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.
    * hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
    * hacer que Alguien las pase canutas = give + Nombre + a run for + Posesivo + money.
    * hacérselas pasar canutas a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacérselas pasarlas canutas a Alguien = push + Nombre + to the edge.
    * hacérselas pasar negras a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacerse pasar por = masquerade as, impersonate.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan así porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lugar donde pasar el rato = hang out.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * pasando a = moving on to.
    * pasar a = go on to, move on to, proceed to, shunt into, switch over, switch to, step onto, spill over into.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a Alguien lo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * pasar a la clandestinidad = go into + hiding.
    * pasar a la era de = move into + the age of.
    * pasar a la historia = history in the making, go down in + history.
    * pasar a la historia como = go down as, go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar a la página + Número = turn to + page + Número.
    * pasar a la posteridad = go down to + posterity.
    * pasar a la posteridad como = go down to + posterity as.
    * pasar Algo a Alguien = turn + Algo + over to + Alguien.
    * pasar algo inesperado = things + take a turn for the unexpected.
    * pasar algún tiempo en = have + a turn at.
    * pasar al olvido = blow over.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia = go down in + history.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia como = go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar al primer plano = take + centre stage.
    * pasar al siguiente año fiscal = roll over.
    * pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.
    * pasar año(s) antes de que = be year(s) before.
    * pasar a ocupar el puesto de Alguien = step into + the shoes of, stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * pasar aprietos = feel + the pinch.
    * pasar apuros = struggle, pass through + adversity, have + a thin time, be under strain, bear + hardship, be hard pressed, feel + the pinch, have + a hard time, the wolves + be + at the door, have + a tough time.
    * pasar apuros económicos = lead + a precarious existence.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus, take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser inconcebible = render + inconceivable.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
    * pasar casi rozando = skim.
    * pasar como una bala = whiz.
    * pasar de = get beyond.
    * pasar de... a... = proceed from... to..., move from... to....
    * pasar de... a = switch from... to..., go from... to..., swing between... and..., grow from... into/to.
    * pasar de contrabando = smuggle.
    * pasar de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.
    * pasar de largo = bypass [by-pass].
    * pasar de largo rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar de moda = drop out of + vogue, go out of + fashion, go out of + favour, go out of + date, go out of + vogue, fall out of + vogue, go out of + style, pass away, obsolesce, drop out of + circulation.
    * pasar desapercibido = be unnoticeable, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, be an invisible fly on the wall, go + unnoted, lie + forgotten, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.
    * pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.
    * pasar dificultades = struggle, be under strain, bear + hardship, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasar el invierno = winter, overwinter.
    * pasar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el muerto = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el platillo = pass + the bucket (around).
    * pasar el rato = hang out.
    * pasar el rato con = kick + it with.
    * pasar el rato con los amigos = hang out with + Posesivo + friends.
    * pasar el relevo a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar el testigo = pass (on) + the torch, pass (on) + the baton.
    * pasar el tiempo = pass + the time, hang around, spend + Posesivo + days, hang about, hang out.
    * pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure, spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
    * pasar + Expresión Temporal = elapse + Expresión Temporal, go by + Expresión Temporal.
    * pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.
    * pasar hojas = page (through), turn + pages, flip + pages.
    * pasar hojas hacia atrás = page + backward.
    * pasar hojas hacia delante = page + forward.
    * pasar inadvertidamente = slip, creep + past, sneak + past.
    * pasar inadvertido = be unnoticeable, escape + notice, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, go + unnoted, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar la antorcha = hand over + the torch.
    * pasar la luna de miel = honeymoon.
    * pasar la noche = spend + the night, stay overnight.
    * pasar la página = turn over + page.
    * pasar la pantalla = scroll.
    * pasar la pelota = pass + the buck.
    * pasar la prueba = pass + muster.
    * pasarlas canutas = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time, be to hell and back.
    * pasarlas negras = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time.
    * pasarlas putas = jump through + hoops, be to hell and back.
    * pasar las riendas del poder a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar las vacaciones = vacation.
    * pasar llevando = take through.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo bien = have + fun, be a great time.
    * pasarlo bomba = be a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo canutas intentando Hacer Algo = have + a heck of a time + trying.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo genial = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo mal = have + a thin time, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * pasarlo pipa = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasar los días = spend + Posesivo + days.
    * pasar miseria = the wolves + be + at the door.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
    * pasar penurias = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * pasar por = cross, pass through, reach down, step through, go by, go through, pass for, pass across, run + Nombre + through + Nombre, make + Posesivo + way through, run through.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], gloss over, miss, obviate, overlook, short-circuit [shortcircuit], skip over, leapfrog, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by, flout, close + the door on, skip.
    * pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por alto rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar por aquí = come by.
    * pasar por delante de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.
    * pasar por el infierno = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por encima = pass over.
    * pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por la mitad de = cut through.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por un período de = go through + a period of.
    * pasar por un proceso de = go through + a process of.
    * pasar privaciones = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar rápidamente = run through, sweep by, sweep, flash across.
    * pasar rápidamente a = snap to.
    * pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across, swing over.
    * pasar registros a disco = transfer + records + to disc.
    * pasar revista = review.
    * pasarse = come by, drop in, overshoot, step over + the edge, go + overboard, go + too far.
    * pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
    * pasarse Algo por el forro = flout.
    * pasarse Algo por la entrepierna = not give a shit.
    * pasarse con = act + fresh with.
    * pasar sed = go + thirsty.
    * pasarse de = overstep.
    * pasarse de + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * pasarse de la raya = cross + the line.
    * pasarse del límite = overrun [over-run].
    * pasárselo bien = have + a good time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time, have + a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo la mar de bien = have + a whale of a time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo pipa = have + a great time.
    * pasarse por = drop by, stop by, mosey.
    * pasar sin = get along without, forego [forgo], do without, live without.
    * pasar sin Alguien = spare + Nombre Personal.
    * pasar sin comodidades = rough it.
    * pasar sin ser visto = sneak + past, sneak through, sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * pasar + Tiempo = spend + time, spend + Tiempo.
    * pasar tiempo haciendo Algo = do + stint at.
    * pasar una crisis = face + crisis.
    * pasar una prueba = endure + ordeal, pass + a test, stand up.
    * pasar una prueba de sobra = pass with + flying colours.
    * pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico = swipe.
    * pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.
    * pasar un cuestionario = administer + questionnaire, carry out + questionnaire.
    * pasar un rato = say + hi.
    * pasar zumbando = whiz.
    * pase lo que pase = come what may, come rain or shine, rain or shine, come hell or high water.
    * por pasar el rato = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * ¿Qué pasa? = What's up?.
    * que pasaba = passing.
    * que pasa desapercibido = inconspicuous.
    * ¿qué pasa si... ? = what if... ?.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades = waste not, want not.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * tiempo + pasar = time + march on.
    * todavía no ha pasado lo mejor = the best is yet to come.
    * tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * ver lo que pasa = take it from there/here.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past

    no ha pasado ni un taxi — not one taxi has come/gone past

    ¿a qué hora pasa el lechero? — what time does the milkman come?

    pasar de largoto go right o straight past

    es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami — it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami

    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? — does this bus go past the museum?

    ¿el 45 pasa por aquí? — does the number 45 come this way?

    pasaba por aquí y... — I was just passing by o I was in the area and...

    ni me pasó por la imaginación — it didn't even occur to me, it didn't even cross my mind

    pasar POR algo: ¿podríamos pasar por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?; pase usted por caja please go over to the cashier; pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?; pasar A + INF: puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow; pasaremos a verlos — we'll call in o drop in and see them

    c) ( atravesar) to cross

    pasar de un lado a otroto go o cross from one side to the other

    d) (caber, entrar)
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) corona/título to pass

    una tradición que pasa de padres a hijosa tradition that is handed o passed down from generation to generation

    b) ( comunicar)

    te paso con Javier — ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier; ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier

    pase, por favor — please, do come in

    que pase el siguiente! — next, please!

    no pasarán! — (fr hecha) they shall not pass!

    ¿puedo pasar al baño? — may I use the bathroom please?

    ¿quién quiere pasar al pizarrón? — (AmL) who's going to come up to the blackboard?

    a) (cambiar de estado, actividad, tema)

    pasó del quinto al séptimo lugarshe went o dropped from fifth to seventh place

    ahora pasa a tercera — (Auto) now change into third

    pasando a otra cosa... — anyway, to change the subject...

    pasamos a informar de otras noticias — now, the rest of the news

    b) (Educ) to pass

    ¿pasaste? — did you pass?

    pasar de cursoto get through o pass one's end-of-year exams

    no está perfecto, pero puede pasar — it's not perfect, but it'll do

    pasar DE algo: no pases de 100 don't go over 100; no pasó de un desacuerdo it was nothing more than a disagreement; está muy grave, no creo que pase de hoy he's very ill, I don't think he'll last another day; no pasa de los 30 he's not more than 30; no pasamos de nueve empleados — they're only nine of us working there/here

    pasa por tonto, pero no lo es — he might look stupid, but he isn't

    b) (Esp) ( implicar)
    7) ( transcurrir) tiempo to pass

    pasaban las horas y no llegabathe hours went by o passed and still he didn't come

    8) ( cesar) crisis/mal momento to be over; efecto to wear off; dolor to go away
    9) ( arreglárselas) to manage, get by

    sin electricidad podemos pasarwe can manage o get by without electricity

    10) ( suceder) to happen

    lo que pasa es que... — the thing o the problem is...

    pase lo que pase — whatever happens, come what may

    ¿qué pasó con lo del reloj? — what happened about the watch?

    ...y aquí no ha pasado nada —...and let's just forget the whole thing

    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo — it's always the same

    ¿pasa algo? — is something the matter?

    ¿qué pasa? — what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq)

    hola, Carlos! ¿qué pasa? — (fam) hi, Carlos! how's things o how's it going? (colloq)

    son cosas que pasan — these things happen; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿qué te pasa? — what's the matter with you?

    ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? — what happened to your eye?

    ¿qué le pasa a la tele? — what's wrong with the TV?

    por suerte a él no le pasó nada — fortunately, nothing happened to him

    pasar POR algopor crisis/mala racha to go through something

    a) (en naipes, juegos) to pass
    b) (fam) ( rechazando algo)

    ¿vas a tomar postre? - no, yo paso — are you going to have a dessert? - no, I think I'll give it a miss

    paso de salir, estoy muy cansada — I don't feel like going out, I'm very tired (colloq)

    que se las arreglen, yo paso — they can sort it out themselves, it's not my problem

    paso de él — (esp Esp) I don't give a damn o I couldn't care less what he does (colloq)

    pasar vt
    b) ( por la aduana -legalmente) to take through; (- ilegalmente) to smuggle
    2) (exhibir, mostrar) <película/anuncio> to show
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) < frontera> to cross; <pueblo/ciudad> to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) <edificio/calle> to go past
    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake

    pasar A algo — to overtake something, to get past something

    está altísimo, ya pasa a su padre — he's really tall, he's already overtaken his father

    4) <examen/prueba> to pass
    5) <página/hoja> to turn
    6) (fam) ( tolerar)

    a ese tipo no lo pasoI can't stand o take that guy (colloq)

    pasar por alto<falta/error> to overlook, forget about; tema/punto to leave out, omit

    tendré que pasar la cartaI'll have to write o copy the letter out again

    ¿me pasas esto a máquina? — could you type this for me?

    8) (entregar, hacer llegar)

    ¿me pasas el martillo? — can you pass me the hammer?

    9) <gripe/resfriado> to give

    me lo pasó a mí — he gave it to me, he passed it on to me

    a) < tiempo> to spend
    a) (sufrir, padecer) penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer

    pasé mucho miedo/frío — I was very frightened/cold


    pasarlo or pasarla bien — to have a good time

    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? — did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?

    1) pasarse v pron
    2) ( cambiarse)

    nos pasamos, el banco está más arriba — we've gone too far, the bank isn't as far down as this

    b) (fam) ( excederse) to go too far
    c) (CS fam) ( lucirse)
    a) peras/tomates to go bad, get overripe; carne/pescado to go off, go bad; leche to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse): arroz/pasta to get overcooked
    a) ( desaparecer) efecto to wear off; dolor to go away; (+ me/te/le etc)

    el año se ha pasado muy rápido — this year has gone very quickly; (+ me/te/le etc)

    6) (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse)
    7) (enf) ( estar)

    se pasó el domingo durmiendo — he spent the whole of Sunday evening sleeping; ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1b y 2b

    8) (enf) (fam) (ir)

    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? — could you go down to the market?

    9) (refl)
    * * *
    = hand (over), pass, pass by, pass on, transfer, transmit, turn over + page, hand on, spend, transpire, pass out, turn over, slide over, pass along, get through, can't/couldn't be bothered, go + past, pass down, roll on, pass out, blow over, make + the cut, wear off, hand down.

    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.

    Ex: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
    Ex: The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
    Ex: If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.
    Ex: Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.
    Ex: The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex: Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
    Ex: Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
    Ex: Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
    Ex: The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.
    Ex: At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
    Ex: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
    Ex: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
    Ex: If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
    Ex: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
    Ex: Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
    Ex: Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
    Ex: The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
    Ex: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    Ex: Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
    Ex: During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
    Ex: Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.
    Ex: We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
    Ex: A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time goes by, as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
    * cada día que pasa = each passing day.
    * conforme + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * conforme + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * desde..., pasando por..., hasta... = from..., through..., to....
    * día que pasa = passing day.
    * esa época ya pasó hace tiempo = that time is long past.
    * haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.
    * hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
    * hacer que Alguien las pase canutas = give + Nombre + a run for + Posesivo + money.
    * hacérselas pasar canutas a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacérselas pasarlas canutas a Alguien = push + Nombre + to the edge.
    * hacérselas pasar negras a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacerse pasar por = masquerade as, impersonate.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan así porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lugar donde pasar el rato = hang out.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * pasando a = moving on to.
    * pasar a = go on to, move on to, proceed to, shunt into, switch over, switch to, step onto, spill over into.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a Alguien lo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * pasar a la clandestinidad = go into + hiding.
    * pasar a la era de = move into + the age of.
    * pasar a la historia = history in the making, go down in + history.
    * pasar a la historia como = go down as, go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar a la página + Número = turn to + page + Número.
    * pasar a la posteridad = go down to + posterity.
    * pasar a la posteridad como = go down to + posterity as.
    * pasar Algo a Alguien = turn + Algo + over to + Alguien.
    * pasar algo inesperado = things + take a turn for the unexpected.
    * pasar algún tiempo en = have + a turn at.
    * pasar al olvido = blow over.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia = go down in + history.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia como = go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar al primer plano = take + centre stage.
    * pasar al siguiente año fiscal = roll over.
    * pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.
    * pasar año(s) antes de que = be year(s) before.
    * pasar a ocupar el puesto de Alguien = step into + the shoes of, stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * pasar aprietos = feel + the pinch.
    * pasar apuros = struggle, pass through + adversity, have + a thin time, be under strain, bear + hardship, be hard pressed, feel + the pinch, have + a hard time, the wolves + be + at the door, have + a tough time.
    * pasar apuros económicos = lead + a precarious existence.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus, take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser inconcebible = render + inconceivable.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
    * pasar casi rozando = skim.
    * pasar como una bala = whiz.
    * pasar de = get beyond.
    * pasar de... a... = proceed from... to..., move from... to....
    * pasar de... a = switch from... to..., go from... to..., swing between... and..., grow from... into/to.
    * pasar de contrabando = smuggle.
    * pasar de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.
    * pasar de largo = bypass [by-pass].
    * pasar de largo rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar de moda = drop out of + vogue, go out of + fashion, go out of + favour, go out of + date, go out of + vogue, fall out of + vogue, go out of + style, pass away, obsolesce, drop out of + circulation.
    * pasar desapercibido = be unnoticeable, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, be an invisible fly on the wall, go + unnoted, lie + forgotten, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.
    * pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.
    * pasar dificultades = struggle, be under strain, bear + hardship, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasar el invierno = winter, overwinter.
    * pasar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el muerto = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el platillo = pass + the bucket (around).
    * pasar el rato = hang out.
    * pasar el rato con = kick + it with.
    * pasar el rato con los amigos = hang out with + Posesivo + friends.
    * pasar el relevo a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar el testigo = pass (on) + the torch, pass (on) + the baton.
    * pasar el tiempo = pass + the time, hang around, spend + Posesivo + days, hang about, hang out.
    * pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure, spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
    * pasar + Expresión Temporal = elapse + Expresión Temporal, go by + Expresión Temporal.
    * pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.
    * pasar hojas = page (through), turn + pages, flip + pages.
    * pasar hojas hacia atrás = page + backward.
    * pasar hojas hacia delante = page + forward.
    * pasar inadvertidamente = slip, creep + past, sneak + past.
    * pasar inadvertido = be unnoticeable, escape + notice, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, go + unnoted, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar la antorcha = hand over + the torch.
    * pasar la luna de miel = honeymoon.
    * pasar la noche = spend + the night, stay overnight.
    * pasar la página = turn over + page.
    * pasar la pantalla = scroll.
    * pasar la pelota = pass + the buck.
    * pasar la prueba = pass + muster.
    * pasarlas canutas = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time, be to hell and back.
    * pasarlas negras = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time.
    * pasarlas putas = jump through + hoops, be to hell and back.
    * pasar las riendas del poder a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar las vacaciones = vacation.
    * pasar llevando = take through.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo bien = have + fun, be a great time.
    * pasarlo bomba = be a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo canutas intentando Hacer Algo = have + a heck of a time + trying.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo genial = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo mal = have + a thin time, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * pasarlo pipa = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasar los días = spend + Posesivo + days.
    * pasar miseria = the wolves + be + at the door.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
    * pasar penurias = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * pasar por = cross, pass through, reach down, step through, go by, go through, pass for, pass across, run + Nombre + through + Nombre, make + Posesivo + way through, run through.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], gloss over, miss, obviate, overlook, short-circuit [shortcircuit], skip over, leapfrog, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by, flout, close + the door on, skip.
    * pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por alto rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar por aquí = come by.
    * pasar por delante de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.
    * pasar por el infierno = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por encima = pass over.
    * pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por la mitad de = cut through.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por un período de = go through + a period of.
    * pasar por un proceso de = go through + a process of.
    * pasar privaciones = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar rápidamente = run through, sweep by, sweep, flash across.
    * pasar rápidamente a = snap to.
    * pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across, swing over.
    * pasar registros a disco = transfer + records + to disc.
    * pasar revista = review.
    * pasarse = come by, drop in, overshoot, step over + the edge, go + overboard, go + too far.
    * pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
    * pasarse Algo por el forro = flout.
    * pasarse Algo por la entrepierna = not give a shit.
    * pasarse con = act + fresh with.
    * pasar sed = go + thirsty.
    * pasarse de = overstep.
    * pasarse de + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * pasarse de la raya = cross + the line.
    * pasarse del límite = overrun [over-run].
    * pasárselo bien = have + a good time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time, have + a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo la mar de bien = have + a whale of a time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo pipa = have + a great time.
    * pasarse por = drop by, stop by, mosey.
    * pasar sin = get along without, forego [forgo], do without, live without.
    * pasar sin Alguien = spare + Nombre Personal.
    * pasar sin comodidades = rough it.
    * pasar sin ser visto = sneak + past, sneak through, sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * pasar + Tiempo = spend + time, spend + Tiempo.
    * pasar tiempo haciendo Algo = do + stint at.
    * pasar una crisis = face + crisis.
    * pasar una prueba = endure + ordeal, pass + a test, stand up.
    * pasar una prueba de sobra = pass with + flying colours.
    * pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico = swipe.
    * pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.
    * pasar un cuestionario = administer + questionnaire, carry out + questionnaire.
    * pasar un rato = say + hi.
    * pasar zumbando = whiz.
    * pase lo que pase = come what may, come rain or shine, rain or shine, come hell or high water.
    * por pasar el rato = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * ¿Qué pasa? = What's up?.
    * que pasaba = passing.
    * que pasa desapercibido = inconspicuous.
    * ¿qué pasa si... ? = what if... ?.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades = waste not, want not.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * tiempo + pasar = time + march on.
    * todavía no ha pasado lo mejor = the best is yet to come.
    * tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * ver lo que pasa = take it from there/here.

    * * *
    pasar [A1 ]
    ■ pasar (verbo intransitivo)
    1 por un lugar
    2 deteniéndose en un lugar
    3 caber, entrar
    1 transmitirse, transferirse
    2 comunicar
    C entrar
    1 cambiar de estado, actividad, tema
    2 Educación
    3 indicando aceptabilidad
    E exceder un límite
    1 pasar por: ser tenido por
    2 pasar por: implicar
    1 transcurrir
    2 terminar
    B arreglárselas
    Sentido III ocurrir, suceder
    1 en naipes, juegos
    2 rechazando una invitación
    B expresando indiferencia
    ■ pasar (verbo transitivo)
    1 hacer atravesar
    2 pasar por la aduana
    3 hacer recorrer
    B exhibir, mostrar
    1 cruzar, atravesar
    2 adelantar, sobrepasar
    D aprobar: examen
    E dar la vuelta a
    F tolerar, admitir
    G transcribir
    H engañar
    A entregar, hacer llegar
    B contagiar
    A pasar: tiempo, día etc
    1 sufrir, padecer
    2 pasarlo bien/mal
    ■ pasarse (verbo pronominal)
    A cambiarse
    1 ir demasiado lejos
    2 excederse
    3 lucirse
    1 pasarse: comestibles
    2 Cocina
    A desaparecer
    B «tiempo»
    C olvidarse
    A enfático: con idea de continuidad
    B enfático: ir
    C reflexivo
    1 (por un lugar) to come/go past
    no ha pasado ni un taxi not one taxi has come/gone by o come/gone past
    pasó un coche a toda velocidad a car passed at top speed, a car came/went past at top speed, a car shot o sped past
    ¿a qué hora pasa el lechero? what time does the milkman come?
    no aparques aquí, que no pueden pasar otros coches don't park here, other cars won't be able to get past
    no dejan pasar a nadie they're not letting anyone through
    no dejes pasar esta oportunidad don't miss this chance
    pasar de largo to go right o straight past
    el autobús venía completo y pasó de largo the bus was full and didn't stop o went right o straight past without stopping
    pasó de largo sin siquiera saludar she went right o straight past o ( colloq) she sailed past without even saying hello
    pasar POR algo to go THROUGH sth
    al pasar por la aduana when you go through customs
    prefiero no pasar por el centro I'd rather not go through the city center
    el Tajo pasa por Aranjuez the Tagus flows through Aranjuez
    hay un vuelo directo, no hace falta pasar por Miami there's a direct flight so you don't have to go via Miami
    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? does this bus go past the museum?
    ¿el 45 pasa por aquí? does the number 45 come this way/stop here?
    pasamos justo por delante de su casa we went right past her house
    pasaba por aquí y se me ocurrió hacerte una visita I was just passing by o I was in the area and I thought I'd drop in and see you
    ni me pasó por la imaginación que fuese a hacerlo it didn't even occur to me o it didn't even cross my mind that she would do it
    el país está pasando por momentos difíciles these are difficult times for the country
    ¿podríamos pasar por el supermercado? can we stop off at the supermarket?
    de camino tengo que pasar por la oficina I have to drop in at o stop by the office on the way
    pase usted por caja please go over to the cashier
    pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?
    pasar A + INF:
    puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow
    pasaremos a verlos de camino a casa we'll drop by o stop by and see them on the way home, we'll call in o drop in and see them on the way home
    (caber, entrar): no creo que pase por la puerta, es demasiado ancho I don't think it'll go through o I don't think we'll get it through the door, it's too wide
    esta camiseta no me pasa por la cabeza I can't get this T-shirt over my head
    (transmitirse, transferirse): la humedad ha pasado a la habitación de al lado the damp has gone through to the room next door
    el título pasa al hijo mayor the title passes o goes to the eldest son
    la carta ha ido pasando de mano en mano the letter has been passed around (to everyone)
    (comunicar): te paso con Javier (en el mismo teléfono) I'll let you speak to Javier, I'll hand o pass you over to Javier; (en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier
    C (entraracercándose al hablante) to come in; (— alejándose del hablante) to go in
    pasa, no te quedes en la puerta come (on) in, don't stand there in the doorway
    ¿se puede? — pase may I come in? — yes, please do
    ¡que pase el siguiente! next, please!
    ha llegado el señor Díazhágalo pasar Mr Díaz is here — show him in please
    ¡no pasarán! ( fr hecha); they shall not pass!
    pueden pasar al comedor you may go through into the dining room
    ¿puedo pasar al baño? may I use the bathroom please?
    ¿quién quiere pasar al pizarrón? ( AmL); who's going to come up to the blackboard?
    1 (cambiar de estado, actividad, tema) pasar ( DE algo) A algo:
    en poco tiempo ha pasado del anonimato a la fama in a very short space of time she's gone o shot from obscurity to fame
    pasó del quinto al séptimo lugar she went o dropped from fifth to seventh place
    ahora pasa a tercera ( Auto) now change into third
    pasa a la página 98 continued on page 98
    pasando a otra cosa … anyway, to change the subject …
    pasar A + INF:
    el equipo pasa a ocupar el primer puesto the team moves into first place
    pasó a formar parte del equipo en julio she joined the team in July
    más tarde pasó a tratar la cuestión de los impuestos later he went on to deal with the question of taxes
    Daniel ya pasa a tercero Daniel will be starting third grade next semester ( AmE), Daniel will be going into the third year next term ( BrE)
    si pasas de curso te compro una bicicleta if you get through o pass your end-of-year exams, I'll buy you a bicycle
    (indicando aceptabilidad): no está perfecto, pero puede pasar it's not perfect, but it'll do
    por esta vez (que) pase, pero que no se repita I'll let it pass o go this time, but don't let it happen again
    E (exceder un límite) pasar DE algo:
    no pases de 100 don't go over 100
    fue un pequeño desacuerdo pero no pasó de eso it was nothing more than a slight disagreement, we/they had a slight disagreement, but it was nothing more than that
    estuvo muy cortés conmigo pero no pasó de eso he was very polite, but no more
    tengo que escribirle, de hoy no pasa I must write to him today without fail
    está muy grave, no creo que pase de hoy he's very ill, I don't think he'll last another day
    yo diría que no pasa de los 30 I wouldn't say he was more than 30
    al principio no pasábamos de nueve empleados there were only nine of us working there/here at the beginning
    no pasan de ser palabras vacías they are still nothing but empty words o still only empty words
    (ser tenido por): pasa por tonto, pero no lo es he might look stupid, but he isn't
    podrían pasar por hermanas they could pass for sisters
    se hacía pasar por médico he passed himself off as a doctor
    se hizo pasar por mi padre he pretended to be my father
    2 (implicar) to lie in
    la solución pasa por la racionalización de la industria the solution lies in the rationalization of the industry
    A «tiempo»
    (transcurrir): ya han pasado dos horas y aún no ha vuelto it's been two hours now and she still hasn't come back
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly!
    por ti no pasan los años you look as young as ever
    pasaban las horas y no llegaba the hours went by o passed and still he didn't come
    (terminar): menos mal que el invierno ya ha pasado thank goodness winter's over
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over now
    no llores, ya pasó don't cry, it's all right now o it's all over now
    (arreglárselas): ¿compro más o podemos pasar con esto? shall I buy some more or can we get by on o make do with this?
    sin electricidad podemos pasar, pero sin agua no we can manage o do without electricity but not without water
    Sentido III (ocurrir, suceder) to happen
    déjame que te cuente lo que pasó let me tell you what happened
    claro que me gustaría ir, lo que pasa es que estoy cansada of course I'd like to go, only I'm really tired o it's just that I'm really tired
    lo que pasa es que el jueves no voy a estar the thing is o the problem is I won't be here on Thursday
    iré pase lo que pase I'm going whatever happens o come what may
    ¿qué pasó con lo del reloj? what happened about the watch?
    ahora se dan la mano y aquí no ha pasado nada now just shake hands and let's forget the whole thing
    en este pueblo nunca pasa nada nothing ever happens in this town
    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo it's always the same
    ¿qué pasa? ¿por qué estás tan serio? what's up o what's the matter? why are you looking so serious?
    se lo dije yo ¿pasa algo? I told him, what of it o what's it to you? ( colloq), I told him, do you have a problem with that? ( colloq)
    ¡hola, Carlos! ¿qué pasa? ( fam); hi, Carlos! how's things o how's it going? ( colloq)
    no te hagas mala sangre, son cosas que pasan don't get upset about it, these things happen
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿qué te ha pasado en el ojo? what have you done to your eye?, what's happened to your eye?
    ¿qué le pasará a Ricardo que tiene tan mala cara? I wonder what's up with o what's the matter with Ricardo? he looks terrible ( colloq)
    ¿qué te pasa que estás tan callado? why are you so quiet?
    ¿qué le pasa a la lavadora que no centrifuga? why isn't the washing machine spinning?
    no sé qué me pasa I don't know what's wrong o what's the matter with me
    eso le pasa a cualquiera that can happen to anybody
    el coche quedó destrozado pero a él no le pasó nada the car was wrecked but he escaped unhurt
    1 (en naipes, juegos) to pass
    paso, no tengo tréboles pass o I can't go, I don't have any clubs
    2 ( fam)
    (rechazando una invitación, una oportunidad): tómate otra — no, gracias, esta vez paso have another one — no thanks, I'll skip this one o I'll pass on this round ( colloq)
    ¿vas a tomar postre? — no, yo paso are you going to have a dessert? — no, I think I'll give it a miss o no, I couldn't
    pasar DE algo:
    esta noche paso de salir, estoy muy cansada I don't feel like going out tonight, I'm very tired ( colloq)
    B ( fam)
    (expresando indiferencia): que se las arreglen, yo paso they can sort it out themselves, it's not my problem o I don't want anything to do with it
    pasar DE algo:
    pasa ampliamente de lo que diga la gente she couldn't give a damn about o she couldn't care less what people say ( colloq)
    paso mucho de política I couldn't give a damn about politics ( colloq)
    ( esp Esp): paso de él I don't give a damn what he does/what happens to him ( colloq)
    mis padres pasan de mí my parents couldn't care less what I do/what happens to me
    ■ pasar
    1 (hacer atravesar) pasar algo POR algo:
    pasar la salsa por un tamiz put the sauce through a sieve, sieve the sauce
    pasé la piña por la licuadora I put the pineapple through the blender, I liquidized o blended the pineapple
    pasa el cordón por este agujero thread the shoelace through this hole
    (por la aduana): ¿cuántas botellas de vino se puede pasar? how many bottles of wine are you allowed to take through?
    los pillaron intentando pasar armas they were caught trying to smuggle o bring in arms
    (hacer recorrer): pasé la aspiradora por el cuarto I vacuumed o ( BrE) tb hoovered the room
    ven aquí, que te voy a pasar un peine come here and let me give your hair a quick comb o let me put a comb through your hair
    pásale un trapo al piso give the floor a quick wipe, wipe the floor down
    pasarlo primero por harina first dip it in flour
    a esto hay que pasarle una plancha this needs a quick iron o ( colloq) a quick once-over o run over with the iron
    B (exhibir, mostrar) ‹película/anuncio› to show
    las chicas que pasaron los modelos the girls who modeled the dresses
    1 (cruzar, atravesar) ‹frontera› to cross
    pasaron el río a nado they swam across the river
    esa calle la pasamos hace rato we went past o we passed that street a while back
    ¿ya hemos pasado Flores? have we been through Flores yet?
    2 (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake
    a ver si podemos pasar a este camión why don't we overtake o get past o pass this truck?
    está altísimo, ya pasa a su padre he's really tall, he's already overtaken his father
    D (aprobar) ‹examen/prueba› to pass
    E (dar la vuelta a) ‹página/hoja› to turn
    F ( fam)
    (tolerar, admitir): esto no te lo paso I'm not letting you get away with this
    el profesor no te deja pasar ni una the teacher doesn't let you get away with anything
    a ese tipo no lo paso or no lo puedo pasar I can't stand o take that guy ( colloq)
    yo el Roquefort no lo paso I can't stand Roquefort, I hate Roquefort
    no podía pasar aquella sopa grasienta I couldn't stomach o eat that greasy soup
    pasar por alto ‹falta/error› to overlook, forget about; (olvidar, omitir) to forget, leave out, omit, overlook
    (transcribir): tendré que pasar la carta I'll have to write o copy the letter out again
    ¿me pasas esto a máquina? could you type this for me?
    limpio1 adj A 3. (↑ limpio (1))
    H ( AmL) (engañar) to put one over on ( colloq)
    se cree que me va a pasar a mí he thinks he can put one over on me
    (entregar, hacer llegar): cuando termines el libro, pásaselo a Miguel when you finish the book, pass it on to Miguel
    ¿me pasas el martillo? can you pass me the hammer?
    ¿han pasado ya la factura? have they sent the bill yet?, have they billed you/us yet?
    le pasó el balón a Gómez he passed the ball to Gómez
    el padre le pasa una mensualidad she gets a monthly allowance from her father, her father gives her a monthly allowance
    B (contagiar) ‹gripe/resfriado› to give
    se lo pasé a toda la familia I gave it to o passed it on to the whole family
    A ‹tiempo› to spend
    vamos a pasar las Navidades en casa we are going to spend Christmas at home
    fuimos a Toledo a pasar el día we went to Toledo for the day
    (sufrir, padecer): pasaron muchas penalidades they went through o suffered a lot of hardship
    pasé mucho miedo I was very frightened
    ¿pasaste frío anoche? were you cold last night?
    pasamos hambre en la posguerra we went hungry after the war
    está pasando una mala racha he's going through bad times o ( BrE) a bad patch ( colloq)
    no sabes las que pasé yo con ese hombre you've no idea what I went through with that man
    pasarlo or pasarla bien/mal: lo pasa muy mal con los exámenes he gets very nervous o ( colloq) gets in a real state about exams
    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?
    Caín, negro1 (↑ negro (1)), pipa, etc
    (cambiarse): pasarse al enemigo/al bando contrario to go over to the enemy/to the other side
    queremos pasarnos a la otra oficina we want to move to the other office
    (ir demasiado lejos): nos hemos pasado, el banco está más arriba we've gone too far, the bank isn't as far down as this
    nos pasamos de estación/parada we missed o went past our station/stop
    2 ( fam) (excederse) to go too far
    esta vez te has pasado you've gone too far this time
    no te pases que no estoy para bromas that's enough o don't push your luck ( colloq), I'm not in the mood for jokes
    se pasaron con los precios they charged exorbitant prices, the prices they charged were way over the top o way out of line ( colloq)
    se pasó con la sal he put too much salt in it, he overdid the salt ( colloq)
    pasarse DE algo:
    se pasó de listo he tried to be too clever ( colloq)
    te pasas de bueno you're too kind for your own good
    (CS fam) (lucirse): ¡te pasaste! esto está riquísimo you've excelled yourself! this is really delicious ( colloq)
    se pasó con ese gol that was a fantastic goal he scored ( colloq)
    1 «peras/tomates» to go bad, get overripe; «carne/pescado» to go off, go bad; «leche» to go off, go sour
    estos plátanos se están pasando these bananas are starting to go bad o to get overripe
    2 ( Cocina):
    se va a pasar el arroz the rice is going to spoil o get overcooked
    no lo dejes pasar de punto don't let it overcook
    Sentido II (+ me/te/le etc)
    (desaparecer): ya se me pasó el dolor the pain's gone o eased now
    espera a que se le pase el enojo wait until he's calmed o cooled down
    hasta que se le pase la fiebre until her temperature goes down
    «tiempo»: sus clases se me pasan volando her classes seem to go so quickly
    se me pasaron las tres horas casi sin enterarme the three hours flew by almost without my realizing
    (olvidarse): lo siento, se me pasó totalmente I'm sorry, I completely forgot o it completely slipped my mind
    se me pasó su cumpleaños I forgot his birthday
    (con idea de continuidad): se pasa meses sin ver a su mujer he goes for months at a time o he goes months without seeing his wife, he doesn't see his wife for months on end
    se pasa hablando por teléfono ( AmL); he's always on the telephone
    me pasé toda la noche estudiando I was up all night studying
    es capaz de pasarse el día entero sin probar bocado he can quite easily go the whole day without having a thing to eat
    pasárselo bien/mal, etc pasar vt Sense III B 2.
    B ( enfático) ( fam)
    (ir): pásate por casa y te la presento come round and I'll introduce you to her ( colloq)
    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? could you go down to the market?, could you pop o nip down to the market? ( BrE colloq)
    C ( reflexivo):
    se pasó la mano por el pelo he ran his fingers through his hair
    ni siquiera tuve tiempo de pasarme un peine I didn't even have time to run a comb through my hair o ( BrE) to give my hair a comb
    * * *


    pasar ( conjugate pasar) verbo intransitivo
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past;

    no ha pasado ni un taxi not one taxi has come/gone past;

    los otros coches no podían pasar the other cars weren't able to get past;
    no dejan pasar a nadie they're not letting anyone through;
    pasar de largo to go right o straight past;
    pasar por la aduana to go through customs;
    es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami;
    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? does this bus go past the museum?;
    pasamos por delante de su casa we went past her house;
    pasaba por aquí y … I was just passing by o I was in the area and …

    ¿podríamos pasar por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?;

    pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?;
    puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow

    pasar de un lado a otro [persona/barco] to go o cross from one side to the other;

    [ humedad] to go through from one side to the other
    d) ( caber):

    2 ( entraracercándose al hablante) to come in;
    (— alejándose del hablante) to go in;
    pase, por favor please, do come in;

    ¡que pase el siguiente! next, please!;
    haga pasar al Sr Díaz show Mr Díaz in please
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) [corona/título] to pass;

    b) ( comunicar):

    te paso con Javier ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier;

    ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier
    a) (Educ) to pass;

    pasar de curso to get through o pass one's end-of-year exams

    no está perfecto, pero puede pasar it's not perfect, but it'll do;

    por esta vez, (que) pase I'll let it pass o go this time

    ver tb hacerse II 3

    ( suceder) to happen;

    lo que pasa es que… the thing o the problem is …;
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may;
    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo it's always the same;
    ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq);
    ¿qué te pasa? what's the matter with you?;
    ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? what happened to your eye?;
    ¿qué le pasa a la tele? what's wrong with the TV?;
    eso le pasa a cualquiera that can happen to anybody;
    no le pasó nada nothing happened to him
    1 ( transcurrir) [tiempo/años] to pass, go by;
    pasaron muchos años many years went by o passed;

    ya han pasado dos horas it's been two hours now;
    un año pasa muy rápido a year goes very quickly;
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly!
    2 ( cesar) [crisis/mal momento] to be over;
    [ efecto] to wear off;
    [ dolor] to go away
    3 ( arreglárselas) pasar sin algo to manage without sth
    verbo transitivo
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) ‹ frontera to cross;

    pueblo/ciudad to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) ‹edificio/calle to go past

    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake

    a) ( hacer atravesar) pasar algo POR algo to put sth through sth;

    b) (por la aduana —legalmente) to take through;

    (— ilegalmente) to smuggle
    3 ( hacer recorrer):

    pásale un trapo al piso give the floor a quick wipe;
    hay que pasarle una plancha it needs a quick iron
    4 (exhibir, mostrar) ‹película/anuncio to show
    5examen/prueba to pass
    6página/hoja to turn;
    pasar por altofalta/error to overlook;

    tema/punto to leave out, omit
    1 (entregar, hacer llegar):

    ¿me pasas el martillo? can you pass me the hammer?
    2 ( contagiar) to give, to pass on
    a) tiempo to spend;

    fuimos a Toledo a pasar el día we went to Toledo for the day

    pasa todo el día al teléfono she spends all day on the phone
    c) pasarlo or pasarla bien to have a good time;

    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?;

    lo pasé mal I didn't enjoy myself
    2 (sufrir, padecer) ‹penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer;
    pasé mucho miedo/frío I was very frightened/cold

    pasarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( cambiarse):


    esta vez te has pasado (fam) you've gone too far this time
    b) ( enf) (fam) (ir):

    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? could you go down to the market?
    a) [peras/tomates] to go bad, get overripe;

    [carne/pescado] to go off, go bad;
    [ leche] to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse) [arroz/pasta] to get overcooked


    [ dolor] to go away;
    (+ me/te/le etc)
    ya se me pasó el dolor the pain's gone o eased now;

    espera a que se le pase el enojo wait until he's calmed o cooled down

    ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1
    2 (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse):

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to pass
    2 (trasladar) to move
    3 (dar) to pass, give: no me pasó el recado, he didn't give me the message
    4 (hojas de libro) to turn
    5 (el tiempo, la vida) to spend, pass
    6 (soportar, sufrir) to suffer, endure: está pasando una crisis personal, she's going through a personal crisis
    pasamos sed y calor, we suffered thirst and heat
    7 (río, calle, frontera) to cross
    8 (tragar) to swallow
    9 (tolerar, aguantar) to bear
    10 (introducir) to insert, put through
    11 (un examen, una eliminatoria) to pass
    12 Cine to run, show: este sábado pasan Ben Hur, they're putting Ben Hur on this Saturday
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to pass: ¿a qué hora pasa el tren?, what time does the train pass?
    Cervantes pasó por aquí, Cervantes passed this way
    ya pasó, it has already passed
    pasar de largo, to go by (without stopping)
    2 (entrar) to come in
    3 (ser tolerable) to be acceptable: no está mal, puede pasar, it isn't bad, it will do
    4 (exceder) to surpass: no pases de los 70 km/h, don't exceed 70 km/h
    5 (a otro asunto) to go on to
    pasar a ser, to become
    6 (tiempo) to pass, go by
    7 (arreglarse, apañarse) pasar sin, to do without: puedo pasar sin coche, I can manage without a car
    8 fam (no tener interés, prescindir) pasa de lo que digan, don't mind what they say
    paso de ir al cine, I'll give the cinema a miss
    9 (suceder) to happen: ¿qué pasa?, what's going on?
    ¿qué le pasa?, what's the matter with him?
    pase lo que pase, whatever happens o come what may
    ♦ Locuciones: pasar algo a limpio, to make a fair copy of sthg
    pasarlo bien/mal, to have a good/difficult time
    pasar por, to put up with: paso por que me digas que estoy gorda, pero no pienso tolerar que me amargues cada comida, I can handle you calling me fat, but I'm not having you ruin every single meal for me
    pasar por alto, to overlook: pasaré por alto esa observación, I'll just ignore that remark
    ' pasar' also found in these entries:
    - ahorrar
    - amarga
    - amargo
    - aro
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bondad
    - cabalgata
    - cadáver
    - calor
    - cocerse
    - colar
    - desapercibida
    - desapercibido
    - desfilar
    - deslizar
    - entretenerse
    - historia
    - inadvertida
    - inadvertido
    - inri
    - mayor
    - meneo
    - noche
    - penalidad
    - posibilidad
    - privación
    - rato
    - relámpago
    - revista
    - rozar
    - salvar
    - suceder
    - superar
    - suplantar
    - suprimir
    - tamiz
    - tener
    - tesorería
    - tirarse
    - torniquete
    - trago
    - verter
    - vestidura
    - vicaría
    - vida
    - vivir
    - adiós
    - alcanzar
    ask in
    - bootleg
    - bring in
    - brush
    - buck
    - by
    - call
    - clamber
    - clear
    - come
    - come by
    - come on to
    - decide on
    - discount
    - do without
    - drag
    - dread
    - drive-through
    - elapse
    - embarrassment
    - envisage
    - envision
    - fashion
    - fill in
    - fly
    - fore
    - gallop past
    - get by
    - get on to
    - get onto
    - get past
    - get through
    - gloss over
    - go
    - go along
    - go by
    - go on
    - go out
    - go through
    - go under
    - graze
    - hand on
    - hang out
    - happen
    - have
    - hibernate
    - hideous
    - holiday
    - Hoover
    - hungry
    * * *
    1. [dar, transmitir] to pass;
    [noticia, aviso] to pass on;
    ¿me pasas la sal? would you pass me the salt?;
    pásame toda la información que tengas give me o let me have all the information you've got;
    no se preocupe, yo le paso el recado don't worry, I'll pass on the message to him;
    páseme con el encargado [al teléfono] could you put me through to o could I speak to the person in charge?;
    le paso (con él) [al teléfono] I'll put you through (to him);
    Valdez pasó el balón al portero Valdez passed the ball (back) to the keeper;
    pasan sus conocimientos de generación en generación they pass down their knowledge from one generation to the next;
    el Estado le pasa una pensión she gets a pension from the State;
    pasa la cuerda por ese agujero pass the rope through this hole;
    hay que pasar las maletas por la máquina de rayos X your luggage has to go through the X-ray machine;
    pase las croquetas por huevo coat the croquettes with egg;
    pasar el cepillo por el suelo to scrub the floor;
    pasa un paño por la mesa give the table a wipe with a cloth;
    unas vacaciones pasadas por agua a Br holiday o US vacation when it rained the whole time;
    se dedican a pasar tabaco de contrabando/inmigrantes ilegales por la frontera they smuggle tobacco/illegal immigrants across the border
    2. [contagiar]
    pasar algo a alguien to give sb sth, to give sth to sb;
    me has pasado el resfriado you've given me your cold
    3. [cruzar] to cross;
    pasar la calle/la frontera to cross the road/border;
    pasé el río a nado I swam across the river
    4. [rebasar, sobrepasar] [en el espacio, tiempo] to go through;
    ¿hemos pasado ya la frontera? have we gone past o crossed the border yet?;
    pasar un semáforo en rojo to go through a red light;
    al pasar el parque gire a su izquierda once you're past the park, turn left, turn left after the park;
    ya ha pasado los veinticinco he's over twenty-five now;
    mi hijo me pasa ya dos centímetros my son is already two centimetres taller than me
    5. [adelantar] [corredores, vehículos] to overtake;
    pasa a esa furgoneta en cuanto puedas overtake that van as soon as you can
    6. [trasladar]
    pasar algo a to move sth to;
    hay que pasar todos estos libros al estudio we have to take all these books through to the study, we have to move all these books to the study
    7. [conducir adentro] to show in;
    el criado nos pasó al salón the butler showed us into the living-room
    8. [hacer avanzar] [páginas de libro] to turn;
    [hojas sueltas] to turn over;
    pasar página to make a fresh start
    9. [mostrar] [película, diapositivas, reportaje] to show
    10. [emplear] [tiempo] to spend;
    pasó dos años en Roma he spent two years in Rome;
    ¿dónde vas a pasar las vacaciones? where are you going on holiday o US vacation?, where are you going to spend your holidays o US vacation?;
    pasé la noche trabajando I worked all night, I spent the whole night working;
    he pasado muy buenos ratos con él I've had some very good times with him
    11. [experimentar] to go through, to experience;
    hemos pasado una racha muy mala we've gone o been through a very bad spell o Br patch;
    pasar frío/miedo to be cold/scared;
    ¿has pasado la varicela? have you had chickenpox?;
    ¿qué tal lo has pasado? did you have a nice time?, did you enjoy yourselves?;
    pasarlo bien to enjoy oneself, to have a good time;
    ¡que lo pases bien! have a nice time!, enjoy yourself!;
    lo hemos pasado muy mal últimamente we've had a hard time of it recently;
    pasarlas canutas to have a rough time
    12. [superar] to pass;
    muy pocos pasaron el examen/la prueba very few people passed the exam/test;
    hay que pasar un reconocimiento médico you have to pass a medical;
    no pasamos la eliminatoria we didn't get through the tie
    13. [consentir]
    pasar algo a alguien to let sb get away with sth;
    que me engañes no te lo paso I'm not going to let you get away with cheating me;
    este profesor no te deja pasar (ni) una you can't get away with anything with this teacher;
    pasar algo por alto [adrede] to pass over sth;
    [sin querer] to miss sth out
    14. [transcribir]
    pasar algo a limpio to make a fair copy of sth, to write sth out neatly;
    yo te lo paso a máquina I'll type it up for you;
    pasar un documento Esp [m5] al ordenador o Am [m5] a la computadora to type o key a document (up) on the computer
    15. RP Fam [engañar] to diddle;
    están siempre tratando de pasarte con el vuelto they always try to short-change you o diddle you over the change
    1. [ir, moverse] to pass, to go;
    vimos pasar a un hombre corriendo we saw a man run past;
    ¿cuándo pasa el camión de la basura? when do the Br dustmen o US garbage collectors come?;
    deja pasar a la ambulancia let the ambulance past;
    ¿me deja pasar, por favor? may I come past, please?;
    pasó por mi lado he passed by my side;
    he pasado por tu calle I went down your street;
    el autobús pasa por mi casa the bus passes in front of o goes past my house;
    ¿qué autobuses pasan por aquí? which buses go past here?, which buses can you catch from here?;
    el Támesis pasa por Londres the Thames flows through London;
    yo sólo pasaba por aquí I was just passing by;
    pasaba por allí y entré a saludar I was in the area, so I stopped by to say hello;
    pasar de largo to go straight by
    2. [entrar] to go/come in;
    pasen por aquí, por favor come this way, please;
    lo siento, no se puede pasar sorry, you can't go in there/come in here;
    pasamos a un salón muy grande we entered a very large living-room;
    ¿puedo pasar? may I come in?;
    ¿puedo pasar al cuarto de baño? can I use the bathroom?;
    ¡pase!, Méx [m5]¡pásale/pásele! come in!;
    hazlos pasar show them in;
    pasar al pizarrón to go/come to the blackboard
    3. [caber] to go ( por through);
    por ahí no pasa este armario this wardrobe won't go through there
    4. [acercarse, ir un momento] to pop in;
    pasaré por mi oficina/por tu casa I'll pop into my office/round to your place;
    pasa por la farmacia y compra aspirinas pop into the Br chemist's o US pharmacy and buy some aspirin;
    pasé a verla al hospital I dropped in at the hospital to see her;
    pase a por el vestido o [m5] a recoger el vestido el lunes you can come and pick the dress up on Monday
    5. [suceder] to happen;
    ¿qué pasa aquí? what's going on here?;
    ¿qué pasa? [¿qué ocurre?] what's the matter?;
    Fam [al saludar a alguien] how's it going?; Méx Fam
    ¿qué pasó? [¿qué tal?] how's it going?;
    ¿qué pasa con esas cervezas? where have those beers got to?, what's happened to those beers?;
    no te preocupes, no pasa nada don't worry, it's OK;
    aquí nunca pasa nada nothing ever happens here;
    ¿qué le pasa? what's wrong with him?, what's the matter with him?;
    ¿le pasó algo al niño? did something happen to the child?;
    ¿qué te pasa en la pierna? what's wrong with your leg?;
    eso te pasa por mentir that's what you get for lying;
    lo que pasa es que… the thing is…;
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may;
    siempre pasa lo mismo, pasa lo de siempre it's always the same;
    dense la mano y aquí no ha pasado nada shake hands and just forget the whole thing (as if it had never happened)
    6. [terminar] to be over;
    pasó la Navidad Christmas is over;
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over now;
    cuando pase el dolor when the pain passes o stops;
    la tormenta ya ha pasado the storm is over now;
    el efecto de estos fármacos pasa enseguida these drugs wear off quickly
    7. [transcurrir] to go by;
    pasaron tres meses three months went by;
    cuando pase un rato te tomas esta pastilla take this tablet after a little while;
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! time flies!
    8. [cambiar]
    pasar de… a… [de lugar, estado, propietario] to go o pass from… to…;
    pasamos del último puesto al décimo we went (up) from last place to tenth;
    pasa de la depresión a la euforia she goes from depression to euphoria;
    pasó a formar parte del nuevo equipo he joined the new team;
    pasar a [nueva actividad, nuevo tema] to move on to;
    pasemos a otra cosa let's move on to something else;
    ahora pasaré a explicarles cómo funciona esta máquina now I'm going to explain to you how this machine works;
    Alicia pasa a (ser) jefa de personal Alicia will become personnel manager;
    pasar de curso o [m5] al siguiente curso = to pass one's end-of-year exams and move up a year
    9. [ir más allá, sobrepasar]
    si pasas de 160, vibra el volante if you go faster than 160, the steering wheel starts to vibrate;
    yo creo que no pasa de los cuarenta años I doubt she's older than forty;
    no pasó de ser un aparatoso accidente sin consecuencias the accident was spectacular but no-one was hurt
    10. [conformarse, apañarse]
    pasar (con/sin algo) to make do (with/without sth);
    tendrá que pasar sin coche she'll have to make do without a car;
    ¿cómo puedes pasar toda la mañana sólo con un café? how can you last all morning on just a cup of coffee?;
    no sabe pasar sin su familia he can't cope without his family
    11. [experimentar]
    hemos pasado por situaciones de alto riesgo we have been in some highly dangerous situations
    12. [tolerar]
    pasar por algo to put up with sth;
    ¡yo por ahí no paso! I draw the line at that!
    13. [ser considerado]
    pasa por ser uno de los mejores tenistas del momento he is considered to be one of the best tennis players around at the moment;
    hacerse pasar por alguien/algo to pretend to be sb/sth, to pass oneself off as sb/sth
    14. Fam [prescindir]
    pasar de algo/alguien to want nothing to do with sth/sb;
    paso de política I'm not into politics;
    ¡ése pasa de todo! he couldn't care less about anything!;
    paso de ir al cine hoy I can't be bothered going to o Br I don't fancy the cinema today;
    paso olímpicamente o [m5] ampliamente de hacerlo I'm damned if I'm going to do it
    15. [en naipes] to pass
    16. [servir, valer]
    puede pasar it'll do;
    por esta vez pase, pero que no vuelva a ocurrir I'll overlook it this time, but I don't want it to happen again
    17. Méx Fam [gustar]
    me pasa ese cantante I think that singer's great
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 pass;
    pasar la mano por run one’s hand through
    2 el tiempo spend;
    para pasar el tiempo (in order) to pass the time;
    pasarlo bien have a good time;
    ¡que lo pases bien!, ¡a pasarlo bien! enjoy yourself!, have fun o a good time!
    3 un lugar pass, go past; frontera cross
    4 problemas, dificultades experience
    5 AUTO ( adelantar) pass, Br
    6 una película show
    le paso al Sr. Galvez I’ll put you through to Mr. Galvez
    II v/i
    1 ( suceder) happen;
    ¿qué ha pasado? what’s happened?;
    ¿qué pasa? what’s happening?, what’s going on?;
    ¿qué te pasa? what’s the matter?;
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may;
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over;
    en el viaje nos pasó de todo fam just about everything happened on that trip, it was a very eventful trip
    2 en juegos pass
    ¡pasa!, ¡pase usted! come in!;
    pasé a visitarla I dropped by to see her;
    pasar por go by;
    pasa por aquí come this way;
    pasé por la tienda I stopped off at the shop;
    pasaré por tu casa I’ll drop by your house
    5 fam
    pasar de alguien not want anything to do with s.o.;
    paso de ir al gimnasio I can’t be bothered to go to the gym
    pasar de los 60 años be over 60 (years old);
    pasar de moda go out of fashion;
    hacerse pasar por pass o.s. off as;
    poder pasar sin algo be able to get by o to manage without sth;
    puede pasar it’s OK, it’ll do
    * * *
    pasar vi
    1) : to pass, to go by, to come by
    2) : to come in, to enter
    ¿se puede pasar?: may we come in?
    3) : to happen
    ¿qué pasa?: what's happening?, what's going on?
    4) : to manage, to get by
    5) : to be over, to end
    pasar de : to exceed, to go beyond
    pasar por : to pretend to be
    pasar vt
    1) : to pass, to give
    ¿me pasas la sal?: would you pass me the salt?
    2) : to pass (a test)
    3) : to go over, to cross
    4) : to spend (time)
    5) : to tolerate
    6) : to go through, to suffer
    7) : to show (a movie, etc.)
    8) : to overtake, to pass, to surpass
    9) : to pass over, to wipe up
    pasarla bien : to have a good time
    pasarla mal : to have a bad time, to have a hard time
    pasar por alto : to overlook, to omit
    * * *
    pasar vb
    1. (entrar) to go in / to come in [pt. came; pp. come]
    ¡pase! come in!
    2. (transcurrir) to pass / to go by
    3. (ocupar un tiempo) to spend [pt. & pp. spent]
    4. (andar, moverse) to pass / to go past
    ¿por dónde pasa el autobús? which way does the bus go?
    ¿a qué hora pasa el tren? what time's the train?
    5. (ir, visitar) to go / to stop by [pt. & pp. stopped] / to go
    6. (cruzar) to cross
    7. (dar, hacer llegar) to pass / to give [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¿me pasas la sal? can you pass the salt?
    8. (llevar, mover) to move
    9. (sufrir) to be / to have
    10. (aprobar) to pass
    12. (terminar) to be over
    13. (arreglárselas) to manage / to get by
    14. (ocurrir) to happen
    ¿qué te ha pasado? what happened to you?
    ¿qué pasa? what's going on? / what's the matter?
    15. (cambiar) to change / to go
    16. (exceder) to be over
    pasar / pasar de algo not to care / not to be bothered

    Spanish-English dictionary > pasar

  • 7 boca

    1 mouth.
    boca arriba/abajo face up/down
    (respiración) boca a boca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to give somebody the kiss of life
    2 mouth (entrada) (de botella, túnel).
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach
    boca de incendios fire hydrant
    boca de riego hydrant
    3 muzzle, fauces, maw.
    4 hors d'oeuvre.
    5 os.
    * * *
    1 ANATOMÍA mouth
    2 (de río) mouth
    3 (abertura) entrance, opening
    abrir boca to whet one's appetite
    hacer boca to whet one's appetite
    andar en boca de todos to be the talk of the town, be on everyone's lips
    arreglarse la boca to have one's teeth seen to
    boca abajo face downwards
    boca arriba face upwards
    callarse la boca to shut up, shut one's mouth
    correr de boca en boca to be the talk of the town, be common knowledge
    hacérsele la boca agua a alguien to make somebody's mouth water
    me lo has quitado de la boca you've taken the words right out of my mouth
    no abrir boca not to say a word
    no decir esta boca es mía not to say a word
    por la boca muere el pez silence is golden
    boca a boca kiss of life, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    boca de incendios fire hydrant
    boca de riego hydrant
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach
    * * *
    noun f.
    - boca arriba
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (Anat) mouth

    ¡cállate la boca! — * shut up! *, shut your mouth! **

    boca abajoface down

    boca arribaface up

    boca de mar — (Culin) crab stick


    en boca de, suena extraño en boca de un socialista — it sounds odd coming from a socialist

    por boca de — through

    - coserse la boca
    - dar boca

    de boca en boca —

    de boca para afuera —

    eso lo dice de boca para afuera — he's just saying that, that's what he says (but he doesn't mean it)

    irse la boca a algn —

    llenársele la boca a algn —

    - partir la boca a algn

    a pedir de boca —

    4) (=abertura, entrada) [de túnel, cueva, vasija] mouth; [de tonel] bunghole; [de puerto] entrance; [de arma] muzzle

    a boca de jarro —

    disparar a boca de jarro — to shoot point-blank, shoot at close range

    boca de metrounderground o (EEUU) subway entrance

    boca de mina — pithead, mine entrance

    boca de río — river mouth, estuary

    5) [de vino] flavour, flavor (EEUU)
    6) [de crustáceo] pincer
    7) [de herramienta] cutting edge

    boca de dragón — (Bot) snapdragon

    9) (Inform) slot
    10) pl bocas (=personas) mouths
    2. SM

    boca a boca, aplicar o hacer o practicar el boca a boca a algn — to give sb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, give sb the kiss of life

    2) ** [de cárcel] screw **, warder
    * * *
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    tener la boca seca/pastosa — to have a dry/furry mouth

    boca abajo/arriba — <dormir/echarse> on one's stomach/back

    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips; el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge; por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro por boca de su secretario general... the organization has made it clear through its general secretary...; lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister; abrir la boca to open one's mouth; mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut; andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was spreading like wildfire; a pedir de boca just fine; todo salió a pedir de boca everything turned out just fine; callar(se) la boca to shut up; en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut; cerrarle or taparle la boca a alguien to keep somebody quiet, shut somebody up (colloq); hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions (o ideas etc) parrot fashion; hacer or abrir boca (fam) to whet the o one's appetite; hacerle el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody the kiss of life; hacérsele la boca agua a alguien (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water; llenársele la boca a alguien con algo (fam): se le llena la boca con su apellido she's always boasting about her surname; meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands; no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word; no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name (AmE); (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark; quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted; quitarle algo a alguien de la boca to take the words (right) out of somebody's mouth; ser pura boca (Chi fam) to be all talk; tener una boquita de piñón (fam) to have a little mouth; en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it (colloq); por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous; quien or el que tiene boca se equivoca — (fam) to err is human

    c) ( persona)
    d) (Vin) flavor*
    2) ( de buzón) slot; ( de túnel) mouth, entrance; ( de puerto) entrance; (de vasija, botella) rim
    •• Cultural note:
    A neighborhood on the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, near the mouth of the River Plate. It was the city's first port, where Genoese immigrants settled in the early twentieth century. Its brightly painted wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs make it a major tourist destination
    * * *
    = mouth, gob, muzzle.
    Ex. He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.
    Ex. I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.
    Ex. She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * abrir la boca = open + Posesivo + mouth.
    * andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * boca 7 dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * boca abajo = upside-down.
    * boca de alcantarilla = manhole.
    * boca de colector = manhole.
    * boca de incendios = fire hydrant.
    * boca del estómago, la = pit of the stomach, the.
    * boca de sumidero = manhole.
    * boca reseca = dry mouth.
    * cielo de la boca, el = roof of the mouth, the.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * con el corazón en la boca = on tenterhooks.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de + Posesivo + propia boca = straight from the horse's mouth.
    * echar espuma por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * echar espumarajos por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.
    * hacerse la boca agua = make + Posesivo + mouth water.
    * hacer una mueca con la boca = twitch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * herpes de la boca = fever blister, cold sore.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * oír de la boca de = hear + from the lips of.
    * oscuro como boca de lobo = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * respiración boca a boca = kiss of life.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.
    * salud de la boca = oral health.
    * úlcera de la boca = canker sore.
    * * *
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    tener la boca seca/pastosa — to have a dry/furry mouth

    boca abajo/arriba — <dormir/echarse> on one's stomach/back

    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips; el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge; por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro por boca de su secretario general... the organization has made it clear through its general secretary...; lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister; abrir la boca to open one's mouth; mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut; andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was spreading like wildfire; a pedir de boca just fine; todo salió a pedir de boca everything turned out just fine; callar(se) la boca to shut up; en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut; cerrarle or taparle la boca a alguien to keep somebody quiet, shut somebody up (colloq); hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions (o ideas etc) parrot fashion; hacer or abrir boca (fam) to whet the o one's appetite; hacerle el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody the kiss of life; hacérsele la boca agua a alguien (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water; llenársele la boca a alguien con algo (fam): se le llena la boca con su apellido she's always boasting about her surname; meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands; no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word; no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name (AmE); (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark; quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted; quitarle algo a alguien de la boca to take the words (right) out of somebody's mouth; ser pura boca (Chi fam) to be all talk; tener una boquita de piñón (fam) to have a little mouth; en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it (colloq); por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous; quien or el que tiene boca se equivoca — (fam) to err is human

    c) ( persona)
    d) (Vin) flavor*
    2) ( de buzón) slot; ( de túnel) mouth, entrance; ( de puerto) entrance; (de vasija, botella) rim
    •• Cultural note:
    A neighborhood on the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, near the mouth of the River Plate. It was the city's first port, where Genoese immigrants settled in the early twentieth century. Its brightly painted wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs make it a major tourist destination
    * * *
    = mouth, gob, muzzle.

    Ex: He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.

    Ex: I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.
    Ex: She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * abrir la boca = open + Posesivo + mouth.
    * andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * boca 7 dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * boca abajo = upside-down.
    * boca de alcantarilla = manhole.
    * boca de colector = manhole.
    * boca de incendios = fire hydrant.
    * boca del estómago, la = pit of the stomach, the.
    * boca de sumidero = manhole.
    * boca reseca = dry mouth.
    * cielo de la boca, el = roof of the mouth, the.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * con el corazón en la boca = on tenterhooks.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de + Posesivo + propia boca = straight from the horse's mouth.
    * echar espuma por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * echar espumarajos por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.
    * hacerse la boca agua = make + Posesivo + mouth water.
    * hacer una mueca con la boca = twitch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * herpes de la boca = fever blister, cold sore.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * oír de la boca de = hear + from the lips of.
    * oscuro como boca de lobo = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * respiración boca a boca = kiss of life.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.
    * salud de la boca = oral health.
    * úlcera de la boca = canker sore.

    * * *
    no te metas eso en la boca don't put that in your mouth
    tener la boca seca/pastosa to have a dry/furry mouth
    te huele la boca a ajo your breath smells of garlic
    tengo que ir a arreglarme la boca I have to go and get my teeth seen to o fixed
    no hables con la boca llena don't speak with your mouth full
    como no te calles te voy a partir la boca if you don't shut up I'll smash your face in ( colloq)
    pide por esa boca ( fam); just ask o all you have to do is ask
    ¡esa boca …! language …!
    blando/duro de boca ( Equ) soft/hard mouthed
    2 ( en locs):
    boca abajo/arriba: échate boca abajo lie on your stomach o front
    duerme boca arriba he sleeps on his back
    puso los naipes boca arriba she laid the cards face up
    lo supimos de boca de las mismas personas implicadas we heard it from the horse's mouth
    uno no espera oír palabras así de boca de un cura you don't expect to hear such words from the mouth of o from a priest
    en boca de: términos de la psicología que están en boca de todo el mundo psychology terms which are part of everyday speech
    la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips
    se enteró cuando ya el escándalo andaba en boca de todos by the time he heard about the scandal it was already common knowledge, everybody was talking about the scandal by the time he found out about it
    por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro, por boca de su secretario general … the organization has made it clear, through the general secretary …
    lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister
    abrir la boca to open one's mouth
    abra más la boca, por favor open (your mouth) wider please
    mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut
    no abrió la boca en toda la noche he didn't open his mouth all evening
    andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was by now common knowledge
    desde que se enrolló con él anda de boca en boca since she got involved with him she's set a lot of tongues wagging
    su nombre anda de boca en boca her name is on everybody's lips
    a pedir de boca just fine
    todo saldrá a pedir de boca everything will turn out just the way you want it to o just fine
    callar(se) la boca to shut up
    ¡cállate la boca! shut up! ( colloq), shut your face o trap! (sl)
    en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut
    cerrarle or taparle la boca a algn to keep sb quiet, shut sb up ( colloq)
    con la boca chica or pequeña: lo dijo con la boca chica he didn't mean it o he said it insincerely o he said it without meaning it
    coserse la boca: yo te lo digo pero te coses la boca I'll tell you but you have to keep quiet about it o ( colloq) keep it under your hat
    de (la) boca para afuera: nos apoya de (la) boca para afuera he supports us in name only, he says he supports us
    es radical sólo de (la) boca para afuera he pays lip service to radicalism
    hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions ( o ideas etc) parrot fashion
    hacer or abrir boca ( fam); to whet the o one's appetite
    hacérsele la boca agua a algn or ( AmL) hacérsele agua la boca a algn: se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water
    meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands, put one's head in the lion's mouth
    no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word o open his mouth
    no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name ( AmE), they haven't got two brass farthings to rub together ( BrE)
    (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark
    parar la boca ( fam); to cut the cackle ( colloq)
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o ( colloq) flabbergasted
    quitarle algo a algn de la boca to take the words (right) out of sb's mouth
    quitarse algo de la boca: se lo quita todo de la boca para que sus hijos estudien he goes o does without in order to pay for his children's education
    ser pura boca ( Chi fam): eso de sus viajes es pura boca all that stuff about his travels is all talk o is just a lot of hot air
    tener algo/a algn siempre en la boca to go on o harp on about sth/sb ( colloq)
    tener una boquita de piñón ( fam); to have a little mouth
    en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it ( colloq)
    por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous
    (persona): muchas bocas comen de ese trabajo that work provides a living for a lot of people
    tiene muchas bocas que alimentar she has a lot of mouths to feed
    4 ( Vin) taste
    2 (de un túnel) mouth, entrance
    3 (de un puerto) entrance
    4 (de una vasija, botella) rim
    boca de dragón or (Ur) sapo
    ( RPl frml) sales outlet
    la falta de nafta se presentó en muchas bocas de expendio there was a shortage of gasoline ( AmE) o ( BrE) petrol at many filling stations
    fire hydrant, fireplug ( AmE)
    ( fam); pit of the stomach
    boca de metro or ( RPl) subte
    subway entrance ( AmE), underground o tube station entrance ( BrE)
    ( RPl fam): no seas boca sucia don't be so foulmouthed
    * * *


    boca sustantivo femenino
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    b) ( en locs)

    boca abajo/arribadormir/echarseon one's stomach/back;

    puso los naipes boca arriba she laid the cards face up;
    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips;
    el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge;
    por boca de from;
    lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister;
    a pedir de boca just fine;
    hacerle el boca a boca a algn to give sb the kiss of life;
    hacérsele la boca agua a algn (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water;
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted
    2 ( de buzón) slot;
    ( de túnel) mouth, entrance;
    ( de puerto) entrance;
    (de vasija, botella) rim;

    boca del estómago (fam) pit of the stomach;
    boca de metro or (RPl) subte subway entrance (AmE), underground o tube station entrance (BrE)
    boca sustantivo femenino
    1 mouth
    2 (entrada) entrance
    boca de metro, entrance to the tube o underground station
    boca de riego, hydrant
    el boca a boca, kiss of life o mouth-to-mouth respiration
    ♦ Locuciones: figurado andar de boca en boca, to be the talk of the town
    familiar ¡cierra la boca!, shut up!
    familiar hacerse la boca agua: cuando ve un bombón se le hace la boca agua, his mouth waters every time he sees a chocolate
    írsele la fuerza por la boca, to be all talk (and no action)
    familiar meterse en la boca del lobo, to put one's head in the lion's mouth
    figurado salir a pedir de boca, to turn out perfectly
    boca abajo, face down(ward)
    boca arriba, face up(ward)
    con la boca abierta, open-mouthed: nos dejó a todos con la boca abierta, she left us flabbergasted
    ' boca' also found in these entries:
    - callar
    - chiflar
    - cielo
    - decir
    - difusor
    - difusora
    - enjuagarse
    - frenética
    - frenético
    - fruncir
    - llaga
    - loba
    - lobo
    - negra
    - negro
    - palabra
    - pastosa
    - pastoso
    - pedir
    - pico
    - reseca
    - reseco
    - respiración
    - revés
    - sabor
    - tararear
    - tener
    - abierto
    - acostar
    - agua
    - arreglar
    - calentura
    - cerrado
    - cerrar
    - comer
    - enchuecar
    - enjuagar
    - entreabierto
    - herpes
    - ir
    - jeta
    - limpiar
    - llenar
    - mordaza
    - morro
    - seco
    - sensual
    - sensualidad
    - silbido
    - better
    - black
    - cut
    - dislodge
    - face
    - fire hydrant
    - froth
    - gob
    - hydrant
    - kiss
    - mouth
    - muzzle
    - open
    - parched
    - pit
    - pitch-black
    - pitch-dark
    - prone
    - puff
    - rinse
    - roof
    - spout
    - stomach
    - tongue
    - upward
    - upwards
    - wash out
    - water
    - wide
    - word
    - word-of-mouth
    - belch
    - do
    - down
    - drool
    - foam
    - hum
    - man
    - mum
    - nozzle
    - pipe
    - purse
    - put
    - roll
    - sewer
    - spoon
    - take
    - ulcer
    - up
    * * *
    1. [de persona, animal] mouth;
    una boca más para alimentar one more mouth to feed;
    me he arreglado la boca por muy poco dinero I had my teeth seen to for a very reasonable price;
    te huele la boca a tabaco your breath smells of tobacco;
    boca abajo face down;
    no es aconsejable poner a los bebés boca abajo it's best not to lie babies on their front;
    boca arriba face up;
    ronca más cuando duerme boca arriba he snores more when he sleeps on his back;
    poner las cartas boca arriba to turn one's cards face up;
    este paseo me ha abierto boca this walk has whetted my appetite;
    no abrió la boca he didn't open his mouth, he didn't say a word;
    será mejor que no abras la boca it would be best if you didn't say anything;
    si te hace falta algo, pide por esa boca if you need anything, just say so o ask;
    andar o [m5] correr o [m5] ir de boca en boca to be on everyone's lips;
    andar o [m5] estar en boca de todos to be on everyone's lips;
    buscar la boca a alguien to draw sb out;
    ¡cállate o [m5] cierra la boca! shut up!;
    siempre que hay problemas calla la boca whenever there are problems, he keeps very quiet;
    apareció en público para cerrar la boca a quienes lo daban por muerto he appeared in public in order to silence everyone who thought he was dead;
    de boca: de boca promete mucho, pero luego no hace nada he's all talk, he makes a lot of promises, but then he never keeps them;
    es muy valiente, pero de boca he's all mouth;
    de boca de: sorprendió escuchar insultos de boca de un obispo it was surprising to hear insults from the lips of a bishop;
    lo escuchamos de boca de los protagonistas we heard it (straight) from the horse's mouth;
    lo dice con la boca chica he doesn't really mean it;
    hablar por boca de ganso to repeat what one has heard;
    hacer boca: dimos un paseo para hacer boca we went for a walk to work up an appetite;
    se me hace la boca agua, Am [m5] se me hace agua la boca it makes my mouth water;
    cuando paso delante de una pastelería, se me hace la boca agua whenever I go past a cake shop, my mouth starts to water;
    irse de la boca to let the cat out of the bag;
    se fue de la boca he let the cat out of the bag;
    lo han detenido porque su cómplice se ha ido de la boca he has been arrested because his accomplice gave him away;
    meterse en la boca del lobo to put one's head into the lion's mouth;
    no decir esta boca es mía not to open one's mouth;
    no tienen nada que llevarse a la boca they don't have a crust to eat;
    partir la boca a alguien to smash sb's face in;
    salir/ir a pedir de boca to turn out/to go perfectly;
    poner algo en boca de alguien to attribute sth to sb;
    por boca de: [m5]el gobierno, por boca de su portavoz… the government, through its spokesperson…;
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be left speechless;
    me lo has quitado de la boca you took the words right out of my mouth;
    tapar la boca a alguien to silence sb;
    su nombre no me viene ahora a la boca I can't think of her name right now;
    siempre dice lo primero que le viene a la boca he always says the first thing that comes into his head;
    por la boca muere el pez silence is golden;
    quien tiene boca se equivoca to err is human, everybody makes mistakes
    2. [entrada] opening;
    [de botella, túnel] mouth; [de buzón] slot; [de cañón] muzzle; [de escenario] stage door; [de puerto] entrance;
    las bocas del Danubio the mouth of the Danube;
    a boca de jarro point-blank
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach; RP boca de expendio outlet;
    boca de fuego firearm;
    boca de gol goalmouth;
    boca de metro Br tube o underground entrance, US subway entrance;
    boca de riego hydrant;
    RP boca de subte Br tube o underground entrance, US subway entrance; RP boca de tormenta drain
    3. Zool [pinza] pincer
    4. [filo] cutting edge
    5. [del vino] flavour
    6. Bot boca de dragón snapdragon
    7. CAm [aperitivo] snack
    boca a boca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation;
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien to give sb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to give sb the kiss of life
    * * *
    1 mouth;
    boca a boca mouth to mouth;
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien MED give s.o. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation;
    boca abajo upside down; persona, cartas, libro face down;
    boca arriba right way up; persona, cartas, libro face up;
    dejar con la boca abierta leave open-mouthed;
    quedarse con la boca abierta be dumbfounded, be open-mouthed with astonishment;
    se me hace la boca agua my mouth is watering;
    hacer boca whet one’s appetite;
    a pedir de boca perfectly;
    ir o
    correr de boca en boca circulate, go around;
    callar la boca shut up;
    estar en boca de todos be on everybody’s lips;
    de otro fam parrot someone else’s views;
    meterse en la boca del lobo put one’s head in the lion’s mouth;
    taparle la boca a alguien fig keep s.o. quiet, fam
    shut s.o. up;
    con la boca chica without much conviction;
    partirle la boca a alguien pop smash s.o.’s face in fam ;
    poner algo en boca de alguien attribute sth to s.o.;
    quitarle a alguien la palabra de la boca take the words right out of s.o.’s mouth;
    llenarse la boca (hablando) de fig talk of nothing but;
    do without sth, deny o.s. sth
    2 ZO crab claw
    * * *
    boca nf
    1) : mouth
    boca arriba : face up, on one's back
    boca abajo : face down, prone
    boca de riego : hydrant
    en boca de : according to
    * * *
    boca n
    1. (de persona, animal) mouth
    2. (entrada) entrance
    cuando pienso en la comida, se me hace la boca agua when I think about food, it makes my mouth water

    Spanish-English dictionary > boca

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